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Part Playlist:
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat
Intentions - Justin Bieber


"What's this place?" I asked Rhea who just pulled into this parking spot of some sort of large building. Then I noticed the picture of ice skates by the entrance. "Ice skating?" I smiled at Rhea.

"Yeah." She replied. "You've been?"

I shook my head. "Well not here. I'm Russian, Rhea, everyone skates over there. I haven't been in... so many years, since I was a child."

"So you've lost your skating skills since then?" Rhea asked hopeful. Looking a little awkward.

I laughed. "I hope not. Why? Scared I'm going to skate rings around you?" I said cockily.

Rhea smiled. "Absolutely. I've never been."

I giggled to myself and hopped out of her truck. Oh, she was going to regret this so badly.

Inside, I examined the room and huge rink they had. I was a bubble of excitement and I just wanted to get out there.

Rhea paid and we got our skates. Putting them on, Rhea spoke. "I didn't even think that you'd be any good at this. But ballet would be similar right? It's smooth and graceful."

I nodded. "It's kind of similar. I think someone's just scared." I teased her.

Rhea rolled her eyes and slowly stood up on her skates, putting her arms out to steady herself. I laughed and stood up. "We aren't even on the ice yet, can you walk a few steps away?" I put my hand out and she took it. We stepped very carefully across the concrete, and I took the lead and slid onto the ice slowly, instantly remembering every single thing about it.

I turned to face Rhea had her tongue pressed against her cheek in worry. "Come on." I held my hand out and she took it. "Go slow, don't try and move to start, just try and stand still up on the blades."

Rhea followed my instruction and after an initial wobble and an extremely hard squeeze on my hand, she was steady. Then she looked at me at what to do next. "Now you skate." I smile and softly pulled her out further.

Rheas eyes widened. "Woah woah." She whispered and looked back to the barricade like she wanted to hold onto it.

I was so steady on my feet and basically pulling her along. Her feet were just stuck. "Push your feet out like this. Like a v shape." I slowly showed her, but she was so focused on not slipping over.

She pushed one foot out, and she instantly wobbled and chuckled nervously, looking at me and then back to her feet. "Shit."

"I got you, Rhea. You're fine. You fall all the time." I tried to assure her and squeezed her hand so she could use to steady herself again.

Rhea scoffed. "This ground is a lot harder than the wrestling mat."

I giggled because she was so right. She wasn't ready for her first fall.

After some time and extremely slow circles of the rink, she was getting better. Slow v movements. I'd never seen her so focused, it was sweet. As scary as she looked sometimes, she was a sweetheart. She was very cute.

"Want to try by yourself?" I asked.

"No no." She gripped my hand harder frightened. Then she laughed. "Sorry, I'm not ready."

"It's ok, just take your time." I assured her. "You're doing ama-"

One of Rheas foot buckled and slid out from beneath her, she let go of my hand before she fell completely on her side, knee smacking the hard ground.

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