Chapter 1

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"Living he loved me. Dying he saved me. Buried he carried my sins far away. Rising he justified, freed me forever. One day he's coming back. Glorious day." The congregation clapped and danced as the praise team sang. People of all races and ages sang and rejoiced together, including the first family.

First Lady Jackson sat with three out of nine of her and Bishop's children. Michael, Randy and Janet. The three youngest of the crew. Their older six children sat on the two rows behind them with their spouses and children. Bishop smiled every so often at his wife and family during worship service.

It was no secret that the couple were deeply in love with each other and the whole church found comfort in knowing that not only was the Bishop to God, he was also loyal to his wife. Something that's very rare among many men in leadership.

Along with loving his wife, Bishop Jackson also supported and loved his children, especially his daughters. Maureen, LaToya, and Janet, although grown up, were very much daddy's girls. All the men and boys in the church knew not to do wrong to any of the first daughters because you'll be dealing with Papa Joe, not Bishop Jackson.

The praise team finished their final song and one of the other ministers came to the podium, who just so happy to be a cousin of the family. "Weren't they amazing, church?"


"Come on, y'all can do better than that. Weren't they amazing?"


"Now, that's more like it." Everyone clapped. "It's a wonderful to be back in the land of the living and under God's love."


"I know we all have been working hard to make it through the week. We're all blessed to see another Sunday. Well in my case, hear another Sunday." The church laughed along with the minister. "If we can laugh at ourselves, what can we laugh at? But by God's Grace I'm still here and luckily he watches after me. He is my eyes, literally." They laughed again.

"You better stop, Pastor Morris." said another minister.

"Come on, Joe. You know how we joke?"

"You got that right, Stevie." Bishop Jackson spoke back.

"Amen. But even though I can't see, I know that God's Grace is sufficient and he will bring on a new day. My glorified eyes are waiting for me up there with my father and frankly if I'm gone see anything, I'm gone see heaven. Amen!"

"Amen!" Everyone clapped. Pastor Stevie Morris was a constant inspiration to the church. Being blind from birth left him with a lot of challenges, but he managed to live an amazing and influential life. He's created a number of programs and support systems for not only blind children, but for children with different disabilities. That's why the church offered a number of services for the children.

The church had managed to get a number of bibles in braille for those who are blind, there were sign language interpreters for those who are hard of hearing or deaf, and the whole church was designed for easy access for those in wheelchairs. All of these things made the church one of the biggest in the city.

"Alright, church. It's time to move on to one of the most important parts of our devotion. Sister Janet, please come and represent the young adults of the church." Everyone clapped as Janet stood up and made her way to the pulpit. Her father held his hand out for her as she walked up the stairs. When she made it up, he gave her small kiss on the cheek and led her to the podium.

"Good morning, church." Janet spoke.

"Good morning."

"Today, the youth church discussed the importance of love for the neighbor. The message was brought forth by Brother Mike and the scriptures covered were Matthew 22:39 and Galatians 5:14. Some examples used to express love for our neighbors were not those usually discussed. For example, instead of helping with the normal things, such as; helping those across the street and treating each other as we want to be treated, we expressed that loving your neighbor can be doing good for those who have done you wrong. Sister Shawnette expressed that being willing to be able to give a hug to someone who may not be the cleanest even though you're OCD and have an aversion to germs." The congregation laughed as Shawnette stood up and took a fake bow.

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