Chapter 23

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Joseph and Katherine sat in their living room worried along with their children. No one had heard from Janet in two days and she didn't come home last night. "So no one knows where she went?" asked Joseph.

"No, Janet never needs to be checked up on." said Rebbie.

"She's responsible enough for that." said Marlon.

"Obviously not. Why wouldn't she check in with us?" said Katherine. "I'm not saying that she needs to be tracked or check in every two seconds, but if she wasn't going to come home, she should've told us."

"Mother, calm down." said LaToya.

"No! I'm worried about my baby." She caught her breath. "I'm going to call the police."

"Okay, Kathy. Let's make sure we cover all the bases before bringing in the police." He took the phone. "I had Apostle Jenkins cover church for today so we have time." They sat down.

"Alright, what do we know?" asked Jackie. "What was Janet up to on Friday?"

"Well, she had a half day at school and I remember her being excited for the weekend but I didn't know why." said Rebbie.

"I remember her being excited to, but that was Thursday." said Katherine.

"Why was she excited?" asked Tito.

"She and....." Katherine's eyes got big. "Toni. She and Toni had a date on Friday. She was really excited about it. Toni had taken her shopping and got her a bunch of stuff and they were....very happy."

"So she had a date with Toni on Friday that she was excited about and didn't come home?" asked Mike.

"Yes." It was silent for a while.

"Has anyone checked with Toni?" asked Marlon.

"Michael said that he hasn't heard from Toni." said Joseph. Rebbie stood up.

"Toy, come with me."

"Why?" Rebbie grabbed her arm.

"Just come on." Rebbie and LaToya left the room. Everyone else was confused. They stayed out of the room for a few minutes before coming back.

"What's wrong?" asked Joseph.

"Nothing." Rebbie and LaToya sat down. Katherine's mind was racing.

"I had so much fun. I almost don't want to go home." said Janet.

"I know, but you have to. You have things to do. Homework and stuff for the church." Toni continued driving.

"Yeah, I know."

"We'll have more time together, don't worry." Janet pouted. "Uh uh, fix your face." Janet smiled.

"I'm just... I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but I'll see you tomorrow. We can just hang out and get something to eat."

"At your house?" Toni laughed.

"Sure." Janet smiled big as Toni pulled onto her street.

"Why don't you want me to call the police?" asked Katherine.

"Mother, I just feel like you're going too far. Janet's fine." said Rebbie.

"How do you know?"

"Because she's responsible and Toni would never hurt her." Katherine sighed and shook her head.

"No, I'm calling."

"Wait." Joseph stood up. "Why are you so sure that she's okay?" They looked at Rebbie.

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