Chapter 41

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"What else did you do?"

"I got all of my admission essays done and sent them out. Now I just have to wait for response letters."

"Well, don't stress, you got this baby."

"I know, but I'm still nervous."

"Don't be. Those schools would be stupid to not accept you." Janet laughed into the phone. It had been about two weeks since everyone found out about LaToya's situation and Toni had been gone the whole time with Janet's father. They didn't tell anyone except Katherine what they were doing or what they were planning. Janet tried to get Toni to tell her, but she refused. It was for the best for her not to know what was going on at the moment.

"Baby, you're so sweet. I miss you. When will you be back?"

"Soon, baby. We just have to finalize the plan for execution."

"Y'all are going to kill those people?"

"That's the plan. At least the ones in charge."

"Ohhh..." Janet bit her lip. "You're so bad."

"I'm bad, but you getting turned on by it."

"Shut up. I like when you're all big and bad. It's sexy." Toni chuckled. "I really miss you, baby."

"I know. But like I said, I'll see you in no time." Janet turned onto her stomach.

"Good, because we still have plans to make."

"Oh, right. Prom. Remember to let me know the colors so I can look for my tux."

"Okay, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, babe." They hung up and Janet laid her head down. She had been stuck in the house with almost nothing to do. The only good thing is she managed to get a lot of her schoolwork done and even got her college application in sooner than planned, which actually looked good to the admissions people. However, now that her work was done, she was extremely bored. It was so bad that she had rearranged her closet and her room as well as deep cleaned her bathroom and the kitchen. Luckily since her school situation was so unique, she really wasn't missing anything except Senior Seminar.

"Dunk!" She groaned and got up. Leaving her room, she went into the upstairs living room where her brothers were.


"We want to show you what we came up with." Her brothers were standing in a line formation with Mike in the front. She laughed.

"What is this?"

"Just watch and press play." Janet sat down and pressed play on the stereo. Some music started playing and her brothers began a dance routine. Mike stepped to the front.

"Automatic, systematic

Full of color, self-contained

Tune that channel to your box" He spun around.

"Captivating, stimulating

She's such a sexy lady

Filled with space age design" They all paused as Jackie stepped up a little.

"She's moving, She's grooving

Dancing until the music stops, now

Yeah" The music broke down and Mike did a fast spin before joining the rest of his brothers for the rest of the dance. Janet smiled as she watched her brothers work through their routine. When they finished, she clapped.

"That was so good. Did you guys write that?"

"Yeah, we had nothing but time." They laughed. "So? You liked it?"

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