Chapter 25

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"Ohhh, that's nice." Janet closed her eyes as she relaxed in the hot tub.

"Man, between this and that massage, I don't think I've ever felt this relaxed." said Rebbie. They laughed. They had been at the spa for two days and they definitely bonded. Her mother asked questions about how Janet was feeling about things and even though they hadn't gone too deep, Janet felt good about how receptive her mom was.

"So, Dunk." Janet lifted her head and looked at LaToya. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel good. This is the best thing ever." They smirked at her. "What?"

"I'm sure it's not the best thing." Janet blushed.


"Come on. You haven't said anything about it." said Rebbie.

"Because it's awkward. I can't talk to my big sisters and my mother about my....activities."

"Activities? You did it more than once." LaToya and Rebbie squealed. Janet rolled her eyes. Katherine laughed at her daughters.


"Aww, come on. This is a big thing for you. You should be able to be happy." Janet smiled.

"You don't have to tell us the...intimate parts. Just tell us....about the overall night." Janet sat up.

"Okay, but don't be weird."


"Well, she made the whole day special."


"She picked me from school and told me she had a surprise for me. While on the way there, she made sure that I was ready know."


"Yeah, she wanted to make sure that she wasn't influencing my decision. I assured her that she didn't."

"That's so sweet." said Rebbie. "What was the surprise?"

"She took me to the beach."

"Wow. Really. How'd that go?"

"It was great. I had never felt peace." Janet smiled at the memory. "Seeing the water so clear and the sky so clear made me" LaToya and Rebbie smiled.

"That's beautiful."

"Then she took me to a fair. We went on rides and played games." Janet chuckled. "She won me this bear and I thought it was so cheesy, but I liked it."


"Then we went to this beautiful hotel about thirty minutes from the city. She got us this secluded room and had it decorated with flowers and candles. We got settled and talked. She expressed how much she loved me and she told me that she was in love with me." Katherine smiled.

"And what did you say?" asked Rebbie. Janet blushed.

"Oh my god. Janet. You're in love with her too." said LaToya.

"Yeah. I don't know how to describe it, but I just feel so....joyful with her." LaToya fanned her eyes.

"Oh my god."

"Toy, you're so dramatic." said Rebbie.

"What? It's beautiful?" They laughed.

"What happened next?"

"That's when know."

"Okay, you don't have to go into detail, because.....eww, but how did you feel?" asked LaToya. Janet smiled.

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