Chapter 10

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Toni looked over the books from the past week and the week before trying to find the mistake. Collection had come up short by fifty thousand dollars and she needed to find it. She also needed to find out who lost it. Everyone was supposed to report back to the warehouse when they completed a job and right now the only name not showing up is Q's. "Oh, hell naw."

Toni got up from her desk and grabbed her gun. She stormed out to the warehouse floor and saw Q sitting with some of the guys, laughing and talking. He turned and saw her. "Hey, To.." She smacked him with the gun.

"Whoa." The other guys stood up.
"What the fuck, T?"
"Nigga, where the fuck is my money?"

"I paid you back. The hell you talking about?"

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about. You stole fifty g's from me. Where the fuck is it?" Q wiped blood off his face and stood up.

"I needed it for mama's hospital bills."

"My mom paid for those. Say another lie." Q looked nervous. "Where's my money?"

"Man, cool it. It's fifty g's. You got way more than that."

"It's not about how much I got, it's about the principle of the situation. You stole from me. If you needed money, you can ask me, we family."

"Oh really? You shot my brother when he asked you for money."

"No, I shot your brother because stole from me and lied about it, then tried to turn me in." Q looked nervous.

"Come on, T. Go cool off or something. You showing out about something else." Toni took a deep breath.

"Nigga, I'm gone ask you one more time, nicely;..." The other men looked between them. "....where is the money?" Q looked at Toni.

"It's where the fuck I left it." The men backed up as Toni put the gun to Q's head. He was visibly shaking. "Come on, T. Stop playing and put that gun down. You know how my mom go be if you blow my brains out."

"You're right." Toni the gun down.

"See, you try to be this big gangsta but yo....AHHHH!" Toni shot Q's foot.

"Now, how's aunt gonna feel about you shooting yourself in the foot?"

"I'll tell her you did it."

"And I'll tell her you just embarrassed and trying to cover your ass. Get out my face. When you get yourself together you come back to me." One of the other men dragged Q out as Toni went back to her office. She sat behind her desk and let out a breath. Rubbing her face, she tried to get herself together.

Truthfully, Q was just one of Toni's problems. She had been mixed in the head for the past few weeks and she had been trying to straighten it out, but couldn't. Something had been distracting her, and that something was Janet. Why did she have to go and kiss her? She'd like to say that it was because she just wanted to give her a good experience, but honestly, Toni liked Janet. It was something interesting about her and she liked being around her. However, she knew that she couldn't with the way she was feeling.

Janet was a sweet girl, an innocent girl and she couldn't be seen with someone like Toni. It wouldn't be a good look for the Bishop's daughter to be dating the daughter of the city's biggest drug dealer. It would make Janet look bad and that's the last thing she wanted. Janet deserved to be with someone like her; sweet, smart, level headed, proper. Toni was none of those things. She was mean, and even though she had some smarts, she wasn't as smart as Janet, she was hood and she had too much of a temper. Someone like that would get Janet mixed up in trouble.

Toni cared about Janet, she liked her, maybe even loved her and because of that, she knew to stay away. Save Janet's heart from the trainwreck she's been known to be. Was it hard? Of course, who doesn't want to be around the person they love. But when you love someone, you have to make sacrifices for their best interest. Janet had an amazingly bright future ahead of her and that couldn't be jeopardized. All her hard work had to pay off. If Toni had to be in pain for that to happen, then so be it. "Hey, T." Kenny walked in and caught Toni's attention. She sat up.

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