Chapter 36

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"Are you serious?!" Katherine jumped up. Janet nodded. "Oh my god!" Katherine hugged Janet and kissed her face.

"Janet, this is amazing. Congratulations." said Rebbie.
"Thanks." They all hugged her.

"Oh my god. We have so much planning to do." said Katherine. "We have to do a graduation party, get you a prom dress, Toni has to get a tux, you have to start applying to colleges, we have to get ready to get an apartment for you, and we have to pay the school some senior dues."

"No, my dues are covered."


"Yeah, the principal said as a part of my accomplishment, I get my dues covered."

"Cool." said Rebbie.

"We have so much planning to do. We can all help." said Katherine. "That reminds me, where's Toy?"

"Hmm..." Janet thought for a second. "You know, I haven't seen her in a while."

"Me either." said Rebbie."

"Call her." Picking up her phone, Janet dialed her number. On the third ring she picked up.

"Hello." She sounded tired.

"Hey, Toy Toy."

"Dunk, hey." Her voice perked up.

"What you been up to? We haven't seen or heard from you in a while."

"Oh...yeah, I've just been busy with some things. You know..."

"With your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, he's uhh...working on this business thing and it's been stressful for the both of us. Plus I have my own things going and I just...uhh...haven't had much time."

"Oh okay. Well, I had some good news and I need your help with it."

"What's up?"

"I'm graduating in May."

"What? Really? That's amazing. I'm so proud of you."

"I'm going to need your help with prom and everything plus a graduation party."

"Oh...sure. I'll uhhh...."

"LaToya." A voice in the background shouted.

"I'm in here." She answered.

"We need to work on the plans. It's too important."

"Okay, I'm coming." She sighed. "Dunk, I'll see you later, okay? Bye." She hung up. Janet looked at her phone.

"Bye." Janet sat her phone down and looked at her mother. "She's busy. She and Jack are working on this business thing and it's very stressful."

"Hmmm...okay." said Rebbie. "Anyway, we're going to get started on planning this. What colors are you thinking for prom?"

"Well, I always wanted to...." Janet was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it." Katherine went to answer the door.

"Go on." said Rebbie.

"Well, I'm thinking of going royal. The whole ball gown thing. I'm thinking of it being red or like a sparkling green."

"That's cute."

"Ummm...Janet." Katherine walked back into the kitchen.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I think you'd want to come to the door." Janet looked at Rebbie.

"Okay." They got up and went to the door. When Janet saw what it was, she smiled. "Oh my god." She ran.

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