Chapter 44

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"What the hell? You slept with my daughter's mother?"

"I didn't know she was your daughter's mother, because you never told us who she was."

"Because she wanted it that way." Toni and Mikey looked at Erice. She looked at the both of them.

"Hey, this isn't my fault. Mikey didn't tell me he was a Braxton. I would've been more careful."

"So you didn't notice we looked alike?" asked Mikey.

"Mikey, I got high and drunk a lot. I barely knew how I looked. Plus it wasn't like we were in a relationship. I'm a stripper and she had money."

"Jesus Christ." Mikey rubbed his head. "Okay, so this is just a big misunderstanding."


"And you weren't with her when you were with me?"


"Good." They all sat down. "So what was Toni doing here? Y'all still..."

"Naw. I came because I needed her help with something to do with Janet's family."

"And once i told her what she needed to know, I asked her for her with Eva, but since you're related this makes it easier."

"Wait. What's going on with Eva?" Mikey sat up.

"Toni will fill you in on the rest, but basically I'm leaving town for a while until it's safe for me, but I need Eva to be with you instead of my aunt."


"Because my aunt and my mother are involved in a crazy scheme against you and Bishop's families. I was forced to be a part of it, but it was only because she used Eva against me. She's threatened to hurt her if I tried to leave."

"Why don't you just go to the police after giving Eva to me?"

"Because mom is working with the Vincenzos and they'll find me. I may not be able to save myself but I can save Eva. Now that I know you're Braxton, I know she'll be the safest with you." Mikey went over to Erice.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've had something set up for her."

"I couldn't. I felt guilty for you being in there since my cousin was the one who lied."

"That has nothing to do with you. I told you that the first time we talked about it." Mikey pulled Erice into him. "But I get it. I understand and I'll go down with my mother as soon as possible to get custody of Eva."

"Thank you."

"So where are you going?"

"I don't know yet. I got one of those big vans and I've slowly been putting my stuff in there. I may head to Texas. I have a friend there."

"When will you be leaving?"

"A week." Mikey looked at Erice. Toni watched their interaction and immediately smiled.

"Y'all were in a relationship?" Erice smirked.

"Yeah. Mikey was my best boyfriend."

"Awww, now I feel bad."

"Don't be, we've figured out it was just a mix up. Plus you two weren't in a relationship and you're with Janet."

"Cool. Then I'll let you guys have your privacy." Erice stood up.

"Let me get the evidence for you."

"Ok." Erice went upstairs. Toni looked at Mikey. "Foreal, though, I'm sorry. I hope this don't cause any problems." Mikey stood up and hugged Toni.

Sinfully DeliciousDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora