Chapter 18

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Toni had a huge smile on her face as she drove to Janet's house. Their date on Friday went great and she was still on a high from it. The way Janet kissed her and asked her to touch her. It made her excited. Luckily, she kept her arousal at bay. She was keeping her word or making sure Janet didn't feel forced into anything. However, her desire to do it was getting stronger. So, of course, she had to take care of it to keep herself together. Let's just say, her room was kind of a mess. Plus she hadn't seen Janet all weekend and missed her like crazy. So she was even more excited to see her today.

She pulled up to the Jacksons' house. "Good morning, Toni." The guard greeted her.

"What's up, man?" She dapped him up and he opened the gate. Driving up to the house, she was so excited to get out that she almost forgot to put the car in park. When she did, she got out and practically ran up to the front door. She rang the doorbell and waited. After a minute, the door opened and she was greeted with First Lady's warm smile.

"Ahh, Toni. How are you this morning?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Same. Please come in." Toni stepped in and was met with the smell of breakfast. It was quite unusual for a Monday morning here. Bishop is usually gone to his work office by now and First Lady is usually at the church to oversee the programs that serve the homeless and hungry in the community. So why was she here?

"Good morning, Toni." She was greeted with a big hug by Bishop. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm...great. Thanks for asking."

"Of course." Bishop had never hugged her like that. He didn't dislike Toni but there was a healthy boundary between them. She followed behind him to the kitchen. "Good morning, Kathy."

"Good morning, Joe." Kathy? Joe? What in the world was happening? "Toni, would you like a plate?" She had a big smile.


"Awesome. I'll fix it for you." First Lady hummed as she made the plate. Bishop also hummed as he made his coffee. "Here you go, honey." She sat the plate in front of Toni. "I hope you enjoy."

"Thank you." Toni took a few bites and the food tasted amazing. It wasn't shocking though. First Lady was an excellent cook. It was just confusing as to why she was cooking this morning.

"You look very beautiful this morning. I love what you've done with your hair." Bishop complimented her. She giggled and held her neck.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself." Bishop held her waist and kissed her cheek. She couldn't stop giggling. That's when the dots connected. The breakfast, the humming, the extreme happiness, the compliments. Instantly, Toni was a little disgusted at the thought of First Lady and Bishop having sex, but it was obvious that's what happened. "Joseph, stop it." First Lady was inconsolable. Toni wanted to throw up.

" Janet ready?"

"You know, I've been wondering that myself. She's usually down already."

"Hmm. I wonder what's taking so long."

"Do you want to go check on her?"

"Sure."Toni quickly left the kitchen and headed up to Janet's room. Her door was still closed so she knocked. "Janet, babe. Are you ready?" Toni waited but got no answer. She knocked again and still no answer. Slowly, she opened the door and walked in. Inside, Janet was still in her bed. Toni approached the bed. "Janet." She gently shook her. Janet was knocked out. It was weird because Toni had texted with her earlier before she left the house.


"Janet get up."

"Mmmm, Toni no more. I'm tired." Toni stopped. What was she talking about?"

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