Chapter 29

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"Joseph, you were supposed to get her to come home." Katherine stood at his desk. He took his glasses off and looked at her.

"No, I said I would try and get her to talk to you. She's agreed to talk, but you have to go to her."

"What? Why?"

"Because she feels like you don't care about her. She feels neglected and unloved. We both share some blame. We should've checked up on her more and we should've listened to her."

"I don't..."

"Katherine!" Joseph stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "Enough excuses. What happened is not an excuse for you to treat her the way you have. Regardless of anything, she is your daughter, our daughter and she deserves for you to at least make the effort." He stood a deep breath. "She cried her eyes out simply because I called and checked up on her. She asked me point blank why you don't like her. She cried like a baby in my arms. This needs to be fixed and you need to do your part. Go and talk to her."

"What if she's mad at me? What if she doesn't forgive me?" Joseph came around the desk to her.

"It's not about you. It's not about me. It's not about anyone but Janet. Our baby is depressed. She told Toni that she wants to run away and be happy. That means she is not and never has been happy. Do you really want this destroying her when you could've helped? What if this depression eats at her? We've been to those homes where the kids commit suicide. We've seen their pain and regret and they've all said that something as simple as talking to the child would have prevented it. Do you really want that on your conscience?" Katherine looked down.


"Good. Go talk to her."

"When will you talk to her?"

"I already am. We've been texting back and forth all day." Katherine sighed.

"About what?"

"She's been telling me about her relationship with Toni and how well she treats her. We talked on the phone last night and she went on and on about that and college. She wants to major in business law and acting. She wants to be an actress and maybe start her own production company. It's really interesting." Katherine rubbed her face. "Talk to her. It'll be good for both of you."

"Hmmm....Okay. Okay. I'll go over there." Katherine left Joseph's office and went to gather her things. She also got a plate of food together she made last night. In the hopes that Janet would come back, she made all of her favorites. Once she packed everything up, she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Joseph met her there.

"Remember, it's about her. Don't argue. Just listen." She nodded.

"Okay." He kissed her cheek and she left out. Joseph had already gotten her car pulled around so all she had to do was get in. She pulled off and headed to Toni's house. While driving, she thought about everything she needed to tell Janet. She had to remind herself that she wasn't making excuses for her actions and she needed to take whatever Janet had to say. The goal was to focus on her daughter's feelings and not her own.

She pulled up to the gate of Toni's neighborhood and put in the code that Joseph told her. Pulling in, she drove to Toni's house. When she pulled up, she was in shock. Toni's house was very nice and big with a bunch of land around it. She pulled into the roundabout and parked. Getting out, she grabbed her purse and the bag she brought before going to the front door. Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell. "Toni! Someone's at the door and I'm busy!' She heard Janet's voice. A little while later the door opened and Toni froze.
"Hello, First Lady."

"Hello, Toni. I've come to see Janet."

"Oh...uhh..okay." Toni opened the door more and Katherine walked in. "Umm..the living room is this way." Toni led her there and Katherine sat on the couch. "I'll get her."

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