Chapter 45

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"Right there, baby. Oh my god." Janet held Toni's shoulders as she moved in her.

"Yeah, feel that shit. Fuck!"

"Mmmm." Toni sucked on Janet's neck. "Baby." Janet's legs were pushed closer to her head as Toni lifted up. Stopping her movements, she placed Janet's legs on her shoulders. She held her ankles and pounded roughly into her. "Daddy! Oh my god!" Janet reached around for something to hold onto.

"You like that, mamas?" Janet nodded.

"Yes. So good. It's so good, daddy."

"Fuck." Toni held her head back. She was in absolute heaven. Something about her intimate moments with Janet always had her mesmerized. Being inside of her felt like a drug. "Fuck, mamas. You feel so fucking good."

"Daddy, don't stop."

"Never, baby." Toni went deeper and Janet screamed out.

"Ahhhh oh my god!"

LaToya shook her head as she overheard the sounds coming from her little sister's room. She still wasn't used to Janet's activities, especially hearing it. "Hey, Toy." Katherine came into the room with Rebbie.

"What's up?"

"I heard some...."

"Oh my god! That's so good!" Janet yelled out. Katherine and Rebbie chuckled.


"You guys are used to that?"

"Yeah." said Rebbie.

"And you're like....okay with that?"

"Sure. Why not?" asked Katherine.

"I don't know. She's the baby. Dad's a Bishop. I just thought you'd think it's wrong."

"No. I'm fine with it. They're using protection and they try to be quiet, but Janet's too loud. Plus they wait until your father's not here. He's the one that can't fully handle it."

"Daddy! I'm....oh my...I'm gonna.....Ahhhhh!" Janet screamed followed by Toni's groans.

"I wonder why." They laughed. "Anyway, what were you going to tell me?" asked LaToya.

"Oh, yeah. Some info came out and the police have opened a big search for the Vincenzos."


"Yeah. Apparently, Jack sang like a canary the minute they arrested him." LaToya laughed.

"I can't believe I was scared of that guy." LaToya stopped laughing. "I was really scared of that guy." It was silent as LaToya looked down. "Man." She took a deep breath and looked up. "So do they have leads?" Katherine looked at her daughter.

"Sweetie, do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm fine. Tell me about the search."

"Because if you need to talk, we're here for you."

"Mother, I don't need to talk about it."

"You know, Toy...." Rebbie started.

"I don't want to talk about it!" LaToya shouted. She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." She rubbed her head. "It's just hard for me to talk about it. So much happened while I was with him and it's just so hard to relive it."

"I understand where you're coming from, Toy." said Rebbie. "I remember feeling like that when I was dating Tyler. He used to make me feel so bad that...."

"Wait, Tyler from your senior year?" asked Katherine.


"He hit you?"

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