Chapter 53

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"And surprise!" Janet smiled as she slowly worked her way into her room. "Look, babygirl." Joseph stepped into the room. "I made sure I found the cutest version of all the medical stuff they wanted you to have. Look." Joseph pulled out a walker and cane that was decorated with all gold and white glitter. It had cute chains and decorations all over them, just the way Janet liked.

"Ohhh." He handed them to her. "Thank you, daddy." She hugged him.

"I also had your room redone so that it's easy for you to move around. Plus I bought you some new clothes and stuff just because." Janet smiled.

"Awesome. I love it." Janet smiled.

"Good. Sit down while I get your bed ready." Janet sat at her desk and watched her father move around the room.

"Joseph, I think she can do that if she wanted." said Katherine.

"No, I got it. Gotta make sure everything's perfect for my baby." Joseph went over to Janet and helped her take her shoes off.

"Dad." Janet chuckled. When he finished, he picked her up. "Dad, I can walk."

"I know, but just being safe." He carried her over to her bed and laid her down. Janet situated herself onto the bed while Joseph made sure there were plenty of pillows behind her.

"How's that?"

"It's good."

"Are you sure? Because I can get more pillows. I bought a bunch."

"Dad, it's fine."

"Good. Now, I got all of your medicine from the pharmacy and I put it in this cute little case. See." He held up a decorated pill container that went into a zipped up pouch. "It even has the days with morning and night time labels."


"The bottles are in this drawer. I got another container to hold them so you don't lose them."


"And I put a mini fridge up here for all your drinks and snacks so you won't have to overexert yourself."

"Joseph, that's enough." said Katherine.

"Oh, wait. One more thing." He picked up a remote. "I had a home system installed in the house so that we can keep you safe. So if you fall or need any help, you can either press this button on the remote or use your voice to send for help. It's already programmed so all you have to do is call the system's name and tell it who you want to call or notify."

"Cool." He handed the remote to her.

"Okay. Is there anything else you need? Are you hungry?"


"Are you sure, because I can...."

"Joseph, she said she's not hungry. Give her some air." Katherine pulled him from the bed. As she did, Janet's room door opened again.

"Okay, baby." Toni came in. "I got everything from the car and I'm going to put it away."

"That's fine. I'll do it. The doctor said it's good for me to get back into the groove of doing things." Joseph and Toni looked at each other.

"No, I'll do it." Toni began to put things away. Janet sighed. "Oh, god. I forgot to ask." Toni went over and kneeled by the bed. "Are you hungry? Do you need anything? What can I get for you?"

"I'm not hungry, sweetie and I don't need anything."

"Are you sure, because I can..." Toni was pulled to her feet by Katherine.

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