Chapter 15

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"We should totally do that more."

"Girl, Tina you funny."

"Man, did you see that move he did last night, I couldn't believe it." Janet walked down the hall with her new group of friends. She was still awkward about having friends. They always were excited to see her and they actually wanted to talk to her, which was new for her. She was used to people not wanting to be near her.

"So, Janet, we're all hanging out tonight. You down?" one of the guys asked.

"Sorry, I can't. I have plans that night."

"What are you up to?" asked Tina.

"I have a date and I'm going to be getting ready for it." Janet smiled as she talked about it.

"Ughh, getting ready for dates is so much work. The hair, the makeup, the clothes, the nerves."

"Girl, yes, and then if it's your first date with someone, you have to fill the silences while trying to know them." another girl said.

"But it all works out. You get it, right Jan?" Janet looked at the girls.

"Actually, ummm...."

"Is this your first date?" She blushed. "Oh my god, we totally are going to help you get ready."

"This is where we exit fellas. We'll see yall later." They guys left as the girls sat on the stairs.

"So do you have your outfit planned?" asked Tina.

"No, my dad gave me his credit card to go shopping for it, but I'm just going to wear something from my closet."

"Hold on. Your dad gave you a credit card to use to buy whatever you wanted and you're not going to use it?"
"No, I already have a huge closet of clothes. Why do I need more? Especially for just one night?"

"There's no way you have the perfect outfit for tonight in your closet. It's the first date, it has to be special."

"Well, I have all of these clothes on the top floor of my closet that I haven't worn and..."

"You have a two floor closet?"


"That is so cool." Janet suddenly got nervous. Since she never had friends, she never told anyone about her house. Not every teenager lives in a private mansion in a gated community. Her room was bigger than some one bedroom apartments and she knew that. That's why she never talked about it.

"Yeah, thanks."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't talk about my house much. I don't want people to think I'm showing off."

"You're not showing off, you're just talking about your house. If someone gets offended then fuck them. Your parents worked for that house, you deserve to be proud of it."

"You're right. So you guys are cool with it?"

"Are we cool with our friend? Is that what you're asking?" Janet chuckled.

"I guess it is kind of stupid."

"No, there are some people who use others because of what they have, but that's not us. We like you."

"Cool." Janet smiled. "So would you guys come help me get ready? My mother never dated anyone other than my dad."


"When do you want us to come help?"

"Janet." Janet heard Toni's voice come towards her. "You're usually in the library during free period."

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