Chapter 35

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"Dunk, come out." Rebbie knocked on Janet's bedroom door. "Dunk."

"Go away." Janet pulled her covers over her head. Rebbie sighed and went back downstairs to the living room. Joseph and Michael looked over to her while Katherine stood up.

"How is she?" Rebbie shook her head and sat down. "What happened?"

"Something with Toni. I don't know what exactly, but my guess is....." she took a deep breath. "...Toni might've have cheated or lied about some other girl."

"What?!" Joseph stood up.

"When I picked her up, there was another girl standing outside the house and Janet was crying nonstop." Joseph's jaw clenched.

"I told her not to hurt my baby. I said......" He let out a breath. "Michael, get the keys." He went to the stairs and yelled up. "BOYS! DOWNSTAIRS NOW!" Soon multiple footsteps were heard coming downstairs.

"What's up, pop?" asked Randy.

"Shoes. Now. We got something to take care of."

"Yes, sir." They all went to get their shoes and came back down. Joe kissed Katherine's cheek.

"We'll be back." All of them left out.

"Erice, I need you to leave."

"No, Toni. Who the hell is this little girl?"

"My girlfriend." Erice laughed.

"Yeah, right. You're not fucking that little girl. Not when you have all of this."

"Erice, we never dated. We slept together and that's it. Now get out so I can fix my relationship. I don't know what you told her, but it's all going to backfire on me. So leave."

"You don't miss me?" Erica tried to move closer to Toni, but she pushed her away. "Come on." She pushed up on her again. "I know you miss all this." Toni got a hint of how Erice smelled and turned her nose up. She pushed her again.

"Get up off..." Erica smashed her lips against Toni and was instantly pushed to the ground. Toni wiped her mouth and felt like throwing up. "Get up and get out." Erica didn't move. Toni went over to the door and opened it. "Get ou....ohhh" Joseph and Janet's brothers were at the door.

"Hello, Toni."

"Hello, Bishop." Joseph looked at Erice. Toni looked at her and looked back at Joseph. "Oh, no. No. No. Bishop, you have to believe me. There's nothing going on here." They stepped in. Erice stood up off the floor.

"Bishop?" She laughed. "You're cheating on me with the Bishop's daughter?"

"No, because we're not together!" She turned back to Joseph. "Bishop, I swear. I love your daughter and I would never do anythi...."

"Love? Yeah right. You're nothing but a dirty, low down player." said Erice. Toni turned to her.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP AND GET OUT!" Everyone was in shock. "You've messed everything up because you're so fucking desperate. We were never together. We had sex." Toni turned to Joseph. "And I cut her off before I started dating Janet." She turned back to Erice. "I don't like you. I don't want you! I want Janet, but she may never talk to me again because you wanted to be petty and vindictive. So LEAVE! Don't talk to me again." Toni didn't realize it, but she had tears falling down her face. She turned back to Joseph. "I'll understand if you want me to stay away from your daughter. I'll get her stuff from upstairs." Toni walked away.

When she got upstairs, she began to gather up anything Janet had left here. That's when she realized she was crying. She didn't want to lose Janet. She loved her with everything in her. There was no one who was better for her. She sat on her bed and held Janet's shirt. When she left, she was still wearing Toni's shirt. She laid back on her bed and just cried.

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