Chapter 32

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Janet walked into her house and was met with the smell of food. She had spent the previous day with Toni and her family but was now back home. "Oohhh, it smells good in here." She went into the kitchen and saw her mother and Rebbie cooking up a storm. "What's going on?" Rebbie turned around.

"Dunk. I thought you were with Toni's family?"

"I was, but she has to study. What y'all cooking all this for?"

"Ummmm....someone's coming over."


"Grandma and grandpa."

"Oh, I love grandma when she comes. Is grandpa coming too? I know they've been busy with the business in Alabama and..."

"No, Janet...not them. They're not coming."

"Then who is?" Rebbie looked back at Katherine. "Who's coming, Rebbie?" Rebbie looked at Janet. "Rebbie?"

"Dad's parents are coming."

"What?!" Janet went to Katherine. "Why?"


"Why would you let them in our house after what happened?"

"Because it's time for the truth to come out. At first I wasn't going to but your father explained how important it is for the family to know about your Uncle's actions. Plus, we got the DNA results in the mail today and if he is your biological father, they need to know why." Janet's heart pounded.

"What will happen if he is?" Katherine sighed.

"Well, he would have the right to petition the courts for parental rights."

"Really, but Dad's name is on her birth certificate," said Rebbie.

"Yes, it is. However, when Janet was born there was a law in place that said, if the mother was married, regardless of the child's paternity, her husband would have to sign the birth certificate. So he could argue that we knew all this time or something like that and say he's entitled to see her."

"But I don't want to see him."

"Dunk, the results haven't been read yet. We may be worrying for nothing." said Rebbie.

"I just want to make that clear, just in case. Dad is my dad regardless of anything else and if Uncle Lawrence is my biological father then I want no parts of him, only medical information." Katherine nodded.

"I understand. This is about the both of us and I want your wishes to be heard as well."

"Okay." Katherine hugged Janet and rubbed her back.

"And again, I am so sorry. About all of this."

"It's okay, mother." They pulled apart. "It's not your fault."

"Are you okay?" asked Rebbie.

"I will be. I just need some time to prepare myself emotionally, just in case."

"Of course. They'll be here in two hours. You just go to your room and do what you need to do to prepare yourself." Janet nodded and left the kitchen. Running up to her room, she took her phone out and called the only person that could help her in this situation.

"I just don't know what to do. I mean, they'll be here soon and I have to sit there with them. I have to act cordial like my Uncle didn't rape my mom and may be my biological father." She paced around her room. "I really want to think positively here, but it's hard when my whole world could come crashing down."

"Sit down, honey. Take a breath." Janet sat on her bed and grabbed a pillow.

"I just don't know what to do."

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