Chapter 24

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"Yo! Look who decided to show up." Toni laughed as she entered the warehouse.

"Shut up, nigga." Kenny dapped him up and they headed towards her office.

"I was busy this weekend." Kenny looked at him and smirked.

"You looking real relaxed." Toni smirked and Kenny stopped walking. Pulling her back, her looked Toni up and down. "Yoooo! You lying right now." Toni licked her lips and chuckled. "Nigga, say sike right now."

"I'd be lying." Kenny chuckled.

"You got with Janet?" Toni smirked again. "Nigga! How? That's the Bishop's daughter."

"That's our business." Kenny held his chest.

"Oh, secretive are we. Aight then, I respect it." Kenny dapped him up again. "So that's where yo ass was. Okay, then. So you figured everything out? Got your questions answered?"

"Yep, and man, all I'm only gone tell you is this...the best response ever."

"Nigga, let me go ask Mama Evelyn for advice." Toni laughed and continued on to her office.

"You crazy as hell." Kenny followed behind her.

"Anyway, let me tell the crazy shit that happened while you was gone."

"What happened?"

"Man, why that bitch from the church show up and..." Toni opened her office causing the conversation to instantly stop.

"Hello, Toni." Toni felt her heart start racing.

"Come on in, you guys." said Toni's dad. Kenny and Toni went in and closed the door. "Sit down." They sat on the couch. "Go ahead."

"Toni, I just want to talk."

"What about, Bishop?"

"You and my daughter. I've just come into some information and I just....." Toni's heart sped up. She rarely ran into someone that scared her, but Bishop Jackson definitely did, especially because this was her girlfriend's dad. "I think you're a great person. I trust that you will treat my daughter well."

"Of course."

"However, I want to ensure that what I believe is the truth."

"I'm sorry?"

"Your feelings for my daughter should be true and real. It better not be a ploy for her to be used for your sex games." Toni's heart dropped. Did he know? "I know what happened between you and my daughter this weekend." Oh shit. "Now, I don't like the fact that this happened. No man wants to...." He shuddered and stood up. Toni looked at her father and he gestured for her to stand.

"Bishop, I...." Joseph held his hand up.

"I don't believe you would hurt my daughter but let me explain something to you." He took a deep breath. "That's my baby girl. My baby. MY daughter and I don't care how long I've followed Jesus. I don't care what the consequences are or will be. I don't care if it's with the last of the strength in my body." Toni saw something switch in his face. "I will kill you, if you hurt her. If she comes home hurt or crying saying that you did anything, you'll have me to deal with."

"Yes, sir."

"You're a nice kid. You respect my wife and my daughters. I would hate to have to hurt you."

"I would hate that too, sir."

"Good." Joseph backed up. Toni released the breath she was holding and sat down. "Now, according to my wife, Janet has made it clear that she will do what she wants with her body and this whole......relationship with you two."

Sinfully DeliciousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora