Chapter 37

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"Choco. Sit." Janet held a treat up. "Choco. Choco." He looked at her. "Sit." It took a minute, but he eventually sat. "Good boy." She gave him the treat and rubbed his head. It had been about a week since Toni got Janet a puppy and she was loving every minute of it. She had turned an area in her room into a little bedroom and play area for him. He of course loved it. At first Janet was worried that her family wouldn't like her having a dog, but she was proven wrong. "Come on, Choco."

Janet got up from her bed and stood at the door. "Come on." She patted her leg and Choco followed her. Leaving her room, he stayed right by her feet until she got downstairs into the living room.

"Hey, Janet."

"Hi, Dad." Choco immediately started barking and jumping around Joseph.

"Awww, man." Choco managed to get on the couch and jumped into his lap, licking his arm and face. "Come on, Choco. That's enough." Choco looked at Joseph before licking him again. "Ughh." Janet laughed as her father tried to fight off Choco. This was a regular thing with them, but like always, Joseph gave in. Choco eventually stopped playing around and laid on Joseph's lap. Janet sat on the other side of the couch.
"So how's everything been going?"

"Pretty good. I got all my college applications sent in. The principal had to send in special letters to all of the colleges so they could understand my transcripts."

"Wow, and what about this prom thing?"

"Well, that's kind of funny." Janet laughed. "I decided on the colors for my dress. I'm going with blue and gold."

"Nice. What's that funny?"

"Because when Toni found out the design of my dress, she realized that she really needed to get a tux and when she found out the design of it, she kept saying how she wasn't from a fairytale because all those princes were white." Joseph laughed. "So we changed it up a bit."

"I can't wait to see it." Janet looked down.

"Dad, can I talk to you about something?" Joseph sat up.

"Sure." Janet picked with her fingers and ear.

"So...." Janet was nervous. She didn't know how to bring this subject up to her father. He was always a sounding board for her, but this was very weird. "I ummm...." She chuckled. Joseph moved over in concern.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Ummm....I ummm....I've been messing up lately."

"Messing up?" She nodded. "How?"

"With Toni."

"What do you mean?" She rubbed her neck.

"During our......activities." Joseph tensed up a little, but remembered what Michael said.


"I've had this.....uhhhh." Janet looked at her father.
"You know what, It's probably better for me to talk to mother about this."

"Sweetie, you can talk to me."

"Dad, it's know...and that's weird for me to talk about with you."

"Janet, you can talk to me about anything. If your mother wasn't around you would have to talk to me. I'm your parent. Talk to me." Janet smiled.

"Fine." She released a breath. "So Toni and I"


"And I have started having this......need for......" Joseph resisted the urge to tense up. "......babies."


"Yes. With Toni. I want to be around her all the time and all I can think of is wanting a family with her, marrying her. I almost....don't even want to do anything else." Janet sat back. "I'm scared. I don't want to mess things up and then I kept taking off...." Janet instantly stopped talking.

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