Chapter 22

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Janet groaned as the sunlight hit her face. Turning over, she slowly opened her eyes and felt around on the bed. She felt nothing but covers and pillows. Where was Toni? She sat up and stretched causing the covers to fall off of her body. When the air hit her body, she shuddered and covered herself back up. The memories of last night flooded her mind. After a brief sleep, Toni once again gave Janet an exceptional orgasm. Janet smiled at the memory of Toni's kisses all over her body. That brought her back to her original question. Where was Toni? "Ahhh, you're up." Janet smiled.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." Toni went over to the bed and leaned in for a kiss, but Janet backed away.

"Toni, I haven't brushed my teeth."

"So?" Janet smiled and let Toni give her three small kisses. "I hope you slept well."

"The very best sleep ever."

"Good." Toni kissed her again. "Come with me." Toni held Janet's hand. Janet went to stand up, but almost fell.


"Sorry. I almost forgot." Toni picked Janet up and carried her.

"Why can't I feel my legs?"

"Because I did my job correctly." Janet blushed and laughed.

"Oh my god." Toni carried her into the bathroom where she had just finished preparing a warm bath for Janet. "Is that for me?"

"Yep." Toni gently lowered Janet into the tub. Janet felt her body relax and she sighed.

"This is nice." Toni kneeled down next to the tub.

"I want you to feel pampered and relaxed. I'm going to go and clean up. You just rest."

"Okay." Toni kissed Janet before leaving out. Janet laid her head back against the tub and let her mind wander. Toni was treating her so nicely. Like a princess. No, not a princess. A queen. Janet never imagined this type of treatment and that made her love Toni more. She would've never expected this when Toni first started driving her around, but she's so happy her father had her do it. Who knows when Janet would've had this experience and who knows if it would've been this good.

Over and over, the events of last night played in her head. The way Toni held her. The feeling of Toni inside of her. The feeling when she had her very first orgasm. For some reason she felt like someone getting high for the first time and now she wanted to chase that feeling. She had never felt anything like it. She wanted it all the time. She almost dreaded having to go home to her parents.

Coming out of her thoughts, Janet began to wash up. Toni must've bought soap because this wasn't what Janet packed. She lathered her body with it and the smell of vanilla filled her nose. She never used this scent. For some reason, she thought it wouldn't smell good on her. She was definitely wrong. She smelled fantastic. Once she finished washing up, she got out of the tub and drained it. She found her toothbrush and skin care products. She brushed her hair and put in a high ponytail before washing her face and brushing her teeth. Noticing the robe on the back of the door, she put it on and exited the bathroom.

Toni had cleaned everything up and remade the bed. There was also a beautiful breakfast set up and music was playing softly. "Awww. You got breakfast." Toni turned around and smiled at Janet.

"Yep. Turkey sausage with an egg white omelet, mashed avocado, cinnamon bagels with cream cheese, and of course....your favorite....strawberries." Janet went over to the table. Toni pulled a chair out for her to sit in. Once Janet was situated, Toni sat down and began to eat her breakfast.

"This is delicious." Janet took multiple bites of her food.

"Whoa, slow down. It's not going anywhere." Janet laughed and sat her fork down.

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