Chapter 13

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"Alright ladies, now what does this passage teach us? Yes, Shawnette?"

"It teaches us patience."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means we shouldn't be quick to get upset or annoyed." Another girl answered.


"Because it isn't good."

"Why isn't it good?" First Lady stood in front of the women and awaited an answer. She smiled. "See the thing we have to figure out first is, who is God telling us to be patient with?"

"Our neighbor?" asked one of the women.

"While you're right, you are also wrong. He is being very specific here. See the previous verse spoke on marriage, so God is telling us to be patient when it comes to our husbands."


"See ladies, it is a fact that although women may be the more intelligent of the genders, we are also the most emotional. We have a tendency to talk out of turn or out of emotion. Moments when our husbands or boyfriends say something crazy to us or does something stupid, we go off. We've all felt the anger when our husband messes up something we just cleaned or when they do stuff in a way that doesn't make sense to us. We blow up and yell. 'Why couldn't you do this? Why did you do that?' We've all been there." The ladies laughed.


"But do you know what that does to our husbands? It shakes their confidence. In the same way, when they say things or do things that make us hurt, we can have the same effect. That's why we must be aware of our emotions and words. I know it's hard but it's necessary."  The women nodded in agreement. "Now, here's your homework. Go home and make a list of things that make you angry and why. Pray never that list and ask for God to grant you patience. This is a daily thing. So make sure to recite the prayer every day." All of the ladies wrote the instructions down in their notes.

"Now, that's all for tonight ladies. We will meet again next week." They all began putting their things away. First Lady led them in prayer and they left. "Alright, Janet. You ready?" She got no response. "Janet." She looked at Janet, who still had her things opened, but was looking into space. Katherine went over to her. "Janet." Janet jumped.
"Huh?" Katherine laughed.

"It's time to go." Janet looked around and saw that everyone was gone.

"Sorry." She laughed and got her stuff together in her bag.

"It's okay." They turned everything and left the sanctuary. "What were you thinking about anyway?"


"Stuff, like Toni?" Janet blushed as they got in the car.

"Maybe." Janet picked at her fingers. Katherine shook her head.

"How's things with you two?"

"So good. She's so sweet." Katherine was shocked.

"Toni's sweet?"

"Yeah, I mean, not with everyone but she's sweet to me."

"Well, I'm happy for you. At least she's treating you nice."

"Yeah." She sniffled.

"Are you okay? Are you crying?"

"No, I'm fine. My allergies are just messing up. I think I forgot to take my medicine."

"Aww. I told you to get one of those pill containers and keep it on your nightstand."

"I know, I keep forgetting to put the medicine in there." She sneezed. Katherine reached in the armrest.

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