argument - j.o

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argument - j.o


"God, you're so fucking annoying, Jenna." Those were the last words you said to her during your argument over the phone before she hung up on you.

After giving yourself time to cool down and think over things, you realize something; you fucked up.


You drive yourself to Jenna's house, a sense of relief coming over you when you see that her car is still in the driveway. You hoped that she'd forgive you.

After getting out of your car, you walked up the porch stairs and entered through the front door. Jenna's house was a second home to you, you were always welcome.

Upon entering the house, you find Cash, Jenna's nephew, playing on the floor with one of his toy trucks.

You smile softly and kneel down next to him. "Hey, Cash. How are you doing, buddy?"

"I feel sad." He responds, pushing back and forth the truck on the floor mindlessly

Your smile falls and your expression turns to concern. You rub his back gently. "Why do you feel sad?"

Cash avoids eye contact as he pushes the truck around. "I heard Auntie Jenna crying in her room. She is sad."

You sat up a bit straighter, your heart sinking to your stomach. You were the cause of it. You quickly blinked away tears before Cash would notice.

"I'm going to go check on her, okay?"

Cash nods and looks up at you with a small smile. "That will make her better. She always tells me you make her happy."

You stood up with your heart crumbling. You wished you could take it all back.

You went upstairs and found that her bedroom door was closed. With a quiet sigh, you approached the door and knocked softly. "Jens?"

No response.

You opened the door slowly, peeking your head in. Jenna was curled up on the top of her bed, facing away from the door.

You entered the room and closed the door behind you, locking it behind you so no one would try and come in.

"Jenna?" You repeat, again with no response.

As you walked closer to her, you could hear her quiet snores and see the rise and fall of her chest as she slept peacefully.

You kneel down on the side of the bed, carefully moving some of Jenna's hair from her face, revealing her mascara-stained cheeks.

"Oh, my girl," you whispered and your lips tugged into a frown.

Delicately, you moved the blankets and slid yourself into the bed next to her, you lay on your side and pulled her close.

Using one hand you held her head into your chest. "I'm sorry, Jens."

Jenna stirs lightly at the movements. She stiffened up for a brief moment before melting into your touch once she realized it was you.

Her small arms wrapped themselves around you and she nuzzled her face deeper into your chest, taking in your scent before letting out a gentle cry.

You held her tightly, tears forming in your eyes, regretting the entire argument.

"I'm sorry for being annoying," Jenna muttered against your chest.

You moved back slightly. "Look at me," you said, putting a finger under her chin and having her look at you.

Her face, again wet with tears, looked up at you with her large, brown, watery eyes. Her bottom lip was quivering.

"I'm sorry. I am sorry for saying such hurtful words and being inconsiderate. I hope you can forgive me and know I promise to never, ever, say anything like that to you again." You trailed the back of your hand lightly down her cheek.

Jenna nodded, wiping away her tears. She leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on your lips.

You pulled away to say more until Jenna grabbed your face and pulled you into another kiss. She intensified the kiss, brushing her tongue against your bottom lip and asking for allowance.

You opened your mouth slightly allowing entrance for her tongue, one of her hands started to roam your body until a knock at the door stopped you both in your tracks.

"Auntie Jenna?" Cash spoke through the crack of the door. "Are you happy now so we can go get ice cream?"

Jenna pulled away and both of you began to laugh.

"Looks like you gotta get going," you patted the side of her hip. "Can't keep the boy waiting for that ice cream you promised."

Jenna rolled her eyes playfully, smirking. She shuffled her way out of the bed and looked back at you. "We will continue this later." She winked.


a/n: giving y'all a break from the angst.... for now. also inspired from another oneshot i saw on tiktok hehehe

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