Chapter 2

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Jin closes the front door and hugs Jimin tightly. They walk inside together, where they sit on the couch.

"Jimin, what happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Jin asks.

Jimin shakes his head and cries even harder, he can't believe Yoongi hyung is with someone else and not him. He had hoped that he would mean something more to Yoongi hyung. They got to know each other well in the library during tutoring and often had a lot of fun. But when he was seriously teaching him, he didn't miss the fact that Yoongi Hyung would sometimes look at him or that their hands would accidentally touch each other. It was mainly small moments that created a warm feeling inside. He had hoped that Yoongi hyung would feel the same way.

After a while, Jimin calms down and breaks away from Jin's embrace. Jin hands him a few tissues and gets a glass of water, which Jimin gratefully accepts and drinks.

"Would you like to talk about it now?" Jin asks. Jimin nods.

"Oh hyung, I was so stupid. I wanted to surprise Yoongi today and went to his apartment unannounced. But when I just walked in there, he was making out with another guy on his bed".

Tears well up in his eyes again and fall down his cheeks. Jin looks at the sad face of the boy in front of him. "But why do you have to cry so much about that, Jimin?", Jin asks as he gives Jimin another tissue to wipe his tears.

Jimin bows his head, feeling ashamed but knowing he can talk to Jin about anything. After all, he also likes men. He looks at Jin, "Because I have a crush on Yoongi hyung and I had hoped that he would like me too over the past year. But apparently I mean nothing to him, I'm only good enough as a friend, Jimin sniffs.

"Oh my god, Jimin," Jin whispers. "I didn't know you were attracted to men. Does anyone else know about this or am I the only one," Jin asks.

"You're the only one who knows this now," Jimin says, "and I would also like it if it stays that way. I'm glad that I now have someone I can talk to about this, which is a great relief. Even my parents and brother don't know about this."

"But why did you want to surprise Yoongi," Jin asks.

"I wanted to tell him that I was accepted to the same university that he and Namjoon hyung go to. I had convinced myself that he would really like that, but that was just a stupid thought. I have now decided that I don't want to go there anymore, I can't handle seeing him flirting or kissing someone there all the time. I don't want to see that."

"I'm going to do things differently, I'm going to change my life drastically. I also received a letter from a university in New York. I had a lot of doubts about what I should do and ultimately chose the university here in Seoul, but that was stupid.

I'm going to New York, I may never get that chance again. I'm going to work on my future, even if it's without Yoongi," Jimin says with a gloomy face.

Jin looks at Jimin sadly. "I'm going to miss you Jimin, when are you leaving?"

"As soon as possible hyung," Jimin says firmly. "We still have to go to school in the coming weeks, which will be very awkward, because no one knows about my plans."

I'm going home soon to inform the university that I would like to come to them and deregister from the other university. And of course I have to talk to my parents. Once that's done, I'll start packing my bags and as soon as I get the signal that I can come to New York, I'll go there. Then I can at least explore everything there a little and establish myself there."

"Jin hyung, can I ask you one thing?"

"Of course Jimin," Jin says

"Would you please not tell anyone, except Namjoon, what happened and where I went. I would like to prepare in peace and I don't feel like having an extensive farewell party. After all, it is only for 4 years and then I will probably come back to Seoul to start my career here," says Jimin.

"But you can't be serious, Jimin," Jin exclaims indignantly. "What should I tell them then?"

"I don't know hyung, but I'm sure you'll make a great story out of it," Jimin smiles. "I'll let you know when the time comes, so you can tell the others I'm gone."

Jimin gives Jin a big hug. "Thank you hyung, for taking good care of me." And before Jin can even say anything back, he walks out of the house, almost bumping into Namjoon.

Namjoon walks in and sees his Jin standing there with a tear-stained face. "Oh Jin, what happened," Namjoon asks. "Did you two have a fight?"

"No, honey, he's going to leave us," Jin cries. Namjoon pulls him into a loving embrace and lets his boyfriend cry. While crying, Jin tells Namjoon the whole story. He tries as best he can to comfort his Jin with all kinds of sweet words and eventually Jin calms down again. "That also explains why I saw Yoongi walking hand in hand with another boy, although I didn't have the feeling that it made him happy."

"But honey, we can always visit Jimin in America, for example during Christmas break or spring break or summer break next year."

A broad smile appears on Jin's face. "Yes, that's not a bad idea actually, that's what we're going to do, we're going to make it a surprise for Jimin," he shouts enthusiastically and gives Namjoon a kiss on the lips.

"Well", Jin continues, "remember, honey, that he asked us not to say anything to the others about this and especially not to say where he went. We will have to come up with a story or maybe it would be better to say that we don't know where he has gone either".

Forever in my heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora