Chapter 38

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"Dearly beloved",

"Today we gathered at Park Jimin and Min Yoongi's wedding to connect these two people in real life. If there are still people who disagree with this, then speak or remain silent forever". The official looks around laughing and Yoongi and Jimin half turn to see if anyone responds, but fortunately it remains silent.

They turn back and the official looks at them reassuringly. The tension fades away a bit.

The official continues. "Jimin, you were in love with Yoongi, which no one knew, but your feelings were not reciprocated by him at first. You were given the opportunity to study in New York and left without telling. Only your parents and Jin, a good friend of both of yours, knew about this". Jimin looks at Yoongi and sees the sad look in his eyes for a moment and he rubs Yoongi's hand with his thumb. Yoongi looks at him with a smile.

"You started enjoying your university life and that resulted in you becoming a father in your first year of university. Once again, no one else knew about this except your parents and Jin. You have taken care of yourself with the help of the people around you and Jiyoon has now grown into an almost 4-year-old girl".

Everyone looks at Jiyoon with a smile as she shyly climbs onto her grandmother's lap.

"You, Yoongi, woke up in the meantime and realized that you missed your Minnie. Jin, together with Namjoon, his boyfriend, then arranged for you to go with them to New York and meet Jimin again. Then you also found out that Jimin had a baby to take care of and you instantly fell in love with her, but she also fell in love with you.

You decided to spend the summer in New York and talk a lot and slowly your love for each other blossomed.

When you graduated from college, you and Namjoon formed a plan to both move to New York to live with your loved ones. And you have now adopted Kyung and Jiwon and are a happy family".

"Before I continue with the official part, I would also like to point out "the rights and obligations". I'm not going to read them all. But for one article I have to make an exception. That's article eighty-one: It states that":

"Married couples owe each other true-openheartedness, aid and assistance. They are obliged to give each other what is necessary." So, you can depend upon each other: everywhere and under all circumstances. Yoongi and Jimin, sometimes we just for a moment hold someone's hand. To seek support or to give support. With a handshake we express our feelings. With this handshake of today, you will presently put down your feelings about staying together, through thick and thin, for better and for worse; in happy and sad times"

"Yoongi and Jimin, now is the time. Therefore I ask you to rise up and take each others right hand. I would like you - in the presence of your witnesses - to answer the following questions":

"Min Yoongi, do you solemnly declare to take Park Jimin as your husband and promise to fulfill all obligations legally associated with marriage? What is your answer"?

Yoongi looks into Jimin's beautiful eyes and says "Yes, I do".

"Park Jimin, do you solemnly declare to take Min Yoongi as your husband and promise to fulfill all obligations legally attached to marriage? What is your answer"?

Jimin looks at Yoongi and smiles. "Yes, I do".

"Then, as the registrar of New York, I hereby declare your marriage solemnized in the name of the law."

"You can kiss each other."

Yoongi pulls Jimin towards him and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. When they withdraw, they look at each other with big smiles and turn to their guests. There is applause and cheering.

"Okay, now I want to call the one with the rings to the front" and Jiyoon gets up from her seat and walks a little shyly towards Yoongi and Jimin. She gives the rings to the registrar and then walks to Jimin, who picks her up and hugs her. "Well done sweetie", he says and he puts her back on the ground and she quickly walks to her grandparents.

"Yoongi, would you put this ring on Jimin's finger while you say your vows."

Yoongi takes the ring and takes Jimin's hand in his. He slides the ring on his finger and looks Jimin in his eyes. He says "with this ring, I give you my heart and I promise you that I will always be there for you and the children in good and bad times, I love you very much, with all my heart." He wipes away the tear that falls down Jimin's cheek and gives him a kiss.

Jimin takes the other ring and takes Yoongi's hand in his. He slides the ring on Yoongi's finger and looks at him. He feels the emotion coming and quickly says "with this ring, I give you my trust and I promise you that the love I feel for you is based on the trust I have in you. I love you very much and I will always be by your side."

Tears are now falling down both their cheeks and Yoongi pulls Jimin into his arms to recover from the emotions together. Then they look at each other in love and kiss each other on the lips.

There are cheers around them and loud clapping. Jiyoon runs towards them and Yoongi catches her and gives her a big hug. "Now I'm really your daddy," Yoongi says and he gives her a kiss on her happy face.

After everyone congratulates them, they walk back along the red carpet to the restaurant where the wedding cake is already ready for them. They take the knife together and cut off two pieces together and feed each other the cake. Mario then cuts a piece of cake for each guest and the other employees provide tea and coffee.

Everyone enjoys the beautiful day. Yoongi and Jimin have found a corner in the restaurant, where they can enjoy each other for a moment. "You look very handsome love," Yoongi says as he kisses Jimin's lips. "You too, honey," Jimin says shyly and Yoongi laughs. "I love you," Yoongi says. "I love you too," Jimin says and they enjoy each other while kissing for a while before the party starts.

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