Chapter 22

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The days pass quickly. They work hard at Jin's restaurant to fix everything. Jin is happy with all the help he gets from Namjoon, Jungkook, Hobi and Lauren. Even Taehuyng has come over and helps with demolition, construction, painting and wallpapering. Although he does notice that Jimin is less present because of this, often with the excuse that he can't take Jiyoon with him in the mess. But Jin himself thinks there is another reason... and that is Yoongi.

It is already looking very nice and Jin expects to be able to open after the summer holidays. He has even asked around for staff and the first registrations have already been received. He has also found a good chef, who in turn knew people to help him in the kitchen.

Jimin is his first employee. Jungkook came up with the bright idea that he would take over Jimin's job with his current boss. Now Jimin has to travel for a long time and for Jungkook it is close to the university. Jin's restaurant is near Jimin's apartment and he can take Jiyoon with him, because she can sleep upstairs in one of the rooms. Jimin and Jin were also very enthusiastic and after the holidays Jimin will start working with Jin.

It is one afternoon that everyone, except Jimin, is present to continue painting and wallpapering. During a break, Jin looks around the circle and clears his throat to get attention. Everyone looks at Jin expectantly and he starts talking. "Guys, I've noticed that Jimin has been a bit withdrawn lately. I know he hoped Yoongi could be here this summer, but he couldn't make it financially. I actually want to propose something. How would you like to pool money together, and I will also ask Jimin's parents, so that we can arrange a plane ticket for Yoongi for the Christmas break as a surprise."

He looks around the circle and receives positive responses from everyone. "Okay, then I'll call Jimin's parents later and we'll surprise him for Christmas. But guys, I'd like to keep it a secret from Yoongi until Christmas, because I want to surprise him too. They chat some more about the idea and then quickly get back to work.

Meanwhile, Jimin walks through the park with Jiyoon. She now really enjoys walking herself and he suddenly realizes that Yoongi hasn't seen her walking at all. He picks Jiyoon up and says "shall we call uncle Yoonie" and Jiyoon's face immediately lights up "Yoonie, Yoonie", she exclaims enthusiastically and Jimin laughs. "Okay," he says, "it's clear you like that."

Jimin picks up his phone and goes to Skype and calls Yoongi. After a few minutes, Yoongi answers. He's walking outside somewhere and Jimin hears other voices in the background. "Hey Yoongi, am I interrupting," Jimin asks. "No," Yoongi says. "I'm with my parents and we're just taking a walk."

"Okay, because I have a little girl here who would like to show you something," Jimin says mysteriously and Yoongi looks at him questioningly. "Oh, what, you make me curious," Yoongi says.

"Jiyoon, stand still for a moment and come when I call you," Yoongi hears in the background and he has to smile. He sees Jimin walking a bit and suddenly he turns around and sees Jiyoon on screen. "Jiyoon, come to uncle Yoonie," Jimin calls and Jiyoon starts walking towards Jimin step by step.

Yoongi doesn't know what he sees, he feels so proud. His parents are looking over his shoulder and see a tear sliding down Yoongi's cheek. They look at each other and step back to give them some privacy.

"Oh Jiji," Yoongi suddenly exclaims. "Look how big a girl you have become, you can already walk," he says enthusiastically as he wipes the tear from his face. This has not escaped Jimin's attention and he tries to keep his distance by picking up Jiyoon and giving her a big hug. "Yoonie, Yoonie," Jiyoon shouts. "Jiji misses you," she suddenly says, causing both Jimin, Yoongi and his parents to suddenly have wet eyes. "I miss you guys too," Yoongi says, blowing a kiss to his phone. After Jimin says goodbye to Yoongi and his parents, they decide to hang up again.

Jimin continues walking with Jiyoon through the park and decides to go get ice cream with her. Jimin thinks, wait another year, just another year.

The summer break is flying by and Jin, Jimin and Jungkook have waved goodbye to Namjoon and Taehuyng at the airport. Jin is very happy with his restaurant and is working on the finishing touches. Jimin is also there and together they make sure everything is in order to open the following week. In the coming week, the staff will come together to get to know each other and discuss what each person's position will be.

Meanwhile, Yoongi's parents have also spoken to each other. Of course they had heard the name Jimin, but who Jiji is...they have no idea. His mother found Namjoon's phone number in Yoongi's old bedroom and together they decide to call him.

Namjoon answers and is surprised to hear Yoongi's parents on the phone. But after they explain what they are calling for, he understands and is happy to tell the whole story. From Jimin being in love with Yoongi, but seeing him with someone else and leaving for New York, to Yoongi realizing that he also has feelings for Jimin, but that it is not financially possible for him to travel back and forth to Jimin. Yoongi's parents look at each other and nod. "Namjoon," says Yoongi's mother. "We think it is very kind of you to want to help, but we would like to take on that role and buy a ticket for him. We saw firsthand how in love he is and how much he misses Jimin and Jiji. He has never wanted to accept anything from us, but now that has to change," she says with a smile.

"We will buy the ticket and you can offer it to him," says his mother. "And don't forget to film it, because we would like to see his reaction." Namjoon indicates that he will make sure the ticket gets to Yoongi and that he will inform everyone.

Namjoon smiles. He is so happy for Yoongi, he wishes him the same happiness he is currently experiencing. He is happy with his job at BigHit and the opportunity to work for them after completing university. He has also told Yoongi to send a letter or email there, because from what he had heard, they are looking for many more people there, but Yoongi had not yet dealt with it.

After the weekend, Namjoon decides to ask his boss again if he knows if there are any companies in New York that want people like Yoongi. He should start thinking more about his future, Namjoon thinks.

Meanwhile, Yoongi is looking around on his laptop. He really wants to find something in New York so he can work there and take Jimin and Jiji on a date. He misses them so much. He would have loved to be there for her first steps, her first words, but he missed it all. He is disappointed that he does not have the money to go to them every holiday. One more year, one more year and then I'll go to New York, he thinks determinedly.

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