Chapter 31

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When Jimin walks into the dance hall, he sees Hobi and Lauren working with a group of young children aged three to five. He sits on a bench between a number of parents and watches the lesson from a distance.

They play all kinds of fun children's songs to which they try to do a dance and judging by the looks on their faces, they are all having a good time.

Finally, a song is played, which one of the children has chosen themselves and a dance has been made to it by Lauren and they then practice it. A different song is selected every four weeks. They all work hard and when the lesson is over, the parents walk enthusiastically to their children.

Jimin also gets up and walks over to Hobi and Lauren, who are talking to a parent. When the conversation ends and Lauren turns around, she sees Jimin and walks over to him, laughing. "Hey Jimin, how nice to see you again," she says cheerfully. "I see that you brought your dancing clothes, maybe you can change and then we can dance a bit later." Jimin walks to the locker room and takes his towel and water bottle inside. All parents and children have now left for a while and soft music sounds in the room.

"Hey Jimin, how are you," Hobi asks. "Good," Jimin says. "Busy with school and exams, so I could use some distraction," he laughs.

"That will be fine, but we really wanted to ask you something first," Lauren begins. "We really want to tell you something too," she continues and Jimin is now becoming very curious. "We are expecting our first child," she says beaming and Jimin is stunned. He hadn't seen that coming. "Oh my god, that's fantastic," he exclaims and gives Lauren a hug. "Congratulations, when is your due date?" Jimin asks.

"The baby is coming in January, so I'm just two months pregnant," she says with a beaming face.

"That's why we would like to ask you something. Because dancing will soon become more and more tiring for Lauren, we would like to hire someone and both of our thoughts immediately went to you. And we understand when you might have to think about it and maybe you don't know yet what you want to do after university, but we would really like to welcome you here because we just know what we can do with you and how good you are," Hobi says and looks at Jimin hopefully.

Jimin is in shock, he didn't see this coming and he stares at them both in disbelief. "You offer me a job," he asks. "Pfff, you guys completely surprised me, I hadn't even thought about what I was going to do with my dancing after university. But I feel honored. What kind of dance am I supposed to teach here?" Jimin asks curiously.

"We now have a small group of young people on the waiting list who would like to learn modern dance and we immediately thought of you. In addition to that group, I could use some help with the hip hop lessons and later when Lauren is temporarily absent, it would be nice if there was also some help with the little ones you just saw," says Hobi.

Jimin starts to get excited and looks at Hobi and Lauren laughing. "Thank you for trusting me and I would very much like to come and work for you. Of course, I also have to check what Jiyoon's school times will be like, but maybe Yoongi can help me with that too, that will be fine," says Jimin. He walks over to them and gives them both a hug. "Shall we first do the paperwork and then go on the floor to see what you might want to do with modern dance," Hobi asks and Jimin nods and walks with him to the office.

When Jimin comes home he is met by Yoongi and Jiyoon. His muscles all over his body are sore after the intense dance session, but when he sees his two sweeties again, he falls tiredly into their arms. "Are you okay love?" Yoongi asks worriedly. Jimin looks at him happily. "I just heard the best news in the world," he shouts enthusiastically and gives Yoongi a kiss on the lips. "Lauren is pregnant and they asked me if I wanted to come and work for them as a dance teacher," Jimin says and starts dancing happily around the room.

"Calm down love, you will soon hurt yourself and you are already so tired. But those are both fantastic news. Congratulations," Yoongi says and gives Jimin a hug. "Jiji too, Jiji too," she shouts as she pulls Yoongi by his shirt. Yoongi picks her up and the three of them do a small group hug. "We should celebrate, love, let's go on a date," Yoongi says while looking at Jimin. "What is a date," Jiyoon asks curiously.

"A date is an appointment with the person you love, for example with your boyfriend," Yoongi explains. "Oh, is appa your boyfriend then?" Jiji asks and she looks at Yoongi, who starts to blush. He looks at Jimin since they hadn't talked to Jiyoon about the fact that he is in love with Jimin and that's why he went to live with them. Jimin nods as a sign that he can tell. "Yes, that's right, your appa is my boyfriend, we love each other very much, but of course we love you too," Yoongi explains.

Jiyoon looks happily at Yoongi and Jimin. "Can I call you appa?" she asks innocently. Yoongi looks at Jimin. "Maybe you can call Yoongi something else, because you already call me appa and it might get confusing. Maybe you could call him daddy," Jimin says and Jiyoon makes a doubtful face.

Suddenly her face lights up and she says "then I call Yoonie daddy" and she gives him a hug. "That's totally fine sweetie," he says happily and gives her and Jimin a kiss on the cheek.

"But back to the date, tomorrow is saturday, then we are all free. Shall we go somewhere with the three of us?" Yoongi suggests and Jimin and Jiyoon nod enthusiastically. "Okay, then I'll look for a nice one for us," says Yoongi. "But first I'm going to prepare a warm bath for you, love, so that your body can relax again. And Jiyoon, you and I are going to come up with something for dinner together, okay," Yoongi says and Jiyoon happily runs to the kitchen while Jimin looks at his boyfriend with love. "You're the best," he says lovingly to Yoongi. "That's why I love you so much." And he gives Yoongi a kiss on the lips. Yoongi grabs Jimin by the waist and pulls him against him, kissing him back. When he pulls away he says "I love you too babe" and he walks with Jimin to the bathroom to prepare the bath for him.

When Jimin is done, he walks to the kitchen and watches from a distance as Yoongi and Jiyoon prepare dinner together. Yoongi cut everything and put it in different bowls. Now he is stirring a pan and occasionally instructs Jiyoon to empty one of the bowls in the pan. Jimin takes out his phone and takes a picture. The sound of the click makes Yoongi and Jiyoon both look up. "Oh appa, look how well I can help daddy," she says proudly and Yoongi and Jimin look at each other in love.

Jimin never thought when he came here to New York that he would ever be with Yoongi again in his life, let alone have a three year old daughter and feel like the luckiest man on earth. He couldn't ask for a better life, he thinks and walks to his happy daughter to give her a hug.

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