Chapter 6

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It remains quiet at the dining table for a while, everyone in their own thoughts after Jimin's letter, which Jin has just read.

Until Yoongi pushes his chair back hard, gets up and walks away. They hear the front door slam loudly and everyone looks at each other in shock. Namjoon stands up. "I'll go after him, I'll talk to him," he says as he gives Jin a kiss and he quickly walks out the front door. He sees Yoongi standing at the elevator and walks over to him. "Come on, let's go to the park so we can have a quiet talk there," says Namjoon.

They walk in silence to the park near their apartments and sit on a bench.

"How are you feeling," Namjoon asks.

Yoongi shrugs. "I feel everything," he says

"Then let it out, tell me how you feel," Namjoon's says

Yoongi starts to cry softly and Namjoon puts an arm around him.

"Why didn't he tell me that he had feelings for me, then things might have turned out completely differently," Yoongi sniffs. "We could have at least talked about it together."

"But maybe he was scared and didn't really know how to approach you. Don't forget Yoongi, he saw you making out with a boy on your bed at your house," Namjoon says.

"Ahh, forget that boy, that was just one night, nothing special" Yoongi shouts. "And why didn't he let me know in advance that he was coming, then he wouldn't have had to see this," Yoongi says angrily.

"And then," Namjoon asks. "Then he would have gone to the same school as us, because that was his plan in the first place, and he would have seen you kissing other boys after all. Then his heart would still have been broken and he would not have been happy here."

Namjoon continues, "that's why Jin just said that he personally thought he should have made this choice right away, but Jimin himself had thought differently. He had a crush on you and still does I think and he couldn't deal with the thought of seeing you with other guys."

Jin told us that he rang our doorbell crying and that he had been crying very hard for half an hour. He was broken, he felt so stupid," Namjoon says.

Yoongi looks at Namjoon, tears in his eyes. "I miss him Joon, I don't know what my feelings are for him, I don't know if I like him in a romantic way, I just don't know, but I do know that it frustrates me that I don't get the chance right now to find out with him," Yoongi says, a tear falling down his cheek.

Namjoon pulls him into a hug and lets Yoongi cry on his shoulder. "It will be okay Yoongi, one day we will see him again, as he also writes in his letter. It may be difficult now, but please don't do strange things and know that if something comes up, you can always come to me and Jin."

Yoongi nods, whipping his tears. "Thank you Joon."

Meanwhile, Jin has stayed behind with Taehyung and Jungkook, who, like Yoongi, are having a hard time with the fact that Jimin left without saying goodbye.

"I understand that he wants to pursue his dream in America, that he has been given this great opportunity and wants to take advantage of it," says Taehyung, "I wish I had that courage, but what makes me angry is that he doesn't bother decided to come to us and tell us that he was leaving for America. Then we apparently don't mean much to him, as he makes it seem in his letter," he says angrily.

Jin sighs, he expected this reaction. "Honestly, I understand exactly what you mean," he says to Taehyung, "I would have reacted exactly the same as you do now."

"But I also did not know exactly what was going on in his head at that moment when he stood here broken in front of the door. I think he couldn't think rationally at the time and all he could think about at that moment was that he wanted to leave," Jin says. "Away from Yoongi who he has feelings for".

"But why didn't he stay, if he has a crush on Yoongi," Jungkook asks. "Maybe they could have talked about it together and been happy with each other. Of course, I don't know how Yoongi feels about this," Jungkook says.

"It was his plan at first too," says Jin. "He wanted to go to the same university as Yoongi and Namjoon and he was on his way to Yoongi's apartment to tell Yoongi. Only he hadn't called in advance to see if he could come over and saw Yoongi making out with a boy on the bed.

The boys look at Jin in shock. Jin continues, "That's why he stood at my door crying and in his grief he changed the whole plan and decided to go to America. He asked me not to talk about this to anyone else, so I couldn't tell you anything."

"But that still doesn't explain why he didn't tell us, as his best friends, that he would leave," Jungkook says angrily.

"Listen guys," says Namjoon, who had come back in the meantime, "I don't think we're going to find the answer to this now. We are all angry and sad, but let's try to put it aside and move on with our lives. Enjoy our summer break and continue with our new school year."

Taehyung and Jungkook nod and decide it's time to go home.

Namjoon pulls Jin towards him and kisses him on the lips. "How are you, honey," he asks Jin.

"I'm okay," says Jin, "it just takes a lot of energy and I understand their feelings very well, but I can't explain what Jimin feels, he'll have to do that himself one day. How is Yoongi?" he asks Namjoon.

"He's okay," Namjoon says, "he's frustrated that he didn't get a chance to talk to Jimin and hopefully one day he'll get the chance to do so.

Together they stand in the same embrace for a while, thinking about everything that happened this evening.  

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