Chapter 5

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Jin is busy in the kitchen. Today is the first time since Jimin left for America that the boys have reunited. The atmosphere has changed, Jin regularly receives texts from Taehyung or Jungkook asking if he knows where Jimin is, that he doesn't respond to their messages. That they have already visited his house, but Jimin's mother only tells them that he has gone abroad.

He hates having to lie to his friends, but tonight they finally get some clarity in the form of the letter Jimin left for them. He's happy that Namjoon knows it too and that he can talk to him about it. During these conversations, Namjoon also talks about Yoongi, how quiet he has become since Jimin left. Yoongi has also sent several messages to Jimin, but he also receives no response and he is worried.

So now Jin is in the kitchen cutting vegetables and trying out some of his new dishes that he learned to make at school last week. He sometimes dreams of traveling to different countries and tasting and learning to make dishes there. Maybe one day start his own restaurant abroad.

He is taken out of his dream by a number of shouting boys, who are busy playing a game of twister in the living room and it sounds like things are not going entirely fair.

"Should I help you with something?" asks Yoongi, who had quietly walked into the kitchen.

"No, everything under control," Jin answers. "How are you, you're a bit quiet tonight," Jin asks.

"I don't know Jin hyung," Yoongi says. "I've never missed someone so much, I don't know what's wrong with me," Yoongi says. "Our group is not complete without Jimin and I'm worried because I don't know where he is. I understand from Taehyung that his parents don't let anything go because Jimin asked and that frustrates me. I would love to call him to see how he is doing, hear his voice and his laugh. I miss him," Yoongi says somberly.

"Are you in love with him?" asks Jin, who listened to Yoongi's story in amazement.

"I don't know hyung," Yoongi says honestly. "I've actually never paid much attention to how I feel when Jimin is around, it was actually quite normal that he was always there and together with Taehyung and Jungkook they were a bit of the rascals. I always enjoy it," Yoongi thinks back. "It's all a bit tense now, people are still having fun, but you notice the change. Nobody knows what is going on."

Jin looks at Yoongi and sees that there are tears in his eyes. He walks over to him and pulls him into a tight hug. "It will be okay Yoongi," Jin says. "It will be fine, trust me." And they stay like that for a while until Jin notices that Yoongi is calmer again. He's never really seen this side of Yoongi and it pleases him. Maybe there is still hope for Jimin and maybe the person he has a crush on is also secretly in love with him. Time will tell.

Dinner is almost ready and Jin asks Yoongi to set the table so they can all sit down. Namjoon comes into the kitchen and gives Jin a big hug. "Are you ready?" he asks Jin.

Jin looks at him somberly. "Yes, I am ready, but I fear we have to support the rest, because this is going to be a huge blow. I just talked to Yoongi and it's deeply affecting him. I think he has more feelings for Jimin than he realizes," Jin concludes.

"Then we will be there for him too, just as we are always there for everyone else. I see him every day, so I can keep a close eye on him that way," says Namjoon. "But let's eat first, I'll put the drinks on the table."

They all sit down at the table and everyone does their best to start a pleasant conversation, but the atmosphere remains tense.

After everyone has finished eating and everything has been cleaned up, Jin sits back down at the table with a letter in his hand and waits until everyone is seated again.

He clears his throat and says "I would like to read this letter with you. "I got this from Jimin after the dinner we had following Jimin and Taehyung's graduation ceremony a few weeks ago."

Everyone looks at Jin indignantly. "So something was definitely going on that night," Yoongi says. "I knew it," he shouts angrily and actually wants to walk away, but is stopped by Namjoon.

"Please don't be angry with us, we knew he was leaving, but we promised not to say anything," Namjoon says.

"We know that he had initially made a different choice, but due to circumstances he no longer wanted to continue with this choice and that he then chose the current choice," Jin continues. "Personally, I think he should have made that choice right away, but that is my opinion."

"Let's read the letter, maybe there will be some clarity," Yoongi says and Jin opens the letter and starts reading out loud.

Dear my friends,

When you read this letter, I am far away from you, in America to be precise, to see my dream opportunity come true.

Sorry I didn't bother to say goodbye to you, but I couldn't, I was afraid of your reaction. Hence this letter.

Yoongi hyung, thank you for letting me be your friend. I want to wish you the best of luck with the boy I saw you with. It hurt my heart very much, but it made my choice to go to America easier. I hope you two will be happy together.

Taehyung and Jungkook, thank you for our beautiful friendship, which I will always cherish, but which will also last forever if it were up to me. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you like that, sorry for not telling you guys what bothered me.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung, thank you for all the good care and advice I have received from you over the past year. You are a beautiful couple. And Jin hyung, make your dreams come true!

Know that I love you guys.....lots!! Forgive me for leaving like this, I know I'm a coward, but I certainly didn't want to hurt you. And please don't be mad at Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung.

I will never forget you, thanks to the gift I received. You are forever in my heart and I'm sure,

We will meet again!!

With lots of love,


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