Chapter 36

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The next day, Jimin and Jiyoon take care of the babies. They both give a bottle and Jiyoon can then help bathe the babies. Meanwhile, Yoongi is busy preparing dinner.

When Kyung and Jiwon are in their bed, they walk to the kitchen and Jiyoon helps Yoongi and Jimin decides to take some time for himself and take a bath.

The doorbell rings and Jiyoon opens the door. Jin and Namjoon come in with a few large bags and walk to the kitchen. There, Jin helps Yoongi cook dinner and Namjoon helps Jimin, who has just finished bathing, to set the table.

Then suddenly there is a baby cry and Jimin and Yoongi look at each other and then look at Jin and Namjoon, who look around in surprise. Jimin laughs at the surprised faces and Jiyoon also laughs. "Yah, are you laughing at us or something, where is that crying coming from," Jin shouts. Jimin motions for Jin and Namjoon to follow along.

"I'm surprised you haven't yet come to investigate why we didn't have room for our parents to sleep here this Christmas," he says, laughing. They walk to the room and the crying is now louder. They open the door and walk inside. Jimin picks Kyung out of his bed and comforts him gently. Jin and Namjoon stand open-mouthed looking at Jimin and Kyung. Jimin steps to the side so that they also see Jiwon's bed and he looks at the other two. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung, this is our son Kyung and our daughter Jiwon and they have been living with us since yesterday," Jimin says proudly and Yoongi puts his arm around Jimin. Kyung has now calmed down again and Jimin puts him back in his bed.

Jin is the first to walk up to Jimin and give him a hug. "Oh my god, they are so beautiful," Jin says softly. "Congratulations both on your son and daughter." In the meantime, Namjoon gives Yoongi a hug and they all stand watching the babies sleeping soundly.

They walk quietly out of the room and Jin smacks Jimin on the shoulder. "You could have told me that you were working on adoption," says Jin. Jimin rubs his shoulder and looks at Jin with a smile. "That was just our little secret to surprise you all. This has also suddenly come our way. It could have taken much longer, because babies are not that common, often they are already a year or two years old. But I wanted to have another baby and then these twins suddenly came into the picture," says Jimin. "But when the others arrive, we would like to ask you to keep your mouth shut for a while and keep it a secret. Our parents don't know yet either," says Yoongi.

They continue preparing the dishes and Namjoon sits on the couch with Jiyoon and they watch a movie together. A few hours later the twins wake up again. Jin sits down next to Namjoon on the couch and they both get to hold a baby. "Oh Namjoon, can we sign up for adoption too," Jin asks, looking at him. "We can always go to an adoption agency and see if we qualify," says Namjoon. "I will give you Claire's phone number, she is really nice and knows exactly what is possible and what would suit you," Jimin says and Yoongi nods in agreement.

When the babies have both had enough of the cuddling, they get another bottle and a clean diaper and they go back to their bed. It is already almost six o'clock and that means that visitors can arrive at any time. Yoongi quickly gets dressed and Jin takes one last look at the pans, when the bell rings and Jiyoon quickly runs to the door to open it.

"Grandpa, grandma," she shouts happily and jumps into Yoongi's parents' arms. Jimin's parents walk in behind them and everyone gives each other a happy hug. Jimin hadn't even closed the door yet when the bell rings again and when he opens it, the rest come in too. Taehuyng, Jungkook, Hobi and Lauren and their nine-month-old son Kenji also walk in. Kenji looks at everyone and immediately gets a hug from Jiyoon, which makes Kenji start giggling.

They all sit down at the table with Kenji in a high chair and Jin and Yoongi start serving the food. It is a nice group together. Only Emily's parents are missing this year, they had other plans. They have a nice chat about everything. The food tastes delicious and after dessert most people collapse on the couch to relax for a while. Jimin clears the table together with Yoongi and Jin and quickly does the dishes together. "Hyung," Jimin says to Jin, "can you help me with Kyung and Jiwon and then Yoongi will sort of announce us in the meantime." He looks at Yoongi, a little nervous about the reactions, but Yoongi quickly kisses him on the forehead.

When they're done, Jin and Jimin quickly walk to the twins' bedroom and Yoongi walks to the living room. He clears his throat and everyone looks at him questioningly. "Um, I would like to tell you something or actually show you something, a special Christmas surprise," he says and looks back. There he sees Jimin arriving with two bundles in his arms and a proud Jin following behind. Jimin walks to Yoongi and he takes one of the bundles and puts his arm around Jimin. "Guys, meet our son and daughter, Kyung and Jiwon," Yoongi says with pride and everyone starts talking enthusiastically over each other.

Both their parents walk towards them, their mothers with tears in their eyes as they bend over the two babies. They both give Jimin and Yoongi a hug and tears of joy fall down their cheeks. "Oh my god, when did this happen," asks Jimin's mother. "We started looking for an adoption agency this summer and found a very good one. Claire went through the procedure with us and did the training with us. End of November we received a call that there would be a match and we met these two," says Jimin.

Yoongi briefly explains what happened to the twins' parents. "And because Claire knew that we wanted a baby, she asked us to come. The question was whether we would mind taking care of two babies. We didn't have to think about that for long. In recent weeks we were there every day to get used to each other, to build a bond with them and especially for me to learn how to deal with babies," Yoongi laughs.

Everyone holds the twins and cuddles until they start to whine a little. Jimin now arrives with the bottles and gives one to his own mother and one to Yoongi's mother. "It's your honor to give them a bottle," Jimin says to the two mothers, who look at each other happily.

"Now that the biggest surprise is known, I suggest we open presents," Jimin says and Jiyoon immediately stands up, cheering. "Yeahhhh," she shouts and runs to the tree to get the first presents and hand them out. Everyone is spoiled again and is happy with the presents they receive.

Jimin, who is watching everything from a distance, sighs. He is so happy with his family and friends around him. But especially with his new family. At first it was just him and Jiyoon, which was nice too. But now he can also share happiness with Yoongi and the twins.

He senses the presence of someone behind him and turns around. There stands Yoongi, looking at him with a loving look. Yoongi pulls Jimin against him and kisses him on the lips. "Are you happy love?" he asks Jimin. Jimin kisses him on the lips. "As long as you and our children are with me, I will always be happy," Jimin says and gives him one last kiss.

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