Chapter 20

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Jimin runs back and forth from room to room hoping he has everything he needs in both suitcases. He goes through the list one more time and checks his backpack for passports, phone, wallet and things for Jiyoon.

Jiyoon can already sit upright and she and Jungkook are sitting at the dining table eating their breakfast. Jimin sighs and also sits down at the table to eat his breakfast. "I think I have everything," Jimin says as he eats his pancakes. "Oh well, otherwise we can always go to the store in Seoul," Jungkook says with a wink.

Fortunately, Jimin has been a bit happier lately. Jungkook can't figure out why, but it's better than the depression of the last few weeks. What he does suspect is that it's because of Yoongi. He had understood from Taehuyng that Yoongi had some kind of boyfriend and that this had to do with Jimin being a bit closed off lately.

But it's holiday now and they'll soon be leaving for Seoul to surprise everyone there. The only ones who know are Jimin's parents and Jin. Jimin's parents are coming to the airport later, because Jin was unable to attend. Jin said he had a lot of fun fooling everyone. There is now also a huge box of gifts at Jimin's parents' house, because everyone has gone to the trouble of buying something for them, thinking that Jimin's parents would take it with them to New York. But the tables have turned, everyone will be happy, Jungkook thinks.

Jimin called Steve and as soon as he is at the door, Jungkook grabs the suitcases and Jimin takes Jiyoon in his arm and grabs his backpack. He closes the door and walks to the car. "Hey Jimin and Jungkook, how nice to see you again and ahhh.... Who is this beautiful girl," Steve asks. Jimin bursts out laughing. "This is my beautiful daughter Jiyoon," Jimin says proudly. "She's so beautiful," Steve says as he holds the door open for Jimin in Jiyoon. After the suitcases are in the trunk and Jungkook and Steve have also gotten in, they drive to the airport.

After a short drive they arrive at the airport and Steve helps them with the suitcases. After saying goodbye, they walk to customs. They had already checked in via the computer, so now they can go straight to the gate.

When it is time, they are allowed to board the plane and sit in their assigned seat. Jimin is a little nervous, because it is Jiyoon's first time flying, but the flight attendant reassures him and if anything comes up, he can always call her. The plane takes off and the long journey begins.

After a long journey, during which Jiyoon had a great time and slept a lot, they arrive at Seoul airport. They gather all their belongings together and check whether they have forgotten anything. They are one of the last to step off the plane on their way to customs. Once they have cleared customs, they collect their suitcases and walk through doors into the arrival hall. Jimin soon sees his parents and walks towards them with Jungkook following behind him.

They both get a big hug and Jimin puts Jiyoon in the stroller that Jimin's mother brought. She is still fast asleep. They walk to the car and load everything and quickly drive home.

When they get home, they put Jiyoon in her bed and the four of them sit around the fireplace to catch up. Jimin is happy to be back in Seoul. He missed it, despite being completely at home in New York.

They decide to go to bed on time, because tomorrow they would like to visit the others and surprise them. Jimin is nervous. He read Yoongi's message. He didn't respond to it, but it was nice to hear from him. Jimin hopes that Yoongi is happy that Jimin is here in Seoul and hopefully they have some time to talk together to sort things out. With that thought he falls asleep with a smile on his face.

The next morning he wakes up, looks at the alarm clock and sees that it is already nine o'clock. He jumps out of bed and looks in Jiyoon's bed, but he is nowhere to be seen. He runs downstairs and is greeted with the view of a chattering Jiyoon sitting in her high chair next to her grandfather as he feeds her breakfast. Jimin smiles. His mother turns around and sees Jimin standing there. "Good morning son, did you sleep well?" she asks. "You slept so soundly that you didn't even hear your own daughter. We took the liberty of getting her out of bed, bathing and dressing her. We're actually just having breakfast. Can I make something for you," she asks as she pushes Jimin to the table.

"Thank you appa and eomma, I slept wonderfully. And no, I did not hear Jiyoon," he says. "Is Jungkook awake yet?" Jimin asks. "No, I haven't heard that one either. If you wake him up and make sure you're both dressed, I'll make breakfast in the meantime." And with that promise, Jimin walks upstairs to wake Jungkook.

After breakfast they get in the car and first drive to Jungkook's parents. Of course they are also very happy to see them. Taehuyng rushes in and falls into his boyfriend's arms. Jimin and Jiyoon are also hugged. Jungkook puts away his suitcase and they all drink a cup of tea before continuing their journey.

"I'm very curious to see how the rest will react," says Taehuyng. Jimin and Jungkook look at each other and decide not to say anything. Otherwise, poor Jin will have to answer to the rest again and they don't want to do that to him. Jimin decides to text Jin that they are on their way and that he should act very surprised so that the rest don't realize that he already knew.

When they arrive at the apartment complex, Taehuyng is the first to run out of the car very enthusiastically. "Hey, wait for us, Jungkook calls, we're not that fast." Jimin puts Jiyoon in the stroller so she can sleep peacefully later and they walk to the elevator. When they arrive on the fourth floor, they ring Namjoon and Jin's doorbell and wait for the door to be opened.

Namjoon opens the door and looks at everyone in shock. "Hi hyung, can we come in," Jungkook asks smiling and Namjoon comes out of his trance. "Yes of course. How nice to have you here, what a surprise."

"Jin, come quickly," he calls inside. "Yah, not so loud, the whole neighborhood doesn't have to enjoy it," Jin shouts and pretends to be very surprised when he sees everyone. "Wow, where did you come from all of a sudden," Jin says and walks over to everyone to give everyone a hug. "I'm so happy to see you again. Come on, let's go inside quickly," Namjoon says as they walk further into the house.

"Yah, can't it be a bit quieter," someone growls from the couch and Jimin sees Yoongi turn on his side to continue sleeping. He doesn't realize there are other people in the house and Jimin motions for the rest to be quiet. He picks up Jiyoon and walks her to Yoongi. He places her between the back of the couch and Yoongi and Jiyoon immediately realizes who she is in front of and leans forward to give him a big wet kiss on his face.

Yoongi is shocked, but as soon as he sees who he has in front of him, a big smile appears on his face. "Jiji," he shouts happily and pulls her towards him for a big hug. "Oh, how I missed you," he says softly as he kisses her forehead. He looks up and meets the most beautiful eyes that he has missed so much and immediately feels butterflies in his stomach.

He is sure, he is in love... But he doesn't really know what to do yet.

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