Chapter 23

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The doorbell rings and Yoongi opens the door to his apartment. Namjoon stands in front of him with an envelope in his hand. "Hey Yoongs," he says as he walks inside. "How are you, you look tired."

"Yes, that's right, I've been working on school and writing songs lately," Yoongi says as he walks to the kitchen to grab something to drink for Namjoon and himself.

"Ah, then you could use a break," Namjoon says to Yoongi and hands him the envelope. "What is this," Yoongi asks. "Open it," Namjoon says.

Yoongi opens the envelope, takes out a letter and starts reading.

Dear son,

As parents, we would like to see you happy. And we see that you are not now.

But when we recently saw you talking to Jimin and his daughter, your whole face beamed.

We called Namjoon and he is the one who informed us about both of you and that you are not doing well financially and that you both cannot afford to incur additional costs on top of the monthly expenses that you both already have.

Honestly Yoongi, why didn't you tell us and ask for help. Then we would have helped you with all the love in the world. We love nothing more than a happy son.

That's why this ticket Yoongi. We would like you to accept this from us and enjoy Christmas with the man and little girl who make you happy. Lots of fun!!

Lots of love,

Appa and Eomma

Yoongi looks further into the envelope with tears in his eyes, sees the plane ticket and starts to cry. Namjoon walks over to him and gives him a hug. He rubs Yoongi's back as he lets him cry. When Yoongi calms down a bit, they break the hug. "Are you okay?" Namjoon asks. "Thank you," Yoongi says. "You don't have to thank me Yoongs, it's your parents who arranged this. I'm just the messenger," Namjoon says, smiling.

In the following months it will be hard work for Yoongi. Not only at school, but also at work. He works extra hours to earn extra money. He wants to ask Jimin if he wants to be his boyfriend and he wants to give him a nice ring. Maybe something like couples rings so that they are always connected. But he also wants to buy something for Jiji, because after all she is part of it too.

Friends and parents have also brought presents and letters for those in America, so that Yoongi can take them with him.

The time is almost here, but Namjoon has other plans first. He has spoken to his boss at Big Hit about Yoongi and his boss would like to talk to him. He picks up Yoongi and together they drive to Big Hit.

Once there, they are greeted by the secretary and allowed to take a seat in the waiting area.

After about 10 minutes they are called and allowed to enter Bang Si-hyuk's office. He takes his time with Yoongi, looks at his data and listens carefully to the mixtapes he brought with him.

After everything, he looks at Yoongi with a smile. "Well, I don't have to think about this for long. I would really like to offer you a job as a lyricist and producer. I think you and Namjoon could make a really great team.

Yoongi beams with joy. He has never been so happy and proud of himself. With this salary he will be able to visit his Minnie in New York more often. He would like to call him, but the time difference stops him. Instead, he calls his parents to tell them the good news and to immediately thank them for the plane ticket.

A few days later, Jimin is lazily lying on the couch. It's Christmas holidays now and he's thinking about Yoongi. He hasn't heard him much these past few weeks. Yoongi was busy with school and work, he said. Jimin misses him, he had hoped that they could spend Christmas together again, but unfortunately that won't work.

The bell is ringing. Jin shouts from the bathroom that he can't open the door or Jimin wants to go. So Jimin walks to the door. When he opens it, he sees a small suitcase with a box on top with two rings in it. He looks around in surprise, but sees no one else. He looks at the rings again and sees movement out of the corner of his eye and feet appear on screen. He slowly looks up and tears well up in his eyes. There stands Yoongi, looking at him nervously.

"Hey Minnie," he says as he takes both of Jimin's hands in his. "My parents gave me the opportunity to come to you and I obviously grabbed it with both hands. I miss you so much and I want to have you in my life forever."

Yoongi takes a deep breath and asks, "Will you be mine Minnie, will you be my boyfriend?"

Jimin doesn't know what's happening to him and all he can think of is to jump into Yoongi's arms and kiss him. When he pulls back he happily shouts "Yes!"

Yoongi takes the rings. "These are couples rings and I promise you that even though we don't live together yet, I will always be there for you and Jiji." And as he says his promise, he puts the ring on Jimin's ring finger and they kiss. Jimin also takes a ring and as he puts it on Yoongi's finger, he says "I also promise to always be there for you and to wait patiently until the time comes when we can be together." They look at each other in love and hug each other for the last time.

"Yah, about time," they suddenly hear behind them and they turn around. Jin stands there with his phone pointed at them and he quickly takes a photo. Jiyoon suddenly appears behind Jin, having been woken up by everything. "Yoonie," she shouts and quickly runs towards Yoongi, who catches her and spins her through the air. "Hey sweetie, I missed you, how are you?" he asks her while giving her a big hug. "Jiji happy Yoonie here, Jiji missed Yoonie," she chatters and Yoongi gives her a kiss on the cheek.

They take the suitcases inside and sit on the couch. "Jiji," Yoongi says, "I brought you something. Look, appa and I just put on very nice rings together, because I love you appa very much. But I also love you very much and I have also picked out something for you," Yoongi says as he hands an elongated box to Jiyoon.

She opens it together with Jimin and they see a very beautiful bracelet with her name engraved on it. On the back are the words "forever in my heart".

Jiyoon immediately asks if she can wear it and Jimin carefully puts it on her. Then she proudly shows it to Uncle Jin.

Jimin turns to Yoongi with tears in his eyes. "I love you," he says as he gives Yoongi a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you too," Yoongi says.

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