Chapter 14

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"What the fuck," Yoongi growls. He is lying on the couch and hears a loud noise next to his ear. He opens his eyes and sees Jin's phone next to him, but Jin is nowhere to be seen.

I must have fallen asleep, Yoongi thinks as he picks up the phone and looks to see where the loud noise came from and sees that Jin has received a message from Jimin. He looks in disbelief at the photo he sees on the screen. Jimin with a baby on his arm, what's happening?

He walks through the apartment and finds Jin in the kitchen. "Care to explain," Yoongi asks angrily as he holds the phone in front of Jin. "I thought you said you weren't in touch with Jimin anymore either. What disappoints me most is that you lied about it. Am I the only one who no longer has contact with Jimin, have you all been talking to him behind my back, Yoongi asks with tears in his eyes. He starts to walk away, but Jin grabs his wrist and pulls him back into the kitchen.

"Please, Yoongi, don't jump to conclusions right away, but listen to my side of the story," Jin says calmly.

"Yes, we are indeed still in contact with Jimin and no, the others are not in contact with Jimin either. Whenever I talk to Jimin he always asks about you guys, but I've been keeping a bit of a distance on that front lately.

I think it's time he texted you guys himself, but I'm afraid the longer it goes on, the less likely he is to message you. He is extremely afraid of your reactions. He really wants to talk to you Yoongi.

He even remembered your birthday, isolated himself all day from what I heard, no one knew where he was. Jimin misses you very much, says his roommate and he regularly sees tears in Jimin's eyes when he looks at our photo."

His roommate also said that no matter where they go, a party or a club, he rarely gets drunk and always goes home alone.

"Nine months ago, something went wrong during a party and that means that something special is now happening in his life and that is this photo that you see now. Today he became the father of a sweet little girl. He had to fight for it and is now on his own. The mother gave him his daughter, but she herself made the choice to part with the girl. So he is going to be super busy taking care of her in addition to his school and work."

Yoongi is quiet. He doesn't know what he hears. He doesn't know what he feels, he has to process it all and decides to go to his own apartment. Jin decides to give him some time to process everything and knock on his door later.

Jin picks up his phone and calls Jimin. The phone rings a few times and then someone answers. "Hi Jin hyung," Jimin says.

"Hi Jimin," Jin says cheerfully, "congratulations on your beautiful girl. How are you doing, did the delivery go well?" Jin asks.

"Thank you hyung. Yes, everyone is doing well. Emily is back home with her parents and I am in our own apartment with my beautiful girl.

"That's nice to hear Jimin. What is your beautiful girl's name actually," Jin asks.

"Her name is Jiyoon," Jimin says proudly and he knows that he doesn't have to explain to Jin where this name comes from, because everyone who knows him well and who knows his past knows that this name is connected to Yoongi. He will never be able to forget him.

"What a beautiful name Jimin, I think I know what it stands for. In a few months it will be summer break and you can bet that Namjoon and I will come your way, because of course we want to meet this beauty," Jin laughs.

"Very understandable," Jimin giggles and Jiyoon starts crying in the background. "I have to go hyung, someone is getting impatient," Jimin laughs.

"Greetings to everyone and we will meet soon," Jin says as he ends the call.

Jin suddenly feels two arms around his waist from behind and he turns around. "Hey honey, how are you," Namjoon asks.

"Good," Jin says and holds Jimin's photo in front of Namjoon's face. "Oh wow, she is so beautiful," Namjoon exclaims. "How are they doing," Namjoon asks. "I just called," Jin says enthusiastically. "Everyone is doing well and her name is Jiyoon."

Namjoon looks at Jin questioningly. "Jiyoon," he asks. "As in...Jimin and Yoongi combined their names together," Namjoon asks in shock. "Yes, honey," says Jin. "Wow, that's intense," Namjoon says. "What if Yoongi finds out."

"Uh well...he already knows about it," Jin says carefully. "He kind of saw the photo on my phone and came to get a story. He was very disappointed that we lied to him about the fact that we are in contact with Jimin. And after I briefly told Jimin his story, he went to his own apartment. Maybe you can go over to his place after dinner to see if he's okay," Jin says to Namjoon as he starts preparing the food for dinner.

Meanwhile, Yoongi sits in his apartment and looks at the photos he has in his phone of Jimin and the others. He misses him very much. He is very shocked by the story he just heard from Jin. He is proud of Jimin, that he fought for his rights and that he was lucky to meet someone who wanted to terminate the pregnancy. But now he's going to have a hard time.

There is a soft knock on the door. He opens it and sees Namjoon standing there. Together they walk to the living room and sit down. He loves his friends, who always think of him and always stop by to see if he is doing well.

They all know he feel lonely sometimes. His relationship with his parents is good but they live far away and he misses them at times. When he told them he wanted to go to university in Seoul, they were afraid he wouldn't be able to do so. But he persuaded them and when they heard that Namjoon was also going to Seoul, they were already more reassured.

Namjoon then indicated that an apartment became available in the same flat and luck was with him. He had always saved well and was able to pay his own rent. He is still looking for a job, because of course his savings are also starting to decrease. When the summer break comes, he will start looking, usually there will be some jobs available.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks. "Sorry we didn't tell you, but we knew you were quite angry with Jimin and we wanted to keep in touch with Jimin to make him feel like he wasn't alone."

"I was quite disappointed when I heard it from Jin this afternoon," Yoongi begins, "but I have now let everything sink in a bit. I think it's great how Jimin has dealt with it, he's really grown. I really hope to see him again and talk to him. "I miss him."

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