Chapter 33

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The following weeks are hectic, because Jimin is of course in the middle of his exams. It's tough, but he has prepared well and after a lot of blood, sweat and tears, he has now really finished university and graduated. Taehuyng also graduated and came to New York. What the others didn't know is that Taehuyng was busy sending his portfolio to various modeling agencies in New York and was hired by one of the largest agencies.

In the meantime, he had instructed Namjoon to look around for an affordable apartment. That was successful and Taehuyng is now also coming to live in New York. With all this great news, Jin throws a party in his restaurant until the early hours.

Now that school life is over, Jimin has decided to take a few weeks off. He is sitting on his laptop looking at the various adoption agencies in New York and has already selected a few that appeal to him. He picks up his phone and is about to make a call when Jiyoon climbs onto the couch with him. "What are you doing appa," she asks in a sweet voice.

Jimin puts his laptop aside and puts the phone next to him. He takes Jiyoon on his lap and looks at her. "Sweetie, how would you feel if you had a little brother or sister," Jimin asks. "Yeahhh, a sister, Jiji wants a sister," she exclaims enthusiastically. "Um, I don't know if we can choose that we want a girl," Jimin says. "Why not," Jiyoon asks as she pouts. "Well, daddy and I are both men and of course we can't get pregnant, so we want to adopt a brother or sister," Jimin explains. "Those boys and girls who live in that center no longer have parents and if everything is well with us, perhaps a boy or a girl can come live with us. "I like that, Appa, then I can play with that child and Jiji is no longer alone," she says happily.

Jimin is happy that she reacts like that and after a big hug and kiss, she slides off the couch to play in her own room. Jimin picks up his phone again and calls a number of agencies to make an appointment.

The front door opens and Yoongi walks in. He takes off his jacket and shoes and walks to the kitchen to get something to drink. He walks over to Jimin and plops down next to him and gives him a kiss. "Hey love, what are you doing?" he asks while looking at the laptop. "I'm just looking around at adoption agencies and have made an appointment with a few," says Jimin. He shows Yoongi what he found and also talks about the conversation he had with Jiyoon about a possible new brother or sister.

Yoongi presses a kiss on Jimin's forehead and thinks that he would like to take the next step with him, he is ready for it. Now that he has settled here in New York and has a nice permanent job, he can totally see getting ready for the next important day... his wedding day. That would never have been possible in Seoul, but here in New York anything is possible. He already has an idea in his head and decides to talk about it with Jin and Namjoon later.

He gets up from the couch and walks to the bedroom. "I'm going to freshen up love, then I'm going to prepare dinner," Yoongi says. He grabs clean clothes and a towel and walks into the bathroom. He quickly sends a text to Namjoon to meet up the next day and then undresses and gets into the shower.

After his shower, he walks to the kitchen, where Jimin is already waiting for him. "Shall I help you honey?" he asks and Yoongi nods. They prepare dinner together. When they have eaten, they do the dishes and then sit on the couch together to watch a movie.

The next few days are busy for Yoongi. In addition to his work and the appointments with the adoption agencies, he also spoke with Jin and Namjoon about the proposal he wants to make. They were both very enthusiastic and Jin immediately came up with the idea of using the gazebo outside. On the day the restaurant is closed, decorate everything and set the table neatly together with the other friends. Yoongi is happy with the idea and then goes with Namjoon to a jeweler to look for a nice ring for Jimin. He soon found one that he thinks would suit Jimin's taste.

When he comes home in the evening, Jimin and Jiyoon are lazily lying on the couch. He walks to the kitchen and Jiyoon gets up from the couch and walks over to Yoongi. "Daddy, can I help you prepare dinner?" she asks and Yoongi gives her a hug, laughing. "That's good sweetie," he says and puts her on the counter. He starts cutting the vegetables and divides them into different bowls and when everything is ready, Jiyoon takes her stool and stands next to Yoongi to assist him. In the meantime, Jimin sets the table and as soon as everything is ready, they start eating.

"I spoke to Hobi today and Lauren asked if Jiyoon could stay with them sometime," Yoongi says. "Would you like that too Jiji," he asks and Jiyoon nods her head enthusiastically. "When, daddy," she asks and takes a big bite of her food. "It could be done tomorrow," Yoongi says. "I think appa is going to dance school tomorrow, so you could come along and stay with Hobi and Lauren."

The next day, Jimin and Jiyoon pack Jiyoon's suitcase together. They say goodbye to Yoongi and leave for the dance school. Yoongi decides to take a shower and put on his nice clothes. He writes a note for Jimin and places it on the bed. He checks if he has everything and goes to Jin and Namjoon. Everyone there is already busy getting everything ready and Yoongi is now starting to get a bit nervous.

Meanwhile, Jimin comes home after work at the dance school and sees Yoongi's note.

"Hey love, I want to go on a date with you tonight.

Put on your best clothes and come to Jin's restaurant.

We will have a beautiful evening there."

Jimin smiles, how lucky he is with Yoongi. He looks in his wardrobe and puts together a nice set. He then undresses himself and gets into the shower.

Yoongi is nervously waiting at the gazebo when he suddenly sees Jimin walking towards him. "Wow," he thinks and looks lovingly at his boyfriend. When Jimin stands in front of him, he pulls him towards him and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. "You look handsome, love," he says lovingly and Jimin blushes. "You too honey," Jimin says and gives him another kiss.

Yoongi steps into the gazebo and pulls out a chair for Jimin so he can sit, then walks to the other side of the table and sits across from Jimin. Jin walks over with a bottle of wine and fills a glass for both of them and walks away. Yoongi and Jimin both grab a glass and clink the glasses together. "Cheers," they both say at the same time and take a sip.

Jin returns with the starter and they start eating. They chat about everything and enjoy the dishes that Jin serves them. When the dessert is also finished and Jin has cleared the table, Yoongi stands up and asks Jimin to stand with him and takes both hands.

Minnie...... not only did I take you on a date tonight, but I also wanted to tell you something. It wasn't until you suddenly left four years ago that I knew what I was missing. I missed your beautiful face with your beautiful smile, which makes your eyes disappear. Those beautiful eyes, in which I can completely lose myself. I was very on my own at that time and didn't care who was in bed with me and I paid little attention to you, but you always paid full attention to me. When you were gone, I found myself missing your attention and thinking I would never see you again. And it hurt. When Jin gave me the opportunity to come here with him, I knew I would never get that chance again if I didn't do it. And to this day I am glad that I took that opportunity and that I am very happy here, together with you and Jiji and our friends."

Jimin doesn't know what happens to him when he suddenly sees Yoongi kneel on one knee in front of him and he takes out a box from his pocket. Tears form in his eyes. "Jimin, do you and Jiji want to be happy with me for a lifetime......will you marry me?" Yoongi asks softly and looks at Jimin lovingly.

Jimin covers his mouth with his hands, tears falling down his cheeks. "Yes," he exclaims, "Yes, I really want to marry you." Yoongi takes the ring and slides it on Jimin's finger and grabs Jimin by the waist and pulls him towards him. "I love you," he whispers and gives Jimin a loving kiss on the lips. Jimin looks into Yoongi's eyes. "I love you too".

Forever in my heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora