Chapter 21

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The days fly by and Jimin is now back in New York. Christmas break is almost over, university starts again tomorrow.

Christmas was a lot of fun and of course everyone had to laugh at the big box of presents that came back to Jin so that Jimin, Jiyoon and Jungkook could also unwrap their presents. They were very spoiled by everyone. Jiyoon was also very happy with her presents, but she was most happy that Yoongi was with her. She just wanted to sit with him, which Yoongi didn't mind at all.

Jimin looks at the frame with the photo Yoongi gave them. The frame contains a line of text which says "forever in my heart". He gets warm and feels butterflies in his stomach. The best moment was New Year's Eve. The group had gone outside for a countdown, but in the end, Yoongi and Jimin had gone inside with Jiyoon. It was too cold for the little girl and she was sleepy.

Together they stood looking out the window, when Jimin turned to Yoongi and asked, "Hyung, can you explain to me what you mean by the text on the picture frame." Yoongi looks at Jimin, turns to him and takes both his hands.

"Uh, Jiminie," Yoongi starts nervously. "When I see you, I feel everything that I have never felt before. I miss you when you're not around and whenever I see you I have butterflies in my stomach. I would love to be with you and Jiyoon, but I can't financially afford it right now". He looks into those beautiful eyes in front of him and sighs . Can you wait for me until school is over, can you wait for me for another year and a half Jiminie?"

Jimin smiles at Yoongi and Yoongi brings his face closer to Jimin. They look into each other's eyes and Yoongi looks at Jimin's beautiful full lips and places his lips on his for a soft kiss. Fireworks are going off outside and Yoongi pulls back and leans his forehead against Jimin's. "Yes, we will wait for you Yoongi hyung," Jimin answers softly and they turn to watch the fireworks from behind the window. Yoongi puts his arm around Jimin's shoulders and hugs him, kissing Jimin's head.

Jimin sighs when he thinks back to that beautiful memory. He walks with the frame to his bedroom and looks for a nice spot among all the other frames. He hammers a nail into the wall and hangs up the frame. Just have to be patient, he thinks, while he gets a warm feeling inside.

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and before they know it they are in May and that is the month Jiyoon was born. She has turned one year old and she is already quite a girl. She is already walking and can already say a few words like appa and Eomma. She calls herself Jiji, of course she learned that from her favorite uncle Yoonie and that always makes Jimin laugh. She always makes such a stubborn face as if she wants to say "dare to say that it is not". Jimin just left it like that. He also thinks Jiji sounds very nice, but leaves it to Yoongi to call her that. That makes it special. He prefers to call her Jiyoon.

Jimin throws a small party, together with Emily's parents, Hobi and Lauren. Everyone else watches via Skype with the promise that presents will come with Jimin's parents, who will soon be coming his way again.

But not only his parents are coming, Namjoon and Jin are also there this time. Jimin knows Yoongi can't come, but he's still a little disappointed. He tries to put it aside and focuses on Namjoon and Jin and his parents. Jin has now finished school and now has his diplomas to set up his own restaurant.

"Jimin," Jin says. "How would you like me to come live here in your house and start a restaurant here in New York?" Jimin's mouth falls open in surprise. "Starting a restaurant here in New York, but where? Have you already looked around?" he asks Jin.

Jin shakes his head. "No silly, I just got here, but I want to look around a bit in the next few days. Do you happen to have any ideas?" asks Jin. "No," Jimin says. "I'll ask my boss, I have to go there again tomorrow, maybe he knows some properties that are for sale."

"Ah, thanks Jiminie," says Jin. "Just let me know if you hear anything.

The next day, Namjoon and Jin go out. They have appointments with various brokers, but it is not that easy.

Jimin has better luck. His boss still knows a property. It's from a good friend who he knows is going to quit soon. Perhaps they can agree on the price without the intervention of an agent.

Jimin calls Jin. "Hyung," he calls as soon as Jin answers. "My boss knows something else, come over here," Jimin says and Namjoon and Jin drive towards him. Jimin's boss calls his friend and they can visit there that same day. Jimin's boss comes along so Namjoon and Jin don't have to go there alone.

Later in the afternoon they come back and Jin takes Jimin in a tight hug and does a happy dance with him. "Yes, yes, yes, we did it," Jin shouts enthusiastically and happily. "I'm also coming to live in New York. Oh a dream come true," he shouts happily. "Come on, we have to celebrate and he orders drinks for them so they can toast Jin's new plans.

"But Namjoon, what do you think?" Jimin asks. "Don't you mind that Jin is now going to live here in New York and that you have to stay behind in Seoul?" Namjoon looks at Jin with love. "No, we have discussed this extensively with each other. Jin would like to do something abroad. We've been here a few times now and he loves the atmosphere here in New York. So that's why this choice.

"I will certainly miss him, very much so, but when I finish my studies next year I can work from any country. You can write and produce songs anywhere in the world. So then I will also come to New York and we will settle here.

"Um, Jiminie," Jin begins. "Could I ask you if I could live with you for a year," Jin asks hopefully. "Of course I pay rent to your parents, I have already discussed this with them and of course I contribute to your expenses.

Jimin doesn't have to think about that for long. "But of course hyung," Jimin says happily. "There is plenty of space here, you can even choose between two bedrooms and for me it is nice to have someone in the house again, at least then I can have some other conversations than babytalk."

When they return to Jimin's apartment, they are greeted by Jimin's parents and Jiyoon. "Appa!" she shouts when she sees Jimin and throws her arms in the air so Jimin knows she needs to be picked up. Jimin happily picks her up of course and gives her a big hug. "Did you miss your appa?" Jimin asks and Jiyoon answers with a clear "yes".

"Do you know who is coming to live with us," he asks Jiyoon, who looks at him with a confused face. "Uncle Jin is coming to live here," Jimin says as he points to Jin and Jiyoon says "Jin" right after him.

"Ah, come here," Jin says. He takes Jiyoon from Jimin and gives her a big hug. "We're going to be great friends," Jin says as he swings her through the air. Jiyoon is having the time of her life and is enjoying all the attention.

Jimin can't help but think about Yoongi again. If only he were here too.

Forever in my heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora