Chapter 12

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After a while a maid comes and asks if they want to come along. Eventually they end up in a cozy living room. Emily is sitting on the couch and her parents are sitting on the two separate chairs opposite the couch.

As they approach, Emily and her parents stand up to welcome their guests.

Both parents are clearly of asian descent. Her father is about as tall as Jin, has black hair and a friendly expression. He bows to his guests and says, "Welcome all to our home, I hope you had a good trip." Emily's mother also bows to her guests. She is slightly shorter than her husband, also has black hair and a soft look in her eyes.

"Please everyone, sit down," says Emily's mother and at the same moment the door opens and the maid arrives with a tray of tea and coffee. She also puts various snacks on the table, after which she leaves again.

They enjoy tea and coffee for a while and get to know each other in the meantime. Jimin's parents say that they flew here from Seoul with Jin. Emily's parents tell us that they emigrated to America from South Korea because of Emily's father's work. Emily was born here in America and knows no better than living here. They have lived here for 25 years and have never felt the need to return to South Korea.

Emily's father continues, "I understand from Emily that you would like to discuss something with us. We don't know what's going on and would appreciate it if you told us what's going on," says Emily's father worriedly.

"Emily looks at Jimin and starts talking. "Appa, I met Jimin in the last week of the summer break. One thing led to another, but something went wrong."

"Emily takes a deep sigh and decides to just throw it out. "I am pregnant".

Her father and mother look at her in shock. "What!!", her father shouts and looks angrily at Jimin. Jimin looks at the ground in shame and nervously fiddles with his fingers, not daring to look at Emily's father.

"Appa, eomma, please don't be angry," Emily says. "Jimin took responsibility, he provided a condom, but it turned out to be torn. I took the morning after pill, but that didn't help. When my period didn't come, he came straight to me and made an appointment for me with the doctor, where we discussed what we both wanted."

"But dear", you are still so young and you are still busy with school, how are you going to do all that in combination with a baby. And where are you going to live and how are you going to take care of your baby," her mother asks worriedly.

"Calm down eomma. Jimin and I have already talked about it together and I have indeed told Jimin that I am not ready for a baby and that my school is more important to me right now," says Emily while looking reassuringly at Jimin.

"Oh, so you're having it removed," her father says with relief.

"Wow, no," Jimin interjects. "This is also my baby and the two of us have indeed discussed this. We went to the doctor with a good friend and saw the baby on the ultrasound and heard the heartbeat and for me that was the moment I knew that I wanted to raise this baby".

"I respect Emily's choice not to be involved in this, but she has promised me that she will carry the pregnancy to term and then we will part ways. I will let him or her grow up with all the love I have within me. Our door will always be open if you feel the need to see your grandchild and that of course also applies to Emily, but I do not oblige you. All responsibility lies with myself and I am sure I will succeed," Jimin says convincingly.

"My parents and my good friend Jin came here today to show you that I am not just doing something, but that I have certainly thought about it and talked to them about it. I even already have an idea of where I could live with the baby and I will definitely talk to the school to ensure that in addition to caring for the baby, I can also work on my schooling and finish university, so that i have a good job in the future".

"I think it's a very nice story, Jimin," says Emily's father, "but how are you going to finance everything? After all, you are still at school and you will still have to pay some rent, fixed costs and all kinds of other expenses. Having a baby isn't cheap."

"Leave those worries to us," Jimin's father says and his mother nods in agreement. "We will ensure that you do not have to worry about this any further. We will also cover any medical bills or childbirth costs."

Jimin looks at his parents. He would love to give them a hug, but it's not the right time.

Emily looks at her parents. "Appa, eomma, I hope you can respect Jimin's choice. I know you're worried, but you don't have to be. I know Jimin is very serious about this."

"I really appreciate him for taking responsibility and not letting me down. As far as it goes, I will just continue to live in the dorm and go to school. At the end of the pregnancy I will live here and take my lessons via computer. This way Jimin can also monitor the pregnancy and we can go to doctor's appointments together.

There is a knock on the door and a maid announces that lunch is ready. Everyone gets up and they follow Emily's parents to the dining room.

When everyone is seated, Emily her father stand up. "Jimin, I think I also speak for my wife when I say that we have a lot of admiration for how you handled the situation, for your perseverance, but certainly also for your good care of our Emily. Of course you understand that I am overwhelmed by this news, but to be honest, I have to admit that I also enjoy becoming a grandfather," he says with a proud face.

"I want you to know that if something comes up, you can always call us. After all, your parents are not here and I don't want you to feel like you are alone," her father says.

The group looks at each other happily and toasts the baby together.

Jimin is relieved. He knows that it will soon be very difficult, but it is very nice that there are some people there for you when you need it.

With that thought he enjoys the delicious lunch just like the rest.

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