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Two years later

Jimin sits with Jiyoon on the porch swing in their backyard. He reads a book together with Jiyoon, who is now six years old. Two-year-old son Kyung and daughter Jiwon sit on a blanket in the grass and play with their toys. Yoongi and Namjoon are in Seoul for work and won't be home for another few days.

Together they were able to buy a house. A large house with many bedrooms and three bathrooms. Big enough so that each child has his or her own room and that their parents can stay the night when they are in New York.

Yoongi is busy with his work. He and Namjoon are still a team and together they are renowned lyric writers and producers and have worked for many well-known artists. A few times a year they have to go to Seoul to work on the debuts of many new artists at the head office and everyone enjoys working with the two boys.

Jimin is still a dance teacher employed by Hobi and Lauren. Lauren is now pregnant with their second child and Kenji is now three years old and has recently started school. Hobi's dance school is well known and university students regularly come to see and participate to find out which dance interests them and what suits them best and what they could possibly do with it later.

Jimin enjoys it, dancing is still something he loves most. It's his outlet for when he feels sad or when he needs to sort out his thoughts or just because he wants to be a dancer instead of a father for a moment. No matter how much he loves his children, sometimes he would like to be free for a while and in his dance that is possible.

But when he comes home again, he is happy to have everyone around him again, he loves them very much and cannot live without them.

He did stop working at Jin's restaurant. His restaurant is one of the best in New York. They also regularly organize company parties or weddings. He now has employs enough, so that Jimin no longer has to help.

Namjoon and Jin have now been married for a year and after their marriage they have entered the adoption process. Together they adopted a 2-year-old girl, Fay. She is the cutest girl in the world and she quickly got used to Namjoon and Jin. She now also really enjoys playing with Kyung and Jiwon and can cuddle with Jiyoon.

Jimin really enjoyed working with Jin, but with the twins around he noticed that it was just too much for him. Now he has time to divide his attention between the twins and Jiyoon and to be there for them when they wake up from their afternoon nap and when Jiyoon comes home from school and needs help with any homework.

Taehuyng and Jungkook travel around the world. They have their apartment together in New York, but they spend most of their time on the road. Jungkook to perform anywhere in the world and Taehuyng, who is a famous model, to work at fashion shows or shoots. In between they visit each other again in the country where they are and enjoy the luxurious life. They are not thinking about children for the time being, they want to enjoy their career first.

Jiwon starts to cry and Jimin and Jiyoon look up. Jimin sighs, but Jiyoon is quick and gets up to give her a hug and warns Kyung not to take his sister's toys.

Jimin watches the scene from the porch swing and enjoys it. He is so lucky with his family, which started with Jiyoon. He never thought his life would turn out this way. Of course he had his parents who supported him financially when he was still in school and had Jiyoon, he was super happy about that. He could have been there differently, where had he had to go so quickly with the child. And in the worst case scenario, they would have had to opt for an abortion because Emily wasn't ready to care for the child at the time.

He saw Emily often at university, but after they graduated, contact completely waned. Fortunately, Emily's parents are still in their lives and Jiyoon is crazy about them, but vice versa. They are so happy with their granddaughter and Jimin is also happy that he could always count on their support. Whenever something came up, he could call them and they would be there for him and Jiyoon.

But now they live in this beautiful big house in a beautiful part of New York. Near Jiyoon's school, so Jimin can drop her off with the twins.

They have hired a babysitter for when Jimin has to work or when they have to go somewhere together, so that they no longer have to knock on the door of their friends, who after all also have their own busy lives.

They also have a maid who comes to help with the housework a few times a week. Especially with so many bedrooms and bathrooms, it's a lot of work to do alone. Her name is Katy and she is an older woman who also gets along very well with the children. She also cooks very well and Jiyoon always helps, which Katy really likes.

Jimin hears the front door slam and hears someone coming through the living room and kitchen to the garden. Jiyoon suddenly stands up and shouts "daddy"!!!

Jimin looks inside in surprise and sees his handsome husband standing there. Jiyoon hangs around his neck and gives him a big hug, while Jimin walks over to him as well. Yoongi puts Jiyoon on the ground and she walks back outside.

Yoongi pulls Jimin into his arms and kisses him passionately on the mouth. Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi's neck and kisses him back.

When they withdraw, they stand with their foreheads together for a while. They look deeply into each other's eyes, still in love. "Hee love," Yoongi says. "Did you miss me?" he asks, rubbing Jimin's back with his hands. "Yes, a lot," Jimin says, running his hand through Yoongi's hair and they kiss again.

Suddenly Yoongi feels someone pulling on his pants and looks down. "Daddy," Kyung shouts and not much later Jiwon also comes crawling behind with Jiyoon in her wake. Yoongi picks up both children and gives them a big hug as well. Jimin picks up Jiyoon and they all enjoy a big group hug. Jimin feels happy, his family is together again.

Later that night, when the kids have all gone to bed, Yoongi and Jimin are cuddling together on the couch. They watch a movie and have a nice time with a glass of wine and some snacks. Yoongi rubs Jimin's waist with his hands. Jimin can no longer concentrate on the movie. He's had to miss Yoongi for a week and he turns around so he's facing Yoongi. Yoongi looks at him. Jimin sees the love and lust in his eyes and feels his hard member against his thigh.

He places his hand on the back of Yoongi's neck, pulls him forward and places his lips around Yoongi's. It's a soft kiss, but it soon becomes passionate and Jimin slides his hand under his shirt. Yoongi shivers when he feels the cold hands on his skin. He pulls back, pushes himself up and gets off the couch.

He picks Jimin up bridal style and walks him to the bedroom, where things get hot that night.

After a few rounds of hot sex, they lie next to each other on the bed. Jimin lies on Yoongi's chest and their legs are intertwined. Jimin looks up and kisses Yoongi on the chin. Yoongi looks down and kisses his lips tenderly. "I love you forever," Jimin says softly. "I love you too, love," Yoongi says and gives Jimin a soft kiss. "Forever in my heart".

The end.

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