Chapter 29

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The doorbell rings and Jimin gets up from the couch, sighing. It's his birthday today, but he doesn't feel it. He hasn't heard from Yoongi in a few days, even though they normally call every day. He walks to the door and when he opens it, he sees Jin, Jungkook, Hobi and Lauren standing there. "Happy Birthday," they shout in unison and Jimin bursts out laughing.

"Thanks guys, come in," Jimin says, trying to sound cheerful. He had promised that he would have a small party with whoever was in New York. Jin notices and gives him a big hug. "Cheer up Jimin, I'm sure he'll call today. He won't forget your birthday. That is always a very important day for him, he says. I'm sure they've been busy over the past few weeks with the latest lyrics and such and he hasn't taken the time to call you," Jin tries to cheer him up a bit. He has spoken to Namjoon and knows perfectly well what is going to happen, but he still has to keep quiet for a while.

The doorbell rings again and he breaks away from the hug with Jin. "Thank you Jin, I may be overthinking it again, but I just miss him very much," Jimin says sadly. He opens the door again. He doesn't have time to be sad for long, because before he knows it a little girl jumps into his arms. "Appa," Jiyoon calls and gives him kisses on his cheeks and then a big hug. Behind her are Emily's parents and he signals for them to walk inside.

Together with Jiyoon, he follows the others inside and sees that they have hung up some decorations in the meantime and that Jin has put the cake on the table. They sit down and all get their presents for Jimin. The last present he receives from Jin is one that surprises him enormously, because it is the photo frame that Yoongi gave him for Christmas two years ago with the text "for always in my heart". He looks at Jin confused. Jin laughs and says "this one is very important for today" and Jimin no longer understands it at all, but puts it aside for the moment.

Jin cuts the cake and gives everyone a piece and they continue chatting. Jin tells about the apartment. It's finally done and he moved in last week. He was also able to arrange for his balcony to be enlarged and he was able to incorporate his garden into his restaurant. The area under the balcony has now become a kind of conservatory, which can also be heated. In the summer, the glass panel can be moved completely away and he can involve his entire garden. Now he is waiting for Namjoon to come to New York and that won't be long, he says, looking at Jimin. But he is too busy with Jiyoon at that moment to notice the look.

After a while the doorbell rings again. Jimin looks around in surprise, he doesn't miss anyone, he thinks. He gets up, walks to the front door and opens it. He sees a pile of luggage and in the middle of it is a smiling Namjoon and Yoongi. "Surprise," they exclaim together and Jimin stands frozen in place with the most surprised expression on his face. Jin is now standing behind Jimin and signals to Namjoon to come in and leave Yoongi and Jimin alone for a while. He is greeted enthusiastically by the others and sits down for a piece of cake. In the meantime, Jiyoon is being kept busy by grandpa and grandma.

Yoongi steps forward and grabs Jimin by the waist, pulling him towards him. Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi's neck. "Congratulations love, I hope you like this surprise. I have another present for you," Yoongi says as he leans forward and gives Jimin a soft kiss on the lips. "The countdown is over love, from today I will be living here in New York." He looks at the face and sees realization dawn on Jimin. Tears well up in his eyes and his most beautiful smile appears on his face. "Really, that's why you haven't called me in the past few days," Jimin asks, tears now sliding down his cheeks.

Yoongi holds his face with both hands and rubs away the tears with his thumbs. "Don't cry babe, of course I had to arrange everything around moving and quitting my apartment. And I really wanted to give you the most beautiful gift on your birthday. He kisses Jimin and this time Jimin kisses him back. A loving kiss between two lovers who are finally together.

"Yoonie", they suddenly hear Jiyoon shout and before Yoongi is prepared she jumps into his arms. He just manages to catch her and laughs. "Hey sweetie, happy to see me again," Yoongi asks and Jiyoon hugs him with her arms tightly around him. "How would you like it if Yoonie came to live with Jiji," Yoongi asks and Jiyoon looks at both men. "Is it really true?" she asks Jimin and he nods. "Jiji happy," she exclaims and Yoongi pulls Jimin into the embrace as well. The three of them stand like that for a while until Yoongi breaks away from the hug. "I love you both and I'm glad I'm finally here," he says and gives Jiyoon and Jimin a kiss on the cheek. "Come on, let's go inside. The others are waiting for us," Yoongi says. They temporarily put his luggage in the hall and continue to the room, where they are welcomed with confetti poppers and loud cheers. Jimin is beaming, this is the best birthday of his life.

The party continues for a long time and after everyone has left and the decorations have been put away, Yoongi and Jimin decide to go to bed too. Jimin walks past Jiyoon for a moment, but she is sleeping like a baby with her new cuddly toy, which Yoongi gave her, close to her.

He hears Yoongi rolling his suitcases into the bedroom and decides to help his boyfriend. He also grabs a suitcase and rolls it to the bedroom. "Oh babe, put it somewhere, I'll clean them up tomorrow. I've been off for a week now. Tomorrow I have to arrange with Namjoon to move to New York and then I have plenty of time to put away my things."

He pulls Jimin towards him and gives him a kiss. Jimin happily kisses him back and they sit on the bed together while kissing. They wrap their legs around each other and sit on the bed for a while. Alone kissing, happy with each other, that the time has finally come that they will be together every day. Waking up together in the morning and falling asleep together at night.

"I'm so happy you're finally here," Jimin says. He looks deep into Yoongi's eyes while ruffling Yoongi's hair with his hands. He sees nothing but genuine love and feels butterflies in his stomach. "I'm also happy that the time has finally come. It took a long time, but I'm glad you never gave up on us," Yoongi whispers and leans in to kiss Jimin again. He can never get enough of it, he is so happy with Jimin. But also with Jiyoon. His love for her is genuine, as if she were his own daughter and he is happy that Jiyoon likes him too and accepts him coming to live with them.

They sit opposite each other in their own little world for a while until they decide it's time to go to sleep. After all, Jimin has to get up on time the next day to sit in front of his computer and take his classes and Yoongi has to be with Namjoon on time for their appointments.

They change into their sleeping clothes and lie down next to each other on the bed. Jimin snuggles against Yoongi's chest and Yoongi wraps his arms tightly around Jimin, legs tangled together. Jimin looks up at Yoongi and whispers "I love you". Yoongi looks at him lovingly and whispers back "I love you too love" and they give each other one last loving kiss and fall into a deep sleep together.

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