Chapter 30

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The months fly by and everyone is busy with their work. Jimin is in his last year of school and is busy with his studies, but also with taking care of Jiyoon. It's nice that Yoongi is also there now and he can take over a lot of the care, so that he can really concentrate on his schoolwork.

Yoongi and Namjoon have a lot of work together on the various lyrics they have to write and the music they have to produce, but they love it and also enjoy the fact that they can be with their loved ones and no longer have to travel back and forth.

Jin is also very busy with his restaurant. The busiest time of the year is over again, Christmas. Fortunately, he still employs Jimin and Taehuyng, who flew over for the holidays, also helped out with serving.

Jimin thinks back. He loves the holidays. Everything beautifully decorated, everyone dressed beautifully. This year was very special. Everyone was in New York. Yoongi was with Jiyoon by his side, Jimin's parents had come and Yoongi's parents too. Both sets of parents stayed with Jimin and Yoongi, so it was a full house, but oh so cozy.

Jin now has Namjoon by his side and both their parents had also come and were staying at their apartment.

Taehuyng was there again this year and stayed with Jungkook in the dorm. Their parents were also there and they stayed in a hotel.

Jin also invited Hobi, Lauren and Emily's parents. After all, they are also part of the family and it was nice that they could get to know everyone.

Christmas Eve, Jin had closed the restaurant and arranged the tables in a U-shape. Jimin and Taehuyng, together with the other colleagues, had helped him to neatly decorate the tables for dinner. The cook and his staff had provided an extensive buffet and everyone together had started the holidays.

He had enjoyed all the familiar faces around him, for a moment he imagined himself in Seoul again. Yoongi had sat next to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Are you having fun, love?" Yoongi had asked and Jimin had beamed at him.

They had also spent New Year's Eve together. Taehuyng and Jungkook's parents had arranged with the hotel that they could all eat there, so that Jin and his staff also had some time off, and then there was a small party until the countdown moment.

Another year has passed, Jimin thinks. He has lived in New York for three and a half years now, but he feels like he has lived there all his life. His English language has also improved greatly thanks to the university. He can't help but laugh at Yoongi. He is now also taking English lessons, together with Namjoon, but very often he does not understand what is being said and that frustrates him. And even more so when Jiyoon translates it for him very simply. The face he makes makes Jimin burst into laughter. "Yah," Yoongi shouts indignantly and then pretends to be angry at Jimin and Jiyoon. But he often can't stand that for long and then he also has to laugh.

Jimin feels so happy, he is so happy that Yoongi now lives with him and that they can enjoy each other and Jiyoon every day. Completely in their own bubble with their friends in the same city, who would have thought that.

In March they celebrate Yoongi's birthday for the first time in years. In all previous years he had not felt the need to celebrate his birthday. His group of friends was no longer complete with Jimin, Jin and Jungkook in New York.

Namjoon and Taehuyng would often visit him at his apartment and drink a toast to turning another year older. His parents took him out for dinner in the evening and that was it.

But now Jimin had made it a great party together with Jiyoon. He had asked Jin to prepare some tasty dishes and of course a nice cake. In the morning he woke him up with Jiyoon and sang to him. Then the three of them had breakfast in bed and enjoyed each other.

In the afternoon, Jimin had arranged with Namjoon to pick him up for work, so that Jimin and Jiyoon could decorate the living room together and get everything ready for the party.

Jin met Jungkook later and he brought the food and cake. Hobi, Lauren and Emily's parents also arrived later and they waited for Yoongi. Jin had already texted Namjoon that everything was ready and had responded that they were coming. As soon as the door opened, Jimin and Jungkook set off the party poppers and Yoongi stood in the doorway in surprise. Namjoon pushed him in and Jimin shouted loudly "Let the party begin." It was a nice evening.

In May it was of course a party again, because Jiyoon turned three years old. Jimin thinks back, how quickly time has passed. He remembers clearly when Emily called him and told him she was pregnant. And now she is already three years old and she can go to school after the summer holidays.

Of course they also turned this day into a beautiful holiday. Jin had made the most beautiful cake for her again and Jimin had prepared her favorite dishes together with Yoongi. In the evening they had made a Skype connection with all the grandparents and Taehuyng, so that they could also be present at the party for a little bit.

And now Jimin is back in front of his screen taking his lessons for school. It's the last few weeks before the exams and Jimin is ready. He has worked hard and prepared everything well, so he is confident that everything will turn out well.

The class has just ended and the door opens. Yoongi looks around the corner and Jimin signals that he can come inside.

"Hey love, how are you doing here," Yoongi asks and gives Jimin a kiss. "Good," Jimin says, smiling. "Classes are done for today and I'm going to go see Hobi and Lauren later, because they wanted to show me something." Jimin stands up and takes a step forward towards Yoongi. He wraps his arms around Yoongi's neck and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. He pulls away and they stand with their foreheads together for a while, enjoying each other.

Suddenly the door opens and Jiyoon walks in enthusiastically. Jimin and Yoongi let go of each other and look at Jiyoon questioningly. "Yoonie, would you please go get ice cream with me," she asks in her sweetest voice and Yoongi is sold. "But of course sweetie, let me grab my things." And after giving Jimin one last kiss, he walks to the hall to put on his shoes.

"Will you be home with dinner later?" Yoongi asks Jimin and Jimin nods. "Any preference, what you want to eat tonight," he asks. "No, honey, everything you prepare is delicious, so it doesn't matter to me. Just ask Jiyoon what she wants to eat and I think she will be happy to help you. See you later," Jimin says and gives them both a kiss.

When they are both gone, Jimin also gathers his things. Just to be safe, he takes some dancing clothes and a towel with him, because he knows that when he is in the dance school, he cannot control himself.

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