Chapter 7

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Jimin was completely unaware of what was going on in Korea. He was thoroughly enjoying his new life in America.

He had gotten to know Hobi and Lauren better over the past week and they are getting along well. He had also met several girls and boys from their group of friends and they had already gone to various parties and clubs together. Jimin slowly starts to find his way in New York.

Jimin had noticed that Hobi and Lauren often looked at each other and wondered if they had a crush on each other. So today when he was alone with Hobi in their dorm, he couldn't resist asking.

"Hey Hobi," Jimin begins, "what's going on between you and Lauren?"

Hobi's face turns as red as a tomato. "I like her a lot," Hobi says softly, "but I have no idea if she reciprocates my feelings and I don't dare ask her. Afraid I'll destroy our friendship. And now I'm going home next week for a few months to help my parents in their business."

"Who knows, maybe when you get back you can ask her," Jimin says. "Maybe in the meantime I can find out what she thinks about you."

"As long as you don't start something with her," Hobi says with a serious face. "Who knows, she might like me better," Jimin says teasingly and Hobi throws a pillow in his face. "As long as you let it!"

"No, don't worry, the love of my life lives in Korea, but he doesn't even know that I have a crush on him," Jimin says somberly.

Hobi knows about Jimin and Yoongi and thinks it's a shame for Jimin that things turned out this way. He hopes that they will get together one day, because he can tell from the way how lovingly Jimin talks about Yoongi that Jimin really has feelings for him and he misses Yoongi very much.

Jimin may think that Hobi doesn't hear it, that he falls asleep crying every night, but he certainly does and it hurts him that he can't change anything about it. He doesn't know that Yoongi boy either, so he has no idea how this will end.

"I hope you will keep an eye on Lauren for me in the coming months," says Hobi. "She always acts like a big girl, but she also gets into trouble easily with her big mouth," he laughs.

"No problem," says Jimin. "I believe we have a few more parties before it goes completely quiet here, but we will certainly have a good time. I think I'm going to look around for a job myself, from now on I have to support myself, of course," says Jimin.

The following days, Jimin looks for a job and eventually ends up at a nice restaurant just off campus. They are indeed looking for someone who can help with the dishes and serving.

Jimin can start straight away because the permanent staff is now on holiday during the summer break. That means he also sees Lauren and Hobi less, now that he has to start in the afternoon and finish late in the evening. Still, he tries to at least visit Lauren in the mornings to ask how she is doing and to find out what her plans are. Sometimes, now that Hobi is visiting his parents, they also go to a coffee shop together to have a coffee and catch up.

The months fly by and before they know it, Hobi is back. Lauren hugs him and Hobi blushes very much. "I missed you," Lauren whispers in his ear, which only makes Hobi turn redder and Jimin winks at him.

"Hey guys, there's a party next weekend before the school year starts again, are you coming along?" asks Lauren. "Yes, that's fine," Jimin answers, "I don't have to work that Sunday after all."

That Saturday evening, Lauren waits for both boys at the elevator and the three of them walk to the party. It is at the home of one of the students, whose parents are still on holiday. They walk inside, where it is already quite busy. There is a kind of dance floor where several young people are dancing and in the corners couples are kissing each other. They walk through the living room to the kitchen where they get something to drink. Then they walk back to the dance floor and start moving to the music.

After a few more drinks, everyone loosens up a bit and suddenly a blonde girl approaches Jimin. "Hi, I'm Emily," she says and starts dancing seductively around Jimin. Jimin feels the sexual tension and goes along with it. "I'm Jimin," he whispers in her ear, then gently nibbles on her earlobe. Emily turns around and rubs his chest with her hands, letting her hands disappear under his jacket, to his back and down to his ass while she seductively kisses his neck. He feels his member getting harder and can no longer control himself and kisses her full on her mouth.

** smut ahead**

Jimin kicks open the bedroom door on the first floor and walks inside. He closes and locks the door while they kiss. Jimin walks Emily to the bed and gently lays her down. He bends over her and starts unbuttoning her blouse while kissing her neck and leaving hickeys.

Emily takes off Jimin's jacket and pulls the shirt over his head and throws it on the floor. She rubs her hands over his chest and down to his jeans. She unties the belt and throws it on the ground as well. Jimin takes off Emily's blouse and pulls down her skirt.

They look into each other's eyes and silently give each other permission to continue, aware of what is happening.

Emily's bra and underwear end up with the other clothes and Jimin's jeans and underwear soon follow.

They lie naked next to each other and look at each other with lust in their eyes. Jimin rubs Emily's breasts with his hands and teasingly pinches her nipples, causing Emily to moan. Emily rubs Jimin's hard member with her hand and a moan comes from his mouth. Jimin leans over Emily and starts kissing her, tongues fighting for dominance and the kiss becomes more and more overheated.

Jimin's hand disappears between Emily's legs and rubs her clit, making her even more horny than she already was. "Ahhh Jimin," she moans, "please take me," Emily cries.

Jimin looks at her. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yessss ahhhh," she moans. Jimin pushes up to grab the condom he brought and Emily helps put it on. He carefully slides inside her and starts rolling his hips. "Ah yeah Daddy, faster, faster," she exclaims, which makes Jimin go even faster. "Ahhh, I have to cum," Emily shouts. "Ahhh, me too," Jimin moans and they cum one after the other and Jimin lowers himself on top of Emily and they lie together for a few minutes to recover.

** end of smut **

Jimin withdraws his member with the condom. He wants to button the condom and notices there is a tear in the condom. "Oh no," he exclaims. "What's wrong," Emily asks when she sees Jimin's shocked face. "The condom is torn. Oh my god, this wasn't supposed to happen at all." Jimin feels guilty, the last thing he wants is to get someone pregnant.

"Relax Jimin, I'm going to get the morning after pill tomorrow morning and then we just hope that nothing is wrong. At least give me your phone number, if anything goes wrong, so I can call you," Emily says.

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