Chapter 10

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Jin walks around his living room feeling a little restless. Like there's something going on with one of his friends. But he can't think of anything like that and wonders where this feeling comes from.

Then he suddenly remembers Jimin. He had already sent a message several times in recent weeks, but has not received a response and he doesn't really know what to think about it. The other boys are also quiet when it comes to Jimin. Taehyung and Yoongi are both still a little angry that Jimin suddenly left without saying goodbye and he understands that. Jungkook is busy with his own life. Of course, he is still only in high school, while the rest are now at university.

Luckily he has Namjoon and he can at least talk to him about this. They both have the feeling that something is going on, because normally he would send messages quite regularly, but now it remains silent.

Jin decides to call Jimin's mother. Since Jimin went to America, they have maintained good contact with each other. But his mother also indicated that Jimin had not yet called or sent a message and that she was worried.

"Hello" comes from the other end of the line. "Hello, this is Jin."

"Oh hi Jin," Jimin says to his mother. "Nice of you to call Jin, I have news to tell you," she says.

"Jimin called and I'm a bit worried about him. He said that he is going to be a father," she says.

"What," Jin shouts. "Father?"

"Yes, that was my reaction too," she laughs. "He asked us to come to America because he needs our help and we decided to go there and see the situation for ourselves.

Jin is completely in shock. Jimin is going to be a father, oh my god, what will happen to Yoongi and him, will that never be okay again?

"Can I ask a rude question," Jin asks Jimin's mother. "Of course dear," she says softly.

"Could I come with you to America?" Jin asks. I would also like to see how he is doing there and hear his story. I haven't spoken to him in a while and I miss him," says Jin.

"But of course," Jimin tells his mother, "no problem at all. We will also arrange a ticket for you. We want to go next week, for a week. I don't know if this can be arranged for you with the school, otherwise I would like to call the school to explain.

"Oh, that would be very nice if you would like to do that," says Jin. "Then I know for sure I won't get into trouble. I will ask my classmate to take extra notes for me so that I can catch up after the week."

Jimin's mother arranges the tickets and calls Jin's school to report him absent for a week. She calls Jimin to say they are coming to him next week and he is happy to hear that. Now all we can do is wait until Monday comes and their flight will depart.


It's busy at the airport. Jimin is standing in the arrivals hall waiting for the passengers of the flight from Seoul to walk through the door. The plane landed half an hour ago and he expects them to walk into the hall any moment now. He's nervous. Even though his mother sounded very cheerful on the phone, he doesn't know how she will react when she stands in front of him. And he certainly doesn't know about his father. He hopes they can understand his decision and that they will help him. But above all, they like the fact that they are becoming grandparents.

"Jiminnnn." He suddenly hears his name and looks in the direction it came from. There they are, his parents and his mother is there first and falls into his arms for a big hug. "Oh honey, I missed you so much. How are you?" his mother asks as she holds him away from her to see what her son looks like. "You look good boy, at least you take good care of yourself," she says laughing.

"Hey son," he hears his father say and he dives into his father's arms. "Nice to see you again boy, I missed you." Jimin gives him a big hug, but when he looks over his father's shoulders, he sees another familiar face and a smile breaks out on his face.

"Jin hyung," Jimin calls and he walks to Jin and gives him a hug as well. "Oh Jin, I'm so sorry, I haven't responded to your messages at all. It was suddenly all so hectic when school started and then the whole story with the baby. I missed you hyung," Jimin says.

"Come on, let's go to the hotel quickly and you can freshen up," Jimin says as he takes his mother's suitcase with him. "Then I will tell you all the whole story."

They walk to where the taxis are and soon someone calls his name. Steve stands next to his taxi waving and Jimin takes his parents and Jin to the taxi. "Hey Jimin," Steve says. "Good to see you again and thanks for your call."

"Hey Steve," Jimin smiles, "nice to see you again. These are my parents and a good friend. Mom, Dad, Jin hyung, this is Steve. He took me to the university on the first day and I can always call him whenever I need transportation. So that's why I called him today," Jimin laughs.

They all get into the car, while Jimin helps Steve with the luggage. Once they're all seated, Steve drives them to the hotel. On the way they are amazed and Jimin looks at Steve with a smile. "Do you remember, when I was in the backseat with you, I was just as amazed as they were, what an effect this city has," says Jimin.

Arriving at the hotel, Steve takes care of the luggage and Jimin pays for the taxi. They say goodbye to Steve and walk inside where they check in to their rooms. When Jimin, his parents and Jin have freshened up, they decide to have something to eat and drink in the hotel restaurant.

Then they walk into town and end up in a park. The four of them sit down on a bench and Jimin starts to tell his story. How he met Emily at the party, how things went wrong with the condom and that he is now going to be a father. That Emily would like us all to talk to her parents and to look for a place to live and a babysitter for when Jimin has to go to school or work.

His parents and Jin think along with him and at that moment he is sure that everything will turn out well.

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