Chapter 27

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Jin is standing at the airport and has just waved goodbye to Jimin, who is on his way to Seoul. Now he is waiting for the incoming flight from Seoul, because Taehuyng will be on it. "Hyung, I have a coffee for you and several snacks, take your pick," Jungkook says as he sits down next to Jin. Of course Jungkook was there too, because he is happy to see his boyfriend again.

After an hour the time has finally come and the signs say that the plane has landed. Not much later they see Taehuyng coming through the door, smiling and waving. After all the greetings, they walk to Jin's car and drive to Jin's restaurant. They walk upstairs and see that a lot has already changed. All rooms have new frames and windows. The bathroom is already completely finished and has a separate bath and shower. The toilet is also ready and has the same style as the bathroom. The bedrooms still need to be painted and the living room is not ready yet. In the kitchen they are installing the equipment and cabinets.

Jin calls everyone together and they all walk into the restaurant where the chef has prepared a delicious meal for everyone.

After the meal, Jin, Jungkook and Taehuyng also put on their old clothes and decided to make themselves useful in the bedrooms.

Just a few more weeks, then Jin expects to be able to live in his own apartment and hopefully Namjoon will come this way soon to come live with him.

In the meantime, Yoongi is waiting for his Minnie and Jiji at the airport. He is so happy that the two greatest loves of his life are arriving in Seoul today. Jimin and Yoongi's parents are also happy that Jimin and Jiyoon are coming to Seoul, so that they have time all summer to catch up and do fun things together. Yoongi's parents in particular enjoy getting to know Jimin and Jiyoon better.

"Yooooonie," he suddenly hears and he looks in the direction it came from. A little girl runs towards him and he squats down to catch her better. She falls into his arms and gives him a big hug. "Jiji missed uncle Yoonie," she says and snuggles close to Yoongi.

Yoongi gives her a kiss on the top of her head and looks up at Jimin, who has also arrived at Yoongi and Jiyoon with the luggage and sees how lovingly he is looking at them. He stands up and pulls Jimin towards him. "Hey love, I'm so happy to see you again," he says and gives Jimin a soft kiss on the lips. They stay like that in the embrace for a moment, until Jiyoon wiggles out of the embrace and thinks it's time to leave.

They get into the car, which Jimin's parents let Yoongi borrow, and first drive to Yoongi's apartment to take the luggage there. Then they drive to Jimin's parents, who are already ready to greet their son and grandchild. Happy to see and talk to each other again, they walk to the backyard, where Jimin's mother has prepared all kinds of tasty meals. Not much later, Yoongi's parents join them and they can start eating. Yoongi looks around and enjoys the fact that all the people he loves are now together.

In New York, Hobi and Lauren managed to buy the property they had in mind for a lower price than initially asked. There is still so much work to be done that they could not agree to the previous price, as they would still have enough costs for the renovation.

They had hired a contractor for the major changes, who ensured that everything was done before he went on holiday himself. Now all they have to do is paint and lay the dance floors and hang the many mirrors. But with their group of friends from college, it was something they accomplished in just a few weeks.

"Hey honey," Hobi says as he walks into the office behind the counter. "How is the website going?" Lauren looks up from the laptop and smiles at him. "I'm doing well, I'm almost done. We just have to decide which lessons we want to offer."

"Maybe we can first organize a few open days to see who comes and who wants to take lessons with us. Then we might know what kind of groups we can make. We can already determine our prices and come up with a fun promotion for the open days to attract people, Hobi says enthusiastically.

"Maybe we can ask Jimin to show us what modern dance is all about. Who knows, he may be willing to teach this if there is interest," says Lauren. "Oh that's not such a bad idea, I'll send him a message in a moment," Hobi says happily.

Jin stands on his small balcony and surveys his garden. Taehuyng comes to stand next to him and says "you have a big garden. Isn't that something to turn into an outdoor terrace? Especially now that the weather is so nice, that those who come to eat can choose whether they want to sit inside or outside," Taehuyng asks and looks at Jin.

"That I didn't think of that right away," Jin shouts enthusiastically. "Thank you Taehuyng, for your thoughts, I will immediately call the contractor" and he walks into his room. If he is going to call for the garden, he would actually also like to see if his balcony can be enlarged, so that he can enjoy a drink there in the evenings with Namjoon and his friends, he thinks.

It is now the next morning in Seoul. Jimin opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is his boyfriend's beautiful face. He leans forward and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. Yoongi's eyes slowly open. "Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" Jimin asks and gives Yoongi another kiss. Yoongi unexpectedly pulls Jimin towards him, causing Jimin to lie half on top of him. Yoongi puts his hand behind Jimin's neck and pulls him towards him and kisses him on the mouth. It is a loving kiss, which soon becomes more passionate. He teasingly licks Jimin's bottom lip with his tongue, who willingly opens his mouth so Yoongi can enter his tongue. After a while, Jimin pulls away and lies with his head on Yoongi's chest, Yoongi's arms around him. "Let's enjoy each other's love for a little while longer," says Yoongi. Jimin smiles and ruffles his hand through Yoongi's hair as he listens to his heartbeat. He slowly falls asleep again.

Suddenly the door flies open. "Appa, Yoonie, wake up," Jiyoon calls as she climbs onto the big bed. Jimin sits up in shock and he hears Yoongi groaning next to him. "Good morning sweetie, tell us why you stormed into our room and we have to wake up," Jimin asks and hugs her lovingly. "Jiji doing fun things with appa and Yoonie, come," Jiyoon says in a sweet voice. Yoongi watches the scene from a distance and laughs. "Come here little devil" and he sits up and takes her from Jimin. He starts tickling her and Jiyoon tries to wriggle out of Yoongi's grasp. "Stop Yoonie, stop," she exclaims, laughing hysterically. Tears run down her face. "Come on," says Jimin, "we'll have a nice breakfast first and then we can think about what we're going to do today."

I can get used to this, Yoongi thinks as he watches the two he loves the most walk away from the bedroom laughing. He also gets out of bed and follows the others. Let's see what this day will bring.

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