Chapter 34

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It's early in the morning when Jimin wakes up. He groans and throws the duvet over his head. He has a big headache from last night's party. After Yoongi's proposal and their moment in the gazebo, all their friends suddenly emerged, cheering along with Jiyoon. Jin had provided the champagne and snacks and Namjoon had put on some music and they celebrated together that Yoongi proposed to Jimin. Jiyoon was so happy when she heard that both her dads were getting married, finally her Yoonie is really her daddy.

He can't believe it yet, but he feels so happy. Together with Yoongi and Jiyoon and who knows, maybe someone else will join us soon. They have chosen an adoption agency that feels good and where it is also possible to adopt babies. Because that's what Jimin would want most, to hold a little baby in his arms again. But that is still a long way off and babies are not often available, often they are more like toddlers, because it turns out that their parents could not take good care of them and they are taken from the home or because the parents have had an accident or died due to illness and there is no one else to take care of them.

But Jimin is completely ready for it, just not today. He looks over the edge of the duvet at Yoongi's side and sees that he is still sleeping soundly. He decides to quietly move towards Yoongi and snuggle against him. Jiyoon is having a sleepover, so he decides he can stay in bed a little longer and eventually falls back asleep.

When he wakes up again, he feels Yoongi's hand running through his hair. His headache is a lot less, but not yet gone. He opens his eyes and meets Yoongi's. "Hey love, how are you feeling," Yoongi asks. He leans towards Jimin and gives him a kiss. "Ah, my head hurts so much," Jimin whines. "Well, maybe next time you shouldn't drink so much," Yoongi laughs and kisses him on the forehead. "I'll go get some painkillers and then I'll prepare breakfast and before you know it you'll feel better again," says Yoongi. Jimin pulls the duvet over himself and enjoys the warmth of the bed.

The days are flying by and it's already approaching Christmas. Jimin now works at Hobi and Lauren and he has also agreed with Jin to work some shifts with him in his restaurant, which Jin really likes. After all, Jiyoon is now also going to school, so Jimin also has his hands free to help Jin. Yoongi is also very busy together with Namjoon. They even had to go to Seoul for a month in the summer to start a new group there and that went well. Jimin missed his Yoongi very much, but was also busy enough with his work and Jiyoon. Yoongi had also visited both parents. With Jimin and Jiyoon next to him on Skype, they told them that they were getting married, which in turn led to tears of joy.

In addition to all this hustle and bustle, they also had the necessary training for the adoption procedure. Many conversations had already taken place and they had certainly been found suitable for adoption. The fact that Jimin is already an accomplished father makes a difference, but it is important to follow certain training courses that are necessary for adoption, such as behavior and communication. Older children in particular may have been through a lot and may behave differently than when you become a parent of your own child.

On a quiet day at the end of November, they were sitting lazily on the couch. Yoongi had just returned from Seoul where he spent a week producing some music for the new group, which started in the summer. They had just eaten and it was still early. Jiyoon was sitting on Yoongi's lap and they were reading a book together.

Jimin's phone rings and he sees the phone number of the adoption agency. He looks at Yoongi and answers. "Hello," he says. "Good evening sir," says a female voice on the other end of the line. "Am I speaking to Jimin?" she asks. "Yes, that's right," Jimin says. "Okay," the voice continues. "I would like to invite you to our place tomorrow because we think there is a match for you" and Jimin starts to beam. "Really," he exclaims and Yoongi looks at him questioningly. "Yes, we will be there tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. Thank you," Jimin says and ends the call.

"Oh Yoongi, we have an interview tomorrow morning at the adoption agency, there is probably a match for us," he says happily and hugs Yoongi and Jiyoon.

Jiyoon giggles. "Am I going to have a sister tomorrow?" she asks Jimin. "No," says Jimin, "eh, well, I don't actually know. We will have a conversation tomorrow and then we will hear more about it," he explains to Jiyoon. Yoongi kisses him on the temple and puts his arm around him. "We'll see tomorrow love," Yoongi says and Jimin snuggles up to him and Yoongi continues reading.

"The next morning they take Jiyoon to Hobi and Lauren and from there they go to the adoption agency. "They are greeted by the desk clerk and she takes them to a room. After a short wait, Claire comes in. A young girl in her mid-twenties, who enjoyed working in the adoption agency after her studies. They have had many conversations and training sessions with her in recent months and there was a nice click between them.

"Good morning guys," she greets Yoongi and Jimin. "How are you doing, are you ready?" she says laughing and they look at her expectantly. "I have very great news for you. We have a match, everything seems to match what you would like, only"..... and she looks at Yoongi and Jimin for a moment..... there is one thing that doesn't match, but I would like to show you that . Come along," she says and Yoongi and Jimin follow her.

They enter a department with bedrooms and a large playroom, where several children play with each other and someone from the guidance staff. They walk further and enter a room with very small beds. Jimin takes Yoongi's hand and looks at him nervously. Yoongi squeezes his hand to reassure him.

They walk to a bed by the window and see a pink and a blue hat sticking out just above the blanket. "Look," Claire whispers softly. These two are brother and sister and are just a week old. The mother died during childbirth due to health conditions and the father and his family relinquished them and gave them up for adoption," she says softly. "We immediately thought of you. We think they have come to the right place with you and will get all the love they need," Claire says and observes how Yoongi and Jimin react

Jimin has tears running down his cheeks. He feels all kinds of things, sadness for the children that they no longer have parents, joy because he and Yoongi can take care of them and give them all their love. He turns to Yoongi, who also has tears in his eyes. He puts his arms around Yoongi's neck and gives him a hug and they stand like that for a while to process everything they just heard.

Finally they turn to Claire. "I think I speak for both of us when I say that we are very happy with this match and that we want to take care of these two with all the love in the world," says Jimin as he wipes his tears and looks beamingly at his new son and daughter. He feels Yoongi put an arm around him. "Yes, that's right," says Yoongi, "and I think there is a very sweet, caring big sister waiting for them at home to teach them both everything," he says proudly.

Claire walks up to them and gives them both a warm hug and congratulates them both on their son and daughter. After one last look at the twins, they walk back to the room together and fill out all the forms. She also immediately explains what happens next and with that information they walk out of the adoption agency and get into their car. There they look at each other and lean in to hug each other. Just in their own world, thinking about their new family.

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