Chapter 26

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It's May and Namjoon and Yoongi are getting ready to leave for New York. In a few days it will be Jiyoon's second birthday. They already had to miss the first one and they don't want to do that again. They bring an extra bag with presents from Jimin's parents and Taehyung. Yoongi's parents also gave Yoongi a small gift for Jiyoon.

In New York they are met by Jin and Jimin. They fall into their boyfriend's arms, happy to see each other again. They first drive past Jimin's apartment to drop off Yoongi's things and presents and then they drive on to Jin's restaurant where they all have something to eat and catch up.

Jin takes them upstairs to show what has already been renovated in the apartment above the restaurant. The apartment has been completely demolished, the inside is now being rebuilt, only in a completely different layout than it was. There is still a lot to be done, but until then, Jin is still staying with Jimin, who is very happy with that.

Jin goes to say goodbye to the cook and the other staff and then goes to Jimin's apartment with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin. Jiyoon is with her grandparents and won't be home until the next day.

They plop down on the couch while Jimin grabs everyone something to drink and snack on.

"How are you guys doing," Jin asks. "Worked hard for your exams?" Namjoon nods, "yes we have been working hard. We spent a lot of time together helping each other. But we also had to write a lot of lyrics for BigHit. There are many new groups coming up and I'm afraid we'll have to disappoint you before the summer break," says Namjoon, looking nervously at Jin and Jimin.

Jimin looks at Yoongi sadly, he has been waiting for so long and now he has to wait even longer, while Yoongi had promised that he would come after his exams and stay all summer. Yoongi looks at him. "Sorry love, we only heard this a few weeks ago, I would have liked to see it differently," he says softly. "I'm happy that I can be here now and tomorrow I can hold Jiji in my arms again and I hope we will have beautiful days together," Yoongi says as he takes Jimin's hand and gives it a kiss. "I hope you can wait for me a little longer," he asks hopefully.

Jimin sighs and looks around the room. "I know you can't do anything about it either, but it's just disappointing. I had hoped that we were done with the countdown, but now it will take even longer," he says. He releases his hand from Yoongi's, gets up and walks to his bedroom. Yoongi hangs his head, this isn't what he expected as a response, but he gets it.

"Cheer up Yoongi," Jin says. "He is just sad now, he was so looking forward to you being here all summer. Go to him, we'll clean up the mess here. Sleep well"

"Thanks guys," Yoongi says, "sleep well for later." And he follows Jimin to his bedroom. He walks in and sees Jimin lying on his bed with his back to him and hears him sniffling softly. He lies down behind him and wraps his arms around him. "Sorry love if I disappointed you, but I can't make it any better than it is. For me it's just as much of a disappointment, I would have loved to be with you this summer too," Yoongi says while kissing the back of Jimin's neck.

Jimin turns and looks at Yoongi with his teary eyes. "But I miss you so much and I had hoped that we could finally stay together without having to travel back and forth," Jimin says, sniffling.

"But I miss you guys too," Yoongi says. "Should I book a ticket for you and Jiji so that you can stay with me in the summer," Yoongi asks. "I may have to work a lot, but then you could also visit your parents and I'm sure my parents would also like to meet you and Jiji.

Jimin beams at him. "That's a very good idea, I would really like that," he says happily. "But I have to check with Jin to see if he can spare me in the restaurant."

"Maybe Taehuyng can help him in your place, after all he is coming to Jungkook this summer."

"Ah, that's a very good idea too," says Jimin, "we'll discuss it with Jin tomorrow."

"Sorry for reacting like that honey," Jimin says as he ruffles Yoongi's hair. "It's okay babe, I probably would have reacted the same way." Yoongi leans forward and gives Jimin a loving kiss. Jimin kisses back and soon things get overheated.

The next day, Jimin is in the kitchen with Jin, making Jiyoon's cake. "Jin hyung, I was talking to Yoongi yesterday about the summer break. He doesn't have the opportunity to come here, but might it be possible for me to go to Seoul?" Jimin asks. "We had even thought that Taehuyng, who will come here in the summer, might be able to take over my working hours, where necessary."

"Oh Jimin, I actually think that's a really good idea. It's about time you visit your parents in Seoul and Jiyoon is a bit older now and then you can show her where you used to live," Jin says enthusiastically. "And as for your working hours, it's summer break, it probably won't be that busy, so that will be fine." Jimin happily gives Jin a hug.

A few days later it is Jiyoon's second birthday. Jimin is busy decorating the room and Jin is setting up the cake. Namjoon is doing the shopping and Yoongi is bathing his Jiji. Then they choose the most beautiful dress for her together. After neatly making two ponytails in her hair, he swings her through the air, causing her to squeal with joy. Jimin, who had come towards the sound, watches it from a distance, smiling.

The bell rings and Jiyoon quickly walks to the front door. Grandpa and grandma greet her while singing and behind them come Jungkook, Hobi and Lauren. A little later Namjoon also comes in with the groceries and the party can begin.

Everyone sings "happy birthday" loudly to her and then she can blow out the candles on the cake. And then it's presents time and there are a lot of them. She is happy with all the presents she has received from everyone and she is not heard from all afternoon.

The others all sit in the living room and have a nice chat. "Hey Hobi, have you found a suitable dance space yet?" Yoongi asks. "Not quite yet, we are working on a building, but a lot still needs to be done, so we are currently still discussing the price. But we will probably figure it out," he says.

"And do you already know what you want to offer for dance lessons?" Jimin asks with interest. Hobi looks at Jimin and says "we have already thought about it a bit and have also visited some dance schools to see what kind of dance lessons are offered. In any case, we want to take dance lessons with children, because it is good for them to be in motion, but also to teach them something about dance and music. And I would also like to do something with teenagers in the field of hip hop. I notice that there are many musical young people here who have a lot of talent, but who do little with it. Maybe we can participate in competitions or organize some competitions ourselves. Enough to think about," Hobi concludes.

"Really super cool," Jimin says, smiling. He is proud of his friends and who knows when he finishes school, what lies ahead for him.

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