Chapter 16

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Jimin grabs a towel and starts to dry his hair. He just took a nice bath and got dressed again. The past month has been great. It was so nice to be able to do everything here in New York with his friends. A lot of sightseeing in the city, but also having a picnic with Jiyoon in the nearby park.

Jimin and Yoongi's friendship has been renewed and it's nice to see that Yoongi is getting along really well with Jiyoon, just like he's her second father. As soon as she sees Yoongi, a big smile appears on her face and she holds her hands out for him to pick her up.

Jimin, still rubbing his hair dry, walks to the living room, where he left Yoongi and Jiyoon. As soon as he arrives at the bank, he stops abruptly and a smile appears on his face.

In front of him on the couch, Yoongi lies with his eyes closed, Jimin suspects he is sleeping, and Jiyoon is also sleeping soundly on his chest. He grabs his phone and quickly takes a picture of the endearing image before grabbing a blanket and placing it over Yoongi and Jiyoon. He then walks past them to the balcony, so he doesn't notice Yoongi's smile.

Yoongi heard everything, but pretends to be asleep. He loves to cuddle with Jiyoon and he is happy that Jiyoon has accepted him and enjoys being with him. He often laughs when Jiyoon chooses him over Jimin. Jimin is often upset that she does not choose her own father, but when you look into Jimin's eyes, you see the love for his daughter.

And Yoongi gets it, she's so sweet and cheerful. You can fall in love with that alone. Secretly, Yoongi is also in love with Jiyoon, but of course he doesn't tell that. That's not cool. But every day he has to see Jiyoon so he can get through the day.

Yoongi is happy that things are good again between him and Jimin. He had really missed Jimin and when Jin suggested he come with them to New York, he had initially refused. He was still disappointed in Jimin. But Jin indicated that at some point someone had to take the first step and that this would be a little more difficult for Jimin, with Jiyoon just born. So he agreed and the fact that the three of them would rent an apartment made the step a little easier.

Jin and Namjoon have now returned home. They also wanted to visit family during the holidays. But to everyone's surprise, Yoongi had announced that he wanted to stay for another month. He wanted to know what his feelings were like when he was alone with Jimin and not with Jin and Namjoon always there, even though it was very nice together.

Jiyoon shifts on his chest and Yoongi opens his eyes and meets Jiyoon's eyes. "Hi Jiji, are you awake?" Yoongi asks in a soft voice and Jiyoon laughs and makes soft sounds. "Are you hungry, let's go find appa and see if he has a nice bottle for you." Yoongi picks up Jiyoon and walks to the balcony, where Jimin is enjoying the sun. When he sees Yoongi and Jiyoon, his eyes light up. "So, you're finally awake," he says, laughing.

"Did you hear that Jiji, your appa acts like we've been sleeping all afternoon," Yoongi says indignantly and Jiyoon lets out some more cries. "Yes, indeed, tell your appa that that is not true at all," Yoongi grumbles while he gently kisses Jiyoon on her head. Jimin watches the scene and feels his heart overflowing with love.

"Hmm, you have nice talk," Jimin says, laughing as he stands up. "Shall I just prepare a bottle for you Jiyoon?" he asks while he gives little kisses to her face. Jiyoon bursts out laughing and Yoongi can't help but look tenderly at father and daughter.

Jimin walks to the kitchen and Yoongi sits in the shade with Jiyoon. When Jimin returns, he takes the bottle and hands Yoongi the bottle. "Do you want to do anything today?" Jimin asks.

"Yes, actually, but we don't have to leave for that," says Yoongi. Jimin looks at him doubtfully. "What do you mean?" he asks.

"We'll have visitors later," Yoongi says. "Visitors?" Jimin asks, "who should come then?" he wonders.

"Just wait, you'll know in an hour," Yoongi says teasingly and Jimin sticks out his tongue.

After a while, Jiyoon finishes her bottle and burps Yoongi on his shoulder. "Let me put her in her bed, so in the meantime you can clean up the mess a bit for your vague visitors," Jimin says cheekily.

Yoongi nods and hands Jiyoon to Jimin. He changes her diaper and puts her in her crib, singing her a little lullaby. Soon she is in dreamland. In the meantime, Yoongi cleans up some mess and washes Jiyoon's bottle.

The bell rings and Yoongi walks to the front door. Before he opens the door, he takes a deep breath. It could be a tough afternoon for Jimin, but also for him. Their new friendship will immediately be put to the test, he fears.

He opens the door and is immediately hugged by Taehuyng and Jungkook. "Hyung, we're happy to see you again. Why didn't you tell us that you went with Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung. We were worried about where you were, but we're glad to see you again. What a beautiful apartment you have rented," Taehuyng exclaims enthusiastically. And before Yoongi can say anything, Jimin walks into the room. "Yoongi, who's at the door?" Jimin asks curiously and suddenly he stands still "what the fuck", he mumbles. "Taehuyng and Jungkook?"

"Jimin," Taehuyng says and turns angrily to Yoongi. "Would you mind telling me what this is hyung," he asks. Yoongi quickly closes the door and looks at Jungkook. He nods almost invisibly to let Yoongi know he's behind him. Yoongi turns to Jimin and Taehuyng.

"I received a message from Jungkook at the beginning of the week, saying that he had been accepted at the same university as you Jimin and that they were coming to New York. Since you still haven't had any contact with each other since Jimin left, we thought it would be a good idea to bring you back together and let you talk to each other. From now on, Jungkook will also live in New York and I think you will see each other more often. Then it will be a nice thought for me and Taehuyng, when we are back in Seoul, that the arguments will be over.

Both boys look at Yoongi and Jungkook in surprise. "You and my Kookie arranged this behind my back, the last words have not been spoken yet," Taehuyng says angrily to Jungkook, who looks at him with amusement. Now he's acting very tough, but when we're alone, it won't be too bad with that toughness, Jungkook thinks.

"Taehyung," Jimin says softly. "Shall we go to the balcony together?"

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