Chapter 2 - Reunion

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Narrator POV

Being the only woman on the crew could get lonely, especially since her shipmates saw her as one of their own. She didn't mind, but sometimes she missed being appreciated as a woman and not just needed for her feminine attributes. Although Kid teased her and it made her feel flattered, they had known each other for so long that this feeling quickly faded.

And because she lived with men for so long, whenever they went to land, she awakened her feminine side. She managed to avoid the confusion by having a little rest and some entertainment, until she returned to the ship and came face to face with her companions waiting for her to be treated and tormenting her to know what her night had been like.

She looked at herself in the mirror, but was still not satisfied with the final look. She was wearing a leather skirt, a white shirt open to the cleavage and wore a garther to define her curves. But in the end, she decided to change the top for a tight black top with straps around her neck. She left her hair open and did simple makeup, putting on dark red lipstick to create an image of power. She puts on some knee-high heel boots and puts on the belt to hold her whip and a small pouch for her knives. 

Once ready, she leaves the room and goes to the kitchen where her companions were. As soon as she enters there is silence, all eyes fall on her.

Killer whistles - it seems the captain knows how to bring out that tiger side of you.

-Shut up! Do you want to be sent out through the window?! - Kid gets angry with the comment and the veins in his arms swell, ready to throw a punch.

-Calm down guys, as much as I appreciate the welcome, we know that no one is capable of putting up with me. - She smiles and lets out a mischievous smile. 

She goes to Kid, taking the glass from his hand and drinking it all at once.


She was powerful, but above all desirable, which made my member tremble with excitement. Fortunately, she never noticed the reaction she had in me, but lately her harshness has put me to the test to show her how much desire she provokes in me.

-Tigress, save that fire to provoke and carry out one of the biggest robberies so far and not to insult us with your eyes. - I grab her by the waist to bring her closer to me, while with the other hand I take off her cup and let it fall to the floor. 

The noise startles her, making her come closer to me, so close that her breasts are pressed against my chest. Involuntarily my body reacts to her soft skin and curves. In seconds I receive a slap from her and her brown eyes become velvety with anger.

-Fuck... Eutass, stop scaring and provoking me. - She pushes herself up, placing her hands on my chest and heads towards the door. 

- I have business to take care of first, I'll meet you at the bar. Until then, try not to get into too much trouble. 

-Behave! - says Kiler, smiling beneath his mask.

His words make him break out of his trance, I grab his t-shirt and lean him against the wall. 

- She prepared all of herself and still tells us to wait when she is the essential part of the plan? Explain now!

I couldn't believe those words, what made me even angrier was that the rest of the gang knew.

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