Chapter 16 - Captain

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Eris POV

The last few weeks have been incredible, is this what people call happiness?I was committed to Kid, and we fit together in a questionable way, but we're making it work. Despite having some immature attitudes and being quite reactive, he understands me carnally like no one else. He captivates me and gives me space even though I always feel like he's close by. We have our personalities and explosive moments, many tantrums have started and ended quickly. But in this crew, I can't say that anyone is truly sane, but that's what created our name. I feel at home.

I find myself with a smile that I quickly hide before anyone sees me.

-Where were you Eriss? - Killer asks as he enters the kitchen.

-What do you mean? Preparing dinner, since I couldn't find you anywhere.

-I was with Kid, Heat, and Wire. Since you've been keeping watch the last few nights, I thought you were sleeping.

I started stirring the sauce faster and wishing that my suspicions weren't true.

-Oh yes! I fell asleep and forgot. And how it was?

-Eriss, can you stir a little slower? You're starting to spill everywhere! - I step aside and let him take my place.

I go to the cupboard grab a bottle of sake and drink directly from it.

-Don't you think it's too early?

-It's never too early when the winds are brewing in a storm.

-Once again making no sense, I think you need to rest a little more. The plan to defeat Kaido will begin and we have to be on our feet. Can you pass me those vegetables?

-That son of a bitch! - I pass him the vegetables, push them more, and leave the kitchen dangerously quickly.

-Oh no, it'll be up to me - I can still hear Killer and that just confirmed what I already knew.

I feel Kid in the office, and without measuring my strength I open the door that hits the wall, increasing the hole that was already forming, maybe that was a bad habit.

-Since when have I been excluded from strategy meetings?

-Eriss, what...? - he almost fell out of his chair with the noise.

-Eriss, nothing! What the fuck Eutass! Why didn't you call me? In fact, no, why didn't you tell me?

-Because I don't want you to worry. It's still just an initial plan. You've been up all night, I thought it was better to let you rest. - he gets up and comes towards me.

-Don't pull the puppy eyes, you idiot! - he tries to stroke my face, but I hit his hand - I know you didn't say anything to me because I'm sure it's a shitty plan and I would oppose it and you don't want to deal with it. Well, now you're dealing with much worse!

I turned to leave, and I was filled with anger, I was sure it was something suicidal like last time and it was going to happen to me, how irresponsible. But I can't move, Kid was using his powers on me. Why do I continue to use so much metal in my outfits, he will always use that against me.

-Let me go, we already talked about this.

He approaches me and makes me look at him, which only lasts a few seconds before he looks away, making me groan.

Lust in the eyes, lashes in the heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें