Chapter 21 - The Devil Fruit

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When we are finally sailing and I make sure that we are no longer in danger of being attacked, I go to Eriss who was in the ward with Heat.

-Fuck Heat, did you really have to heat the metal? – She shouts at him, but even in the face of pain she did not lose her composure.

-We don't know if he had any other tricks up his sleeve, it's best to play it safe.

-Get this shit off me once and for all!

-Are you crazy? You're going to drain yourself of blood – I intervened in that scene, where it didn't even seem like they were taking the injuries seriously, as they were just arguing.

-SHUT UP! – they both shout at me

Without warning, Heat takes the piece of metal from her, which makes her scream and I'm sure te echo goes throughout the entire ship. But soon she takes some gauze and starts applying pressure while Heat prepares whatever she needs. The coordination between these two in the face of insults was impressive, and he couldn't be even more proud of Eriss and how well she played her role.

-Since you're here, make yourself useful Kid. Hand me that bottle with the blue color.

-What is this?

-Anti-coagulant. It's enough that this idiot heated the metal, I don't want to be burned with something and this is the best thing to stop the bleeding.

She drinks it, changes the gauze to new ones, asks Heat to put what she needs next to him and then dismisses him.

-If you need me, just shout, I won't go far.

-Yes, thank you, but once it stabilizes, just sew it, nothing you haven't already done.

Heat leaves, and I sit next to Eriss watching her.

-Don't give me that look, I'm fine, really. And don't even think about saying what you're thinking Eutass! In the end, I won, proving my point that I was capable of dealing with a navy captain.

-As captain I never doubted and expected nothing less from you. As a boyfriend, I'm just worried, you lost a lot of blood. – She smiles, but soon disappears in the face of pain.

-If you think I'm in a bad state, you should have seen how I left him – she lets out her macabre face and the presence she emanated becomes macabre.

I hold her face and put a strand behind her ear and give her a kiss filled with emotion from the adrenaline that was still running through our bodies. His tongue asks for access, and that kiss evolves into a session of letting the accumulated energy out while our bodies were pulling against each other.

-Give me a few hours and I'll wait for that fuck you promised me. – she says between kisses.

I give her a final kiss – it's better to let some time pass for you to rest and recover. I have to go check on the rest of the crew.

Eriss POV

Between my body calming down, tiredness taking over and being able to bear the pain to take care of myself, I was left without any mental energy to think about anything. I just wanted to go to the bedroom and feel the comfort of a hot shower and clothes that weren't covered in blood. At some cost, I get up and start to go to prepare a bath. On the way I could hear celebrations, without a doubt that everyone was already starting well ahead of time. I want to join them, but first I need to feel like a person again.

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