Chapter 31 - Torture

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My head feels heavy, as if I've had too much to drink. What's not possible, I was waiting for Hop. I open my eyes and move my body to wake up, but I am tied to ropes that limit my movements. My fight and survival instinct awakens and I fight against the ropes but my body is still heavy and I am trapped with my hands clasped above my head and my feet in several knots.

-Eriss! You're finally awake! - Hop shouts at me from the other side of the cell.

Her voice pulls me into reality, we were in a cell that looked like a torture room.

-Are you ok? Did someone did something to you?

-I don't know what happened. One moment I was getting a card reading and I felt like I was falling asleep and then I woke up here. I haven't seen anyone yet.

-Shit, I shouldn't had let you come back. I had a bad feeling.

-I'm sorry, it's all my fault - she starts crying, I try to get closer to her but it's impossible with the shortest length of rope I had.

-Hop, don't cry, it's okay. We will get out of this situation without any problems, besides they will notice that we're taking too long and come looking for us. - I feel footsteps approaching - Just trust me and do what I tell you from now on.

-What did you think of the beauty sleep? Not that that will help, your styles are so out of fashion. - says a teenager, with blond hair and a white baseball cap with horns coming out of his head, a long-sleeved shirt with a giraffe design, blue shorts and red stiletto heels.

-As if a child knew! Didn't your parents teach you how to combine colors? - he opens the door and comes towards me and kicks me in the ribs.

I run out of air and start coughing trying to breathe again, I wasn't expecting it to be so strong.

-We have one here with a sharp tongue. Since that's the case, let's start with your friend. You women are so easy to fool.

He goes over to her and starts touching her legs and Hop starts crying more intensely.

-Get away from her! I don't know what you want with us, but leave her out of this.

-What do I want from you? Nothing special, just having a little fun before handing you over to the master and deciding what to do with two women who could make good slaves or subordinates.

I tried to free myself from the ropes, I felt my wrists starting to hurt but little by little the rope was giving way. He continues to touch her exposed parts, until he rips her t-shirt and kicks her, making her scream.

-STOP! Leave her alone you son of a bitch! You spoiled child with no manners!

He looks at me, and in the dim light, his eyes turn red like fighting fish. I have to calm down, but at least I had gotten his attention and left Hop alone. It's obvious he's a pirate, like us, and he mentioned subordinates. I don't think he's from a weak group, quite the opposite, I have to act carefully.

-Terrible style and selfish. You want all the fun to yourself, so that's what you'll get... - he looks at me from top to bottom and that's when his teeth become sharp and he bites my left arm causing a wound that immediately starts to bleed .

I bite my lip to keep from screaming with the pain, now that I had his attention, I couldn't let him turn to Hop.

-Who are you? Do you want a reward for us? - says Hop and I send her an angry look, she was supposed to keep quiet and let me take over the situation.

Lust in the eyes, lashes in the heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora