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전부 계절이 품은 이야기

"Hi, Mom!" Yejin said, sitting in the sand with Sunghoon.

Sunghoon smiled. "Hi, stepmom!" Sunghoon said, making Yejin smile.

"Sunghoon and I had our first 'I love yous' last week, and I've been so happy, Mom," Yejin smiled.

"I fell even more in love with your daughter. Thank you for trusting me, Mrs. Im. I love her so much," he said, playing with the sand.

Yejin nodded. "Thank you for sending him my way. He's the best, and I want to spend a lifetime with him," Yejin said as Sunghoon looked at her.

"We're going to spend a lifetime together, babe," he said to her, making her smile.

"Are you going to propose to me?" she questioned.

He laughed. "Obviously! Not now—wait, is it possible to get married while in college?" he questioned.

"Yeah," she answered.

"Okay, be ready at any time. I'm going to wife you up!" he said, making her laugh hard and shake her head.

"You're silly, Hoon," she said, leaning her head on his shoulder.


Ningning 😬

You forgot some clothes over here
When you were moving they were in the wash

I'll get them this afternoon

Get them now lmao
I'm tired of seeing them
They look like rags
I'll fucking throw them away

I'm abt to come over there rn
don't throw my clothes away
that's a bitch move

Yejin sighed before backing her car up to drive to her old dorm.

She knocked on the door. "It's Yejin!" she said.

Ningning opened the door, smiling. "I missed you!" Ningning said, hugging her and making Yejin back up.

"What's going on?" Yejin said, pulling out of her grip and going into the dorm.

She sighed, looking around. "Where are my clothes even at?" Yejin questioned.

"In the washing room," Ningning smiled.

Yejin looked at her. "You have someone in there, don't you? I'm not fucking slow," she scoffed.

"Mmh, you're right. I had guests over! Come out, girls!" she grinned before calling their names.

Yujin, Gauel, Minjeong, and... Chaehyun???

"Hi, Yejin!" Chaehyun grinned.

"Hey, Chaehyun. I didn't know you were friends with Ningning," Yejin said, feeling awkward.

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