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"Sunghoon is with his friends today. I haven't been home; it feels like years," she spoke while drawing in the sand.

She sighed. "Can I come join you? I want to leave. I know it's a selfish idea, and everyone will grieve, but what about me? I don't like going through this pain, Mom. You're not here to help me, and Sunghoon is trying his best, but I can't handle it, not anymore," she cried.

"Maybe I'm just talking out of my mind right now," she laughed. "I'm just being dramatic, right? I've never thought I could get more depressed than this," she spoke, looking at the sea.

She stayed at the shore for a few minutes before getting up and walking to her car.


Yejin sat at a restaurant table by herself, ready to order her lunch.

She looked at the bracelet on her hand that her boyfriend had made before smiling. She turned her phone on, displaying a picture of Sunghoon kissing her cheek, and unlocked it to call him.

She put the phone to her ear as he answered immediately. "Hey, Yejin," he spoke.

She smiled. "Hi, Hoonie. I miss you," she sighed, leaning on the table.

He laughed. "I miss you too. I just stepped into the bathroom because we're out watching a movie," he spoke as she hummed.

"You guys said you were going to watch the new Bob Marley movie, right?" she questioned.

"Yeah, it's good so far," he responded. "What are you doing, beautiful? Are you hanging out with anyone today?" he questioned, smiling at the thought of her.

"I'm hanging out by myself. I'm at a restaurant ordering lunch right now. Before that, though, I went to the beach to talk to my mom," she spoke as he hummed.

"That's good!" he exclaimed.

She nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "Well, get back to the movie and have fun. I love you so much," she spoke.

"I love you too, pretty. I'll see you tomorrow," he spoke before she hung up.

She smiled before looking around to see a family, two identical twin little girls bunched up next to their mother, and their dad sat on the opposite side of them.

Yejin looked at the family talking and laughing before turning back around, feeling sad.

That was once Yejin and her family.


"You haven't been home in two weeks. I felt scared that Sunghoon took my little girl away forever," Yejin's dad spoke, making her laugh as she took her shoes off at the door.

"I've been busy, but we have a week break, so I'll be here instead of at my dorm," she smiled at her dad.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Yeojin questioned, sitting on the couch next to their dad.

Yejin sighed, "He's with his boys today," she spoke before sitting on the couch next to her sister.

Their dad hummed, "Are you hungry? You look a lot smaller than you were, and that's almost impossible," her dad spoke with concern.

"I ate after I talked to mom," she spoke as they hummed.

Yeojin laid her head on her dad's shoulder, "It's been a while since we had family time," Yeojin spoke.

Their dad nodded, "It's been a long time. I miss hanging out with my little girls. You guys are growing up too fast," he spoke, making Yeojin and Yejin pout.

"I'm sorry, Dad. You must feel lonely," Yejin apologized.

"I do. I have to accept that you guys are adults, and after college, you'll leave me, which is in two years. I just wish we could go back in time when you guys were crawling around and your mom was here," he spoke quietly but still loud enough for them to hear.

Yejin had been crying so much today, and she still had more tears. "Awe, Dad," Yejin cried, hugging him as Yeojin also cried while hugging him.

"You've been the best in raising us up. Even if we move away, we'll come back every week to check on you, and one day we'll even gift you with grandkids," Yeojin cried and giggled on the last part.

Their dad smiled while hugging them. "You guys are truly a blessing to me and your mom. I remember the doctor saying she couldn't get pregnant, but three years later, she got pregnant with not one, but both of you guys!" he laughed. "Two beautiful girls, 2002, November 11th. What a memorable day," he grinned.

"You're such an amazing dad," Yejin spoke as Yeojin cried more than Yejin while hugging him.


"Yeah, I thought about that," Yejin spoke as she and Yeojin laid on her bed together.

"That's good. Anyways, have you and Sunghoon been good? Right?" Yeojin questioned.

"We've been so perfect," Yejin grinned.

Yeojin laughed, "Mhm, and just think about it. Some time ago, you said you wouldn't even give him a chance. Now look at you, all tangled in love with him," she laughed as Yejin rolled her eyes.

"Well, he's changed from what he was known as. Fuck boy Sunghoon has grown into a lover boy," Yejin said as Yeojin hummed.

"How cute, Romeo and Juliet, but no deaths please," Yeojin joked, and they both laughed out loud.

Yejin shook her head while laughing, "Oh, oh, look at these," Yejin sat up, showing Yeojin the bracelet he made for her and the couple's necklace and ring he bought.

Yeojin gasped, "Augh, this is the cutest ever! I saw it on Instagram, but not in person 'cause missy hasn't been home in two weeks," Yeojin said, side-eyeing her on the last part.

"My bad, I've been enjoying my time with my boyfriend," Yejin rolled her eyes.

"Well, your boyfriend can come over here then, like Sungchan does," Yeojin pouted.

Yejin nodded slowly, "Well, I'll take notes then," she replied.

"Sleepover or???" Sungchan said, coming into the room as soon as she mentioned him.

Yeojin jumped up from the bed and kissed him on his cheek, "I missed you!" she smiled at him.

Yejin sighed before sitting up, "I'm going to take a shower," she said before walking out of Yeojin's room.

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