Chapter 4: Pt. 2

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"He's the enemy," January Bayor said, snatching the photo from Ananya's thin hands. "This man is the Lord Alpha Oscar Yuen, the leader of the Yuen Wolf Pack. His group is the second strongest group in North America, but they might as well be the strongest. He's related to the Alpha King."

"Oh, so he's a werewolf." Ananya nodded. "Why does that make him the enemy, though? Has he done something against us?"

January Bayor's eyes flashed. "They're all the enemy, regardless of whether they've done something directly or not," she said. "Our rivalry with the wolves goes back to the Puritan days when wolves would disguise themselves as humans and lead our innocent girls into the forests to poison their minds and souls. They caused the Salem Witch Trials, you know."

"Huh, I thought that was for witches..." Ananya idly mused. "So, this man...Oscar Yuen...he's just their leader?"

"He's a dangerous man, Kaushikh," January Bayor warned. "He's a ruthless killer and the son of Banastre Yuen, a prolific murderer from ten years ago. I think you were still in middle school, so I don't think you know much about him."

"Not really," Ananya admitted. "So, Oscar is his son?"

"Stepson, but yes, Oscar grew up under his wing." January Bayor's eyes narrowed. "He's a dangerous, cruel man, Ananya. He can kill you with one swipe of his vicious claws and wouldn't even think twice about it. You must stay away from him and his kind at all costs."

"So...he didn't do anything, but his stepdad did?"

"According to our files on him, yes," January Bayor said. "As far as I'm aware, Yuen has created a temporary alliance with Mayor Dafowick. He provides 'protection' to our city and the bordering cities. In return, we ban hunting wolves." She rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I think it's all a hoax. That Alpha has something under his sleeve. He wants us gone to expand his territory, I know it."

"How? Has he killed any humans?"

"Well, no."

"Has he overtly threatened us? Has he ever gone back on his word?" Ananya's questions kept falling out of her lips. "Officer Bayor, while it's true that we're warned to stay away from these wolves, is it really necessary to antagonize them? I mean, surely we hold part of the blame for hunting them?"

"Are you defending our enemy, recruit?!" January Bayor snarled. "Yuen and his wolves - all the werewolves in existence - are our enemies. They will kill us without a second thought while pretending to be our allies." She slammed her hands on the table, her lips straining. "Kaushikh, you have to listen to everything that I'm saying. I would never intentionally put your life in danger. You cannot trust these wolves."

"Oh," Ananya said nothing and nodded obediently. "Why are you telling me all of this, then? I'm not involved with werewolves in any way." Neither were my least, I don't think so. She suppressed a shiver.

January Bayor sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose again. "There's been an...incident," she said. "Mayor Dafowick will explain this to you-!"

"Mayor Dafowick?!" Ananya's eyes brightened. "I'm going to see the Mayor?!"

"Yes..." January Bayor let out an amused scoff. "You will later today. See, this incident happened at Yuen's pack. He claims to have been out when it occurred, but I have a suspicion that he planted this little trap." Her words melted with venom, all of it directed to the aforementioned Alpha. "Humans were involved, so unfortunately, we're going to have to work with those primal brutes."

"Okay." Ananya smiled but was a bit confused. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear and took the photograph again. "So, how does this include me?"

January Bayor sucked in a deep breath. "Well...Willis let something slip to the Yuen guy about our lack of detectives. He...he said that you were available."

"Me?!" Ananya dropped the photo. "But...I'm not a detective. I'm still a recruit."

"I know." January Bayor nodded. "You still have a lot to learn."

"I don't think I can do this!" Ananya said. "I'm not prepared. I still need to revise the last chapter and go over to the lab..."

"I know," January Bayor said again. "Plus - and I mean no offense to you - you're..." she hesitated, but Ananya knew what she was trying to say when she saw January Bayor's eyes fasten on the curvature of her spine and the slight tremor of her legs. Those eyes brought uncomfortable memories resurfacing in Ananya's mind.

A detective? Are you crazy? No, I forbid it!

Ananya, you're not thinking straight. How can you be a detective?

You can't even protect yourself. There's no way you can protect anyone else.

You're a fragile person. You need protection. You need to be safe.

She won't be able to do it. Keep her at a desk job in the main hall. That'll satisfy her.

Ananya clenched her hands, her fingers curling into tight balls. She felt the length of her nails stab her palms and she turned away from January Bayor's stare. "Officer," she said, her voice soft. "I can't do it, right?"

"Correct," January Bayor said, her face revealing nothing. "You cannot do it."

"Why not?"

"You're a recruit and a disabled member of society. It's suicide."

"And...this Alpha...he requested me despite knowing..."

"From what I understand, yes."

"Oh." Ananya blinked a couple of times, gathering her thoughts. A sense of resolve knotted itself tightly in her head and she straightened herself the best she could, facing January Bayor. She didn't meet the Officer's eyes, but she directed her steely stare toward the glimmering green badge on her chest. "Despite this, however, I still strongly believe that I can do this."

"You believe?"

"...No, I know." Ananya pursed her lips. "I know I am, and I know that I am just a recruit but..." she held her breath to stop her chest from shaking. "I want to do this job. I will do this job."

Ananya couldn't see it, but January Bayor's thin lips twitched. "Is that so? And you won't accept any other answer?"

"With all due respect, no, I will not," Ananya said. "This is my chance to prove myself, not only to you but to everyone in this building, including Mayor Dafowick."

"You believe that you need to prove yourself, Kaushikh?" January Bayor nodded. "Alright then." She took Ananya by the arm. "I see no point in arguing with you if you're set in your ways."

"Really?!" Ananya's expression lit up. "Do you mean it, Officer?!"

January Bayor inclined her head slightly. "Are you questioning my decision?"

"N-No, Officer." Ananya stammered, and once January Bayor's back was turned, she released the breath she had been holding and smiled dreamily. This is it! This is my chance...I can do this. I will prove myself to them. I will become a detective.


Hey guys!

It seems that January Bayor holds some anger toward wolves, but Ananya has an open far. What do you think will happen next? How will the meeting between humans and wolves go? 

Liberation: Oscar's StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant