Chapter 21: Pt. 2

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"I will, I promise." Ananya left with a final, lingering kiss. She brought the duvet up to Oscar's shoulders and waited for a second, watching him bury into his bed. How she wished she could be with him under the fuzzy blankets! When the idea crossed her mind, she felt a blush follow it. She'd never imagined herself thinking so forwardly, but there was a temptation in her body that prevailed over her concerns.

No, Ananya. You have a task to do first, she warned herself. She left the room and closed the door quickly but softly, making sure not to allow for a single creak as the lock snapped into place.

"That took less time than I expected," Cai decided. He raised his arms and groaned when his shoulder popped. "Well, I suppose it's thanks to you, Ananya." He gave her a toothy smile. "You've already got Oscar wrapped around your pinky finger. That's impressive."

"Really?" She laughed. "I don't think so. I just worry about him, and he knows that. I thought he was quite stubborn too. I didn't know how long it would take for him to just sleep."

"The medicine must have helped." Cai shrugged. "Anyway, I should be getting to work. I made a huge mistake by offering to do his paperwork." He made a face, sticking his tongue out. "Crap. Well, whatever. I'll do what I can and whatever I don't do...well, that'll be his problem." He smirked and kissed Samiya's cheek, then bent to kiss her rounded belly. "In a while, love." He nodded to his wife, then winked at Ananya. "Good luck, Luna." He disappeared into the corridor.

Ananya watched him leave. "He's a peculiar one," she mentioned. "But he's sweet. I can see why you liked him, Samiya." She beamed at the flushed doctor.

"Yes, he can be a comic when he wants to be, which is really all the time," she mumbled, fiddling with her hands. "Erm, so, I guess we'll be the ones taking care of the decorations?"

"I guess so." Ananya walked toward her. "I hope we can become good friends! Oscar told me that Lunas and Beta Females are always close to each other. I've always wanted a best friend if you're okay with having a crippled human for one." She gave a self-deprecating laugh.

Samiya's flush deepened. "I would love to be friends with you," she murmured. "And...I don't mind that you're disabled. I find it...fascinating."


"Yes. I'm a doctor, after all." Samiya stepped back and gave Ananya a critical one-over. "I'm guessing scoliosis with muscular dystrophy? I can tell there's atrophy at your heels. Do you by chance have an Achilles heel?"

", you're good." Ananya nodded dumbly. "You got everything right! That's incredible! How did you guess that just from looking at me?"

"I'm a doctor, Luna." Samiya tapped her head with a small, almost unnoticeable smirk. "After years of practice, it's become second nature to me. I have to say, though, for an adult with muscular dystrophy, you really are quite strong."


"Yes. Usually, patients at your age are wheelchair-bound. The fact that you're still able to walk, albeit not for a long time, is impressive! You must work hard." She began walking, and after a pause, Ananya followed her.

"Well, I guess so." She frowned. "I did a lot of extracurricular activities as a child, so I was always kept on my toes...both literally and figuratively."

"Ah, so it is a problem with the Achilles tendon," Samiya hummed. "Well, I'd say those activities helped you a lot. Did you swim?"

"In elementary school."

"That's good. Swimming helps a lot." She turned and blushed. "I know you called yourself a cripple earlier, but you're not one, you know?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Being crippled, as per the dictionary, translates to being unable to function normally. While I can see that there are some issues you have with everyday tasks, you can still function at a semi-normal level." She smiled. "In other words, you're actually very normal."

"Really...?" Ananya didn't know what to say. She blinked a couple of times, her tongue dry. Her lips couldn't move. I'm normal... "So, I'm not fragile?"

"That's subjective, in my opinion. While there are certainly some issues should you be pushed to the ground, you're not fragile, not by any means." She chuckled. "You're stronger than you think, Ananya. You just haven't tapped into your full potential yet."

"Oh..." Ananya grew silent. She studied the ground as they walked through the large mansion serving as Oscar's home. She hardly paid attention to the glamor and luxurious items decorating his home. Her eyes stung, but not with shame, rather, she was confused. She felt her crooked arms hit her hips as she walked. She noticed her foot bent inward again. She saw, while passing a mirror, that her hunch had deepened. How could Samiya say that she was normal?

My fragile, fragile girl. My small flower. Auntie will always be here to keep you safe. Auntie will always be the only person to keep you safe... Ananya heard the delicate words echo in the back of her mind. 

They made it outside, where throes of wolves were scattered over the large fields, rushing through the grass with garlands, toolboxes, and other items. Upon setting foot on the grass, Ananya noticed with a spike in her stomach that all movement stopped. Hundreds of eyes fell on her and Samiya, some hostile, some curious, and others (most, probably) neutral.

"Um...hello!" She put on her brightest smile and waved enthusiastically. "I'm Ananya, an apprentice detective from Bourdier. I'll be helping you set up for the Harvest Moon!"

Silence met her words. 

"Hey now! This here's the Luna," Karsten's authoritative voice broke through the crowd. He strode through the center of the pack in his uniform, nodding at Ananya. "As Alpha Yuen's mate, you will respect her and make sure that no harm comes to her. Is that clear?"

"Yes, General," came a chorus of responses, though none of them were looking at him. More stares became hostile as they fell on Ananya, and whispers circulated through the pack. 

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